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9/11 Chronology Source

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CommentSource footage used to create "9/11 Chronology" (on 20041102.Last.Chance DVD). Simplified the split-screen to being a 2-way, with no timecode overtop, and no pop-up-video information. Probably the most basic way to reduce the footage to and still have some sense of it being recontextualized.

The ideal aspect ratio for watching this footage is 8:3 (4:3 doubled horizontally). 

Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.12.02 09:21
Info Hash5f758675d122b9cac43f6d75af1a93e61704e83b
Node ID804
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces2227
Piece Length2 MiB
Size4.35 GiB