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material included:
1. Eating for Recovery: The Essential Nutrition Plan to Reverse the Physical Damage of Alcoholism - Molly Siple 2008
A ground-breaking and crucial guide to healthy eating after alcoholism--broadening the goals of sobriety to include the repair of physical damage.
Many health concerns are specific to alcoholics. Common side effects of alcohol abuse include poor digestive and liver function; weakened circulatory, immune, and nervous systems; impaired thinking and changes in mood-regulating hormones; and problems with managing blood sugar. While the primary focus of recovering alcoholics is staying sober, they often neglect to improve their diet to recover physically from the damage of excessive alcohol consumption. Registered Dietitian Molly Siple offers an innovative program to help everyone in recovery improve their wellness, detoxify, and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases linked to alcoholism. Eating for Recovery provides guidelines, practical tips, easy-to-follow recipes, and a variety of meal plans, making it the essential resource for those seeking to restore their health and vitality after alcohol abuse.
2. Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction Guide for Managing Drugs and Alcohol - Patt Denning, Jeannie Little 2003
Twelve-step programs that insist on abstinence are beneficial to many--but what about the millions of Americans who try to quit and fail, just want to cut down, or wish to work toward sobriety gradually? This groundbreaking book presents the Harm Reduction approach, a powerful alternative to traditional treatment that helps users set and meet their own goals for gaining control over drinking and drugs. The expert, empathic authors guide readers to figure out which aspects of their own habits may be harmful, what they would like to change, and how to put their intentions into action while also dealing with problems that stand in the way, such as depression, stress, and relationship conflicts. Based on solid science and 40+ years of combined clinical experience, the book is packed with self-discovery tools, fact sheets, and personal accounts. It puts the reader in the driver's seat with a new and empowering roadmap for change.
3. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity - Nicholas CLARK 2001
Anyone who remembers the devastation wrought by Nazi fanaticism can only be astonished and dismayed by this book. Who could have foreseen that half a century after the defeat of the Third Reich the jews would once again be perceived as a demonic power intent on destroying the 'Aryan race', or that Hitler would be imagined as a divine being who is about to return to earth to complete the Holocaust? For the matter, who could have foreseen that the preposterous 'pagan' cult developed by Heinrich Himmler would ever be revived?
4. Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology - Mary Douglas 2003
Natural Symbols is one of the most important works of modern anthropology. First published over thirty years ago, the work presaged many of the most controversial areas of intellectual debate, exploring themes such as the social meaning of natural symbols and the image of the body in society and religious cosmology.
5. Gods of Our Fathers: The Memory of Egypt in Judaism and Christianity (Contributions to the Study of Religion) by Richard A. Gabriel 2001
Gabriel offers a startling new look at Judaism and Christianity by attempting to trace their historical theological roots, not to the revelations of God, but to the common theological ancestor, the religions of ancient Egypt. Using new material only recently made available by archaeology, Gabriel shows how the theological premises of Christianity were in existence three thousand years before Christ and how the heresy of Akhenaten became the source for Moses' Judaism.
6. Naica Crystal Cave (Massive Crystals)
The largest natural crystals on Earth have been discovered in two caves within a silver and zinc mine near Naica, in Chihuahua, Mexico, according to mine officials. Reaching lengths of 50 feet, the clear, faceted crystals are composed of selenite, a crystalline form of the mineral gypsum. Largest Selenite Crystals In The World The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals. Naica is a lead, zinc and silver mine in which large voids have been found, containing crystals of selenite (gypsum) as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long.
7. Issues That Matter Most - First Edition - PLANET -X- by Fire Fly in the Dark (Gord Zaretzki)
This is the first issue of an introductory 3 part series to introduce the monthly online emag
ISSUES THAT MATTER MOST! ISSUE I: Meet PLANET 'X' (NIBURU) What are you drinking? Fluoride, Aspartame and Artificial hormones ISSUE I: Meet PLANET 'X' (NIBURU); ISSUE II: CHEMtrails; ISSUE III: XX-POISON-XX MEET THE PUBLISHER: The views expressed herein are not entirely the views of the publisher (the clues are in the links. The links contain the pieces to the puzzle.)
8. Issues That Matter Most - 3rd Edition - 'Poisons'
This is the 3rd issue of 'Issues' This edition deals with all the poisons that are seeped into us and heaped upon us! I deal with pharmaceuticals, food additives, chemicals in personal care products and other more subtle but equally lethal ways in which the secret governments try to make us sick or even kill us! (as in flouride (or rat poison), herbicides and pesticides) Sound far-fetched??? Well read and see for yourself. Please do additional research to see how extensive the evidence is and 'how far the rabbit hole goes'!
9. ISSUES THAT MATTER MOST - 4th Edition - PLANET X (& 2012) - part 2
This is a continuation of my first issue of 'Issues' entitled 'Meet Planet X'. In this issue I go into further detail and sort out the fact from the fiction. I also go into explanations as to what the year 2012 has in store for us - in a positive way!
10. End the Fed Nationwide Rally - Newsletter
At this very moment the Federal Reserve Bank and its owners are bringing to a conclusion the planned implosion of the financial economy of the United States. They are consolidating assets and control over the nation’s financial infrastructure as they ready the next stage of socialist tyranny. On April 25, 2009, more than ninety-eight years after the meeting at the exclusive resort on Jekyll Island where the international bankers initiated their plans, there will be protests at every Federal Reserve Bank and office in the country in 38 cities. Activists will demand an end to private banker control over the nation’s money supply and the return to a hard, commodity backed monetary system. Visit:
11. DIY Water Filtration, Well Digging, Heating Etc. In The Wake, Tools For Grid Crash
A Collective Manuel-In-Progress For Outliving Civilization. How To Dig Wells, Check Water, Sterilization And Collection. Cooking, Building, Latrines, Disposal, Lighting, Stoves, And Much More.
12. Water Storage Container FAQ
The following Water Storage Container Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is designed to answer basic questions about commonly used containers for storing water, either short- or long-term.
13. Star Light Aerial Space Secrets ( 1941 - 2009 )
Spacecraft and aerial vehicles ( 1941 - 2009 ), color photos and diagrams, other new stealth, immitation starlight craft, refractive glimmer craft, lighter than air craft, dirigible, Special Projects, World War II secrets, UFO, flying saucers, and more.
14. Message of the Stars - Max Heindel (1917)
There is nothing like cooperative conspirators documenting their modus operandi for all to see. They must have been a whole lot smarter in the old days or perhaps they never expected anyone to actually doubt them and with the entire system fixed who would one provide the evidence to?
16. Black Book V
Confucius 551 BC - 479 BC "There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY...finally I began to make out what was written between the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase: EAT PEOPLE" Can I pencil in a date?
17. 1942 New World Order Map Contains No Canada
1942 POST-WAR NEW WORLD MAP by Maurice Gomberg, Transcribed and Annotated by Kathleen Moore on 21 March 2009. I have transcribed the text across the foot of The MAP in ten (10) segments, to make it searchable. I have added citations from textual sources which appear to back up the identity of The Map as a Zionist, Communist one-world-government planning map for demilitarization of the nations, and resource confiscation under the USA as world military police. The Map is entitled "Outline," meaning it is not the final disposition of the world, but a stage on the way. In particular, I have added remarks of Nicholas Sarkozy in September 2007, and of René Lévesque in 1986, showing that both men belonged to the same private club promoting a one-world government in the form of a federation under the UN. In 1980, when René Lévesque attempted to replace the Confederation of Canada (TREASON) with "Sovereignty Association," he was trying to plant the EU system on North American soil, so as to annex Canada to the United States and Mexico to form a North American Union (NAU). The 1942 Map depicts that Union simply as an extremely expanded "United States of America," encompassing everything from Greenland to Central America, including the Provinces and Territories of Canada. The name CANADA is nowhere to be found. "Sovereignty Association" or "North American Union" is the planned destruction, the total elimination of Canada for all time. It is the planned destruction of the world's second largest nation, to merge its territory into one-world communism, and place its huge resources at the disposal of a Communist United Nations fronting for a One-World Government under a North American Police State run by Israel: NORTH AMERICAN SOVIET UNION. Where are the air-raid sirens? Kathleen Moore HABEAS CORPUS CANADA The Official Legal Challenge To North American Union Crazy for Canada: P.S. I highly recommend you read the POST-WAR NEW WORLD ORDER MAP together with THIS excerpt from the U.S. Congressional Record of 1940, also in Scribd: Details on the MAP: 1942 Post-War New World Map "New World Moral Order" Map Author: Maurice Gomberg Completed: October 1941, before Pearl Harbour Copyrighted to Maurice Gomberg Published and deposited with the United States Library of Congress in 1942
18. The Raw Secrets: The Raw Vegan Diet in the Real World - by Frederic Patenaude 2002
The Raw Secrets will help you live sustainably on the raw vegan diet and overcome the problems you may have encountered in doing so. Based on logical principles, this diet still often falls short of expectation. Instead of improvements in their health, many people see deterioration. Others experience less rejuvenation than they anticipated, or find themselves unable to maintain balance in the long-term. This results solely from a lack of understanding of the guiding principles of natural diet, from the widespread misinformation about it, and the gross errors that follow.
The Raw Secrets contains straight talk and rare wisdom from around the world on the most exciting, healthiest diet of all time — now gaining mass attention and acceptance. The 28, succinct chapters give unique insights on many topics affecting contemporary raw-foodists. Each holds dozens of tips to help you eat a pure, simple, nourishing diet.
If you are tired of the same, boring, repetitive information found in nearly every other book on the subject, then you're in for a surprise. If you seek groundbreaking research and a fresh perspective on raw eating, you will find them in The Raw Secrets.
19. Other Losses - by James Bacque 1999
James Bacque deals with a topic most historians (especially Eisenhower apologists like Stephen Ambrose) want to avoid. It is the frightening account of how Allied forces, at the end of World War II, systematically used, abused and starved millions of German POWs in what Gen. George Patton described as "Gestapo tactics." As an historian, Army veteran, and grandson of a German army officer during that war, it's high time this story was told. So much is written about German atrocities during the war (Malmedy, Trois Ponts, etc). But little is discussed about such issues as this (another being "Operation Keelhaul"... forced 'repatriation' of Russians who served in the German Army). Bacque's evidence is convincing, thorough, and hard to avoid. Too bad so-called "historians" like Ambrose can't see this for himself. Must reading for any serious student of World War II history.
20. THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE - By H.P. Blavatsky
THE following pages are derived from "The Book of the Golden Precepts," one of the works put into the hands of mystic students in the East. The knowledge of them is obligatory in that school, the teachings of which are accepted by many Theosophists. Therefore, as I know many of these Precepts by heart, the work of translating has been relatively an easy task for me.
It is well known that, in India, the methods of psychic development differ with the Gurus (teachers or masters), not only because of their belonging to different schools of philosophy, of which there are six, but because every Guru has his own system, which he generally keeps very secret. But beyond the Himalayas the method in the Esoteric Schools does not differ, unless the Guru is simply a Lama, but little more learned than those he teaches.
The work from which I here translate forms part of the same series as that from which the "Stanzas" of the Book of Dzyan were taken, on which the Secret Doctrine is based. Together with the great mystic work called Paramartha, which, the legend of Nagarjuna tells us, was delivered to the great Arhat by the Nagas or "Serpents" (in truth a name given to the ancient Initiates), the "Book of the Golden Precepts" claims the same origin. Yet its maxims and ideas, however noble and original, are often found under different forms in Sanskrit works, such as the Dnyaneshwari, that superb mystic treatise in which Krishna describes to Arjuna in glowing colours the condition of a fully illumined Yogi; and again in certain Upanishads. This is but natural, since most, if not all, of the greatest Arhats, the first followers of Gautama Buddha were Hindus and Aryans, not Mongolians, especially those who emigrated into Tibet. The works left by Aryasanga alone are very numerous.
21. Architecture, Mysticism and Myth - W.R. Lethaby
This delightful book describes the symbolism of real-world architecture, as well as architecture described in fiction, myth and folklore. Lethaby believed that architecture reflected the macrocosm. He speculated that many of the seemingly ornamental details of classical buildings actually represented aspects of the land, the sea and the sky. This is one of those books like the Golden Bough or the White Goddess (albeit shorter and a less challenging read) that will turn you on to the mythopoetic side of reality, no matter whether you agree with its conclusions.
Chapter I. The World Fabric
Chapter II. The Microcosmos
Chapter III. Four Square
Chapter IV. At the Centre of the Earth
Chapter V. The Jewel-Bearing Tree
Chapter VI. The Planetary Spheres
Chapter VII. The Labyrinth
Chapter VIII. The Golden Gate of the Sun
Chapter IX. Pavements Like the Sea
Chapter X. Ceilings Like the Sky
Chapter XI. The Windows of Heaven and Three Hundred and Sixty Days
Chapter XII. The Symbol of Creation
22. Outer Gateways - Kenneth Grant 1995
As Aleister Crowley's last magical student at Netherwood in the 1940's, Kenneth Grant has upheld a proud occult tradition through a lifetime of study practice and writing. This latest book is not only for experienced students of the occult; it is also excellent for those who are new to Grant's work. Here is Grant moving through magic and beyond to a new and controversial view of human evolution and the ultimate goal of Undivided Consciousness. Topics include the primal grimoire the unfamiliar spirit and the fourth power of the sphinx along with aspects of dream control and the wisdom of S'lba.
23. Occult Theocracy - Lady Queensborough
The low-down on the what-not; a quick and concise guide to cults (except the Christian one, of course!). Valuable as a reference.
24. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa Of Occult Philosophy Book I
An influential writing of Western occultism, part 1.
25. Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, And Metal Magic - Scott CunningHam 2002
The Classic Guide to Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic
Practice an ancient magic that is both natural and powerful—the elemental Earth magic of rock, stone, and metal. This comprehensive and clear guidebook by Scott Cunningham has introduced over 200,000 readers to the secrets of over 100 gems and metals.
Learn how to find and cleanse stones and use them in divinations, spells, and tarot readings. Discover how to determine the energies and stories contained within each stone, and the symbolic meanings of a stone's color and shape. Also included in this classic guide are:
• A 16-page full-color insert, new with this edition
• Birthstone and jewelry magic lore
• Tables listing both planetary and elementary rulers of stones, magical intentions, and magical substitutio
26. The Earliest Cosmologies, The Universe as Pictured in Thought by Ancient Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans - William F. Warren (1909)
A typical representation
Inconsistency in interpretation
Lack of thoroughness
Antecedent probabilities
A profession of faith
The declaration of an astronomer
An improved reconstruction of the system
International interest therein
Diagram less inclusive than its title
A double firmament and the reasons therefor
Embarrassing questions
God's will effective below but not above the earth
Seven diagrams representing the Babylonian universe
No two of the seven alike
A new interpretation needed
The twelve conditions to be met
A diagram that satisfies each of the twelve requirements
Origin of this remarkable world-concept
Was the Biblical universe essentially Babylonian?
An argument against the supposition
Considerations favoring the supposition
The Rabbinical world-view
The Koranic
Mohammed's six ascents into the seventh heaven
A pioneer's first representation
A contemporary criticism
Picture embodying some later modifications
Difficulties remain
Traces of agreement with the Babylonian system
Steindorff discovers but fails to correlate the Counter-earth
A claim that the Homeric earth is a sphere
Other parts of his universe more or less Babylonian
Where further evidence may be found
The irremovable "thresholds" above and below the earth
Testimony of Herodotus to Babylonian influence
An ampler present-day claim
The world-concept of the Surya, Siddhaanta
Sevenfold division of the Northern hemisphere
Sevenfold division of the Southern hemisphere
Substantial identity of Indian and Iranian world-concepts
The seven "island continents"
A puzzling passage made plain
Four chief deviations from the parent system
Nine points of agreement with it
Both agreements and deviations should be further investigated
Two pictures of the Buddhistic universe
One with quadrangular Dvipas, the other with circular
More detailed description of this world-view in the Appendix
Two lunar and two solar spheres
Discriminations hitherto neglected
Difficulty of the task
It should nevertheless be undertaken
A long-standing problem in Egyptian cosmology
Its solution
The prehistoric world-concept
Myths as beginnings of a philosophy of nature
Why hard to understand
Their seeming lack of harmony often unreal
Mythical representations of the world's axis
Also of the cosmic water-system
And of inter-mundane highways
The lunar sphere as bridge from underworld to upper
The Zodiac, when invented, and where
The answer to these questions becoming clearer
I. The Mandala Oblation
II. Homer's Abode of the Dead
III. Homer's Abode of the Living
IV. The Gates of Sunrise in the Oldest Mythologies
V. The Homeland of the Gandharvas
VI. The World-Tree of the Teutons
VII. Problems Still Unsolved in Indo-Aryan Cosmology
VIII. Index of Authors
IX. Index of Subjects
27. The Jonah Legend - William Simpson (1899)
A suggestion of interpretation. In Mesopotamia, long before their sojourn in Egypt, the Semites were in contact with the Accadians, and it was only within a few years of the penning of this book that we began to learn through the cuneiform inscriptions the curious results which were produced. It was in this region that the Jonah legend, or at least its basis, originated. The point found in this book is that past commentators on Jonah had been in almost complete ignorance of the people and the ideas out of which the story sprung.
28. Dr.Jensen's Guide to Body Chemistry & Nutrition - Bernard Jensen 2000
Explains the importance of 21 key elements for the human body (from carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen to potassium, magnesium, and copper) and provides information on recommended daily intake. Shows how to include these foods in a daily diet for optimum assimilation.
I see three principal reasons for the widespread but erroneous belief in the
legend of millions of Jews killed by the Germans during World War II: US
and British troops found horrible piles of corpses in the west German camps
they captured in 1945 (e.g. Dachau and Belsen), there are no longer large
communities of Jews in Poland, and historians generally support the legend.
During both world wars Germany was forced to fight typhus, carried by
lice in the constant traffic with the east. That is why all accounts of entry into
the German concentration camps speak of shaving of hair and showering and
other delousing procedures, such as treatment of quarters with the pesticide
Zyklon. That was also the main reason for a high death rate in the camps, and
the crematories that existed in all.
When Germany collapsed in chaos then of course all such defenses ceased,
and typhus and other diseases became rampant in the camps, which quartered
mainly political prisoners, ordinary criminals, homosexuals, conscientious ob-
jectors, and Jews conscripted for labor. Hence the horrible scenes, which
however had nothing to do with “extermination” or any deliberate policy.
Moreover the west German camps involved were not the alleged “extermina-
tion camps”, which were all in Poland (e.g. Auschwitz and Treblinka) and
which were all evacuated or shut down before capture by the Soviets, who
found no such scenes.
The “Final Solution“ spoken of in the German documents was a program
of evacuation, resettlement and deportation of Jews with the ultimate objective
of expulsion from Europe. During the war Jews of various nationalities were
being moved east, as one stage in this Final Solution. The legend claims that
the movements were mainly for extermination purposes.
30. The Bodhidharma Anthology - The Earliest Records of Zen - J.L. Broughton, 1999
In the early part of this century, the discovery of a walled-up cave in northwest China led to the retrieval of a lost early Ch'an (Zen) literature of the T'ang dynasty (618-907). One of the recovered Zen texts was a seven-piece collection, the Bodhidharma Anthology. Of the numerous texts attributed to Bodhidharma, this anthology is the only one generally believed to contain authentic Bodhidharma material.
Jeffrey L. Broughton provides a reliable annotated translation of the Bodhidharma Anthology along with a detailed study of its nature, content, and background. His work is especially important for its rendering of the three Records, which contain some of the earliest Zen dialogues and constitute the real beginnings of Zen literature.
The vivid dialogues and sayings of Master Yuan, a long-forgotten member of the Bodhidharma circle, are the hallmark of the Records. Master Yuan consistently criticizes reliance on the Dharma, on teachers, on meditative practice, and on scripture, all of which lead to self-deception and confusion, he says. According to Master Yuan, if one has spirit and does not seek anything, including the teachings of Buddhism, then one will attain the quietude of liberation. The boldness in Yuan's utterances prefigures much of the full-blown Zen tradition we recognize today.
Broughton utilizes a Tibetan translation of the Bodhidharma Anthology as an informative gloss on the Chinese original. Placing the anthology within the context of the Tun-huang Zen manuscripts as a whole, he proposes a new approach to the study of Zen, one that concentrates on literary history, a genealogy of texts rather than the usual genealogy of masters.
31. Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations - W.J. Colville 1911
Bibles Under Modern Searchlight; Rivers of Life or Faiths of Man in All Lands; Ancient and Modern Ideas of Revelation; Various Spiritual Elements in the Bible and Classic Literature; Creation Legends; Egypt and Its Wonders Literally and Mystically considered; The Philosophy of Ancient Greece; The School of Pythagoras; The Delphic Mysteries; Apollonius of Tyana; Five Varieties of Yoga; Union of Eastern and Western Philosophy; Ezekiel's Wheel-What it Signifies-Astrology in Prophecy; Emanuel Swedenborg and His Doctrine of Correspondences; The Book of Exodus-Its Practical and Esoteric Teachings; The Story of the Passover and the Pillar of Fire in the Wilderness; The Message of Buddhism-Purity and Philanthropy; Magic in Europe in the Middle Ages; Ancient Magic and Modern Therapeutics-Paracelsus and Von Helmont; Jeanne D'Arc, the Maid of Orleans; Andrew Jackson Davis; Bible Symbolism; Life and Matter; The Law of Seven and the Law of Unity; Spiritualism and the Deepening of Spiritual Life; The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics; Halley's Comet; Psychopathic Treatment.
32. Egyptian Secrets: or White and Black Art for Man and Beast - Albertus Magnus
The Book of Nature and the Hidden Secrets and Mysteries of Life Unveiled; Being the Forbidden Knowledge of Ancient Philosophers by that celebrated Student, Philosopher, Chemist, Naturalist, Psychomist, Astrologer, Alchemist, Metallurgist, Sorcerer, Explanator of the Mysteries of Wizards and Witchcraft; together with recondite Views of numerous Arts and Science-Obscure, Plain, Practical, etc. This book reveals magical formulas for health, protection, power, victory, medicines, etc.
33. Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree - William G. Gray
The fundmentals of Qabalah are really very simple-it is essentially a search for "God", using a system of rational, mathematically related concepts. Qabalah is not, in itself, a form of religion. Rather, it is a way of working with the inner principles of life, in order to relate most directly and intimately to our natures-not in terms of the supernatural, but in terms of pure values applied to everyday awareness.
Those familiar with the subject of Qabalah will find the techniques used in this book very interesting. The mental techniques and symbolism are easy enough for the beginner to understand and for the some-what experienced to use as a stepping stone to look at things in a different way. Lack of familiarity with mysticism should not turn anyone away. The book is able to fill in a lot of the blanks that some people may have on the subject.
34. The Ladder of Lights - William G. Gray
The Tree of Life is growing, flexible and adaptable life pattern capable of indefinite extensions throughout all states of existence. The Qabalah, or "received teachings," is the outcome of experiences of those who have climbed the ladder of the Tree by arranging their lives according to its pattern of perfection. The Tree provides the means of receiving inner world contacts with types of consciuosness normally inaccessible to the ordinary human mind--it is from and through these sources that the "teaching" comes. Here William Gray has presented a step by step guide to the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds of the Qabalahs--the worlds of contemplation, meditation, magic and daily action. The Tree of Life is a means and not an end. It is a map for helping you attain the single objective common to all systems, mysteries and religions--namely, the mystical union of humanity and divinity.
Hands down, this is one of the best books on modern Qabala ever written! Gray takes a step-by-step look at the Ten Sephiroth and their traditional attributions in each of the Four Qabalistic Worlds. A relatively simple, no-nonsense approach to modern Qabalism.
In some ways, I view this book as a companion piece to Dion Fortune's much better-known work, "The Mystical Qabalah," since both books provide the reader with a fairly straightforward approach to this challenging subject. Where Fortune starts at the top of the Tree of Life and works her downward, however, Gray starts at the bottom of the Tree and works his way to the top. Although Grey's interpretation of the Tree is similar to Fortune's, by approaching the material from a completely different perspective he is also able to provide new insight.
35. Your Sixth Sense: Activating Your Psychic Potential - Belleruth Naparstek
Using the same guided imagery techniques she teaches her clients, Belleruth Naparstek shows the reader how to train and use the sixth sense in the same manner one would use any of the other five senses in order to perceive things beyond normal cognition. Naparstek's guided imagery approach not only increases psychic sensitivity, but benefits one's emotional and physical well-being. The approach taken in Your Sixth Sense is clear and systematic, revealing the mechanisms behind the sixth sense, and avoiding the sideshow tendencies of other books on the subject.
36. A Book About You - Charles F. Haanel 2006
“If only life came with an operator’s manual...”
How many times have you wished that? How many times have you asked, Why do things go wrong for me? Why do certain things tend to happen to me? How can I change my life for the better? What the heck is going on here?
Thankfully, there is an operator’s manual for life—and you’re holding it in your hands! Here are just a few things that you will learn as you read Charles F. Haanel’s A Book About You...
•You will see how everything in the universe is vibrating and how the vibrations reach out to you.
•You will discover what your astrological sign really means and why the traits of that sign become tendencies in you.
•You will learn about the law of periodicity and how to use it to your advantage.
•You will gain a clearer view of your life and how you can take advantage of the myriad opportunities around you.
•You will understand the science behind astrology.
•You will learn how to deal with people on a greater level than you ever imagined because you will truly understand them.
•You will truly become aware of your free will, which is the ultimate gateway to freedom and prosperity.
In the tradition of The Master Key System, this book will become a reference for your many questions and inquiries about life...And yourself. A Book About You is the operator’s manual for your life.
37. Our Ultimate Reality: Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind - Adrian P. Cooper
From the earliest days of thinking man, people the world over
have pondered the nature of the Universe, our planet, and of
ourselves. What does it all mean? Why am I here? What is the
real purpose of my life? What will happen to me after I die?
Will I return once again for another life on Earth?
The solutions to these ancient mysteries are at once both
Universal and timeless, having always been available to
mankind throughout the ages. More recently, modern quantum
physics is only recently beginning to realize the true nature of
the infinite Universe of intelligent, vibrating Energy and
Consciousness in which we have our live and move and have
our Being, emphasizing that there is, always has been, and
always will be only one ultimate reality, a Universal reality that
can never be the sole claim of any individual, race, culture,
science or religion.
Over the millennia, the insidious agents of creed, dogma,
doctrine, and national and self-interest have frequently sought,
often with considerable prejudice, hatred and violence, to
suppress or destroy those who would reveal and teach the truth
to mankind, resulting in most of mankind being deprived of
their true reality, purpose and destiny.
38. Mental Power Secrets: Developing Psychic Powers - Adrian P. Cooper
39. Kundalini - The Secret of Yoga - GOPI KRISHNA 1972
There are few subjects relating to spiritual development so
critically important and yet so incompletely understood as Yoga.
Although the interest in Yoga that started in the West during the
1960’s has abated to some degree, the teaching of the various
forms of the discipline has become well-established. In many
cases, those who practise Yoga as it is generally taught in the West
do so primarily as a means to improve health, reduce stress or
maintain physical fitness.
The other aspect of Yoga given much attention is the control
over the physical body that can be gained by long practice of its
physical disciplines. Sensational accounts of yogis who can
perform amazing feats of bodily control, such as suspension of
breathing for extended periods of time, conscious control of the
heartbeat and the ability to increase body heat in freezing
temperatures get wide publicity. There are stories of yogis who can
fly, live to an advanced age or perform amazing psychic feats.
Although these stories are, for the most part, never properly
verified, the general impression exists, both in the East and West,
that Yoga can bestow magical or occult powers on those who learn
its deepest secrets.
But, as Gopi Krishna points out, there is much more to Yoga
than its benefits to health, control over the body and potential for
developing paranormal abilities. The significance of Yoga, and the
purpose for which the discipline as a whole was really designed,
lies in its potential for enabling the practitioner to actually
experience expanded states of consciousness and to verify the existence of levels of creation other than the one we
perceive with our material senses. The other benefits are minor
when compared with the real goal.
Part of the reason for this lack of understanding is that in the
West, Yoga is rarely presented in its complete form. Aspects of the
disciplines which are critical to achieve real success, i.e., a
balanced lifestyle, self-discipline and control of the senses, are not
always emphasized, or if emphasized, they are not followed.
Because the primary goal of Yoga is understood in such a limited
way, few people who take up the discipline are willing to make the
effort essential to real success and the potential for attaining highly
enhanced states of perception remains largely untapped.
Another important aspect of Yoga is that if Kundalini, which
Gopi Krishna claims is at the heart of the discipline, is the energy
responsible for spiritual experience and mystical states of
consciousness, then two logical conclusions can be drawn: 1) all
religious experience owes its origin to this source and 2) the
systematized discipline of Yoga corroborates the basic beliefs of
religion which heretofore could only be accepted on faith. They are
verifiable by personal experience. So, Yoga can provide a method
that alleviates the discord and rivalry that exists between the
adherents of the major faiths and also a foundation for the
development of a more broadly-based scientific method that could
reduce the long-standing conflict between science and religion.
40. The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi - by Charles F. Haanel 2004
The important facts contained in this volume will place a sceptre of power in your hands with which you can open a pathway to health, success, and the life abundant. You will find that they contain a priceless message that will bring solace to your mental wounds in times of distress. You will come to feel that you have realized a lifelong dream and will often regret that this information did not come to you much earlier. And, what is best of all, you will find nothing in these lessons that will in any way conflict with any religious principles that you may hold.
On the other hand, your spiritual convictions will be strengthened because you will find that Truth is the same in all lands and in all times regardless of the name it may take or the manner of its presentation.
The Amazing Secrets of the Yogi is your gateway to a wonderful new world that has been hidden from you for far too long. With the techniques taught in this book, such as proper breathing and breath control, using the Law of Attraction, and controlling thoughts, you will be able for the first time to understand and take charge of your life in a way that before this would have been unbelievable.
41. Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself - Derek Layder 2004
How can you understand yourself? Where do your views, attitudes and values come from and why do they change? This accessible and illuminating book provides a reliable guide to these questions. The book:
• Demonstrates that personal identity is formed around basic needs for security and self-esteem and the personal desires that flow from them
• Shows the role of the emotions in personal life
• Explores the limits of approaches that deny the existence of 'individuals' and 'personal experience'
• Demonstrates how we build on everyday problems and dilemmas of life to shape our moods, attitudes and feelings.
Shrewd and compelling, the book will be of interest to anyone studying Social Psychology and Sociology.
42. The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of the Brain: U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key to Consciousness for Military Purposes. How The U.S. Government
Won the Arms Race to Control Man - Cheryl Welsh 1998
A documentary with quotes by leading scientists, professionals and several independent sources
This book is a description of the history and known facts of electromagnetic and
neurological technology, within the framework of classified nonconsensual government
experimentation. It is presented as a list of footnotes with brief commentary. It explains
how the government, in particular the United States and the former Soviet Union have
engineered science into a technology in order to target and control the mind and body
for political and military purposes.
Chapter One
Email from Physician For Human Rights on cancellation of a human rights statistics
project for mind control victims citing "fear for my family".
Chapter Two
A 1983 Defense & Foreign Affairs article by the editor Dr. Stefan Possony on Soviet-US
mind control technology. A good summary of the "big picture."
Chapter Three
Jonathan Tennenbaum describes development of Soviet electromagnetic weapons and
the physics and biology behind the weapons. He gives clear, concise explanations which
can be verified with the current level of scientific knowledge. There are also excerpts
from several articles.
Chapter Four
This is a list of what scientists are saying about brain research. It describes the physics,
engineering and biology that is needed to develop mind control technology. This will
explain what scientist believe it takes to decode the brain and the level of neurological
research today. Will Russian and U.S. scientists develop neurological weapons on people
or animals? This chapter logically and factually supports allegations by victims that
brain functions and every nerve of the body can be controlled remotely with current
Chapter Five
Korean brainwashing of the 1950s is briefly described. this is a turning point in the
history of mind control. A few sample articles demonstrate that there was a pronounced
political will to support a massive effort to control man before the Russians do, to solve
the mysteries of the brain for military purposes.
Chapter Six
The history of science and military, corporations and government involvement from the
1940s up to today. There was a massive, classified military research effort to fight the
cold war. There are many excerpts listed in support the fact that mind control
technology could be developed out of the public eye and with the support of top officials.
The top scientists of the nation work in teams to solve specific problems, such as the
government Killian Panel, the Cybernetics Group, RAND, the secretive non-
governmental Institute for Defense Analysis and it's JASON Group and the Golden
Fleece and the Brain Research Institute. Examples are given of eminent scientists with
government funding for research related to decoding the brain.
Chapter Seven
This is an interesting and well-documented history of sensors technology, highly
classified and billions of tax dollars spent on its development during the Vietnam War.
The U.S. military and corporations then sell this technology to Europe. There are many
articles listed here which describe the importance and funding of bionics, replacing man
with electronic eyes and ears. This is the foundation for a bureaucracy to distribute mind
control technology throughout the world.
Chapter Eight
This chapter describes the targeting of whole populations with electromagnetic mind
control. Top government officials state unequivocally that it can be developed and there
have been many rumors over the years, reported in major newspapers. The goal of
controlling man for political purposes continues. Here are a few of the many examples.
Chapter Nine
This chapter states what the brain code is in general terms. This is a summary of the
Soviet discovery of the genetic code of the brain, how the U.S. surpassed the Soviets and
the pioneers of this amazing history. Government mind control technology has been
developed, is firmly in place today and is in the plans for the future. It is important to
match the description of victim's allegations to the mind control technology so that they
may find a timely solution.
43. Electronic Harassment Effects - by Eleanor White, P.Eng. 2005
Electronic harassment and control technology had it's start in the
1950s, as an obscure branch of the CIA's MKULTRA project group.
Just as organized crime is not stopped by hearings and court cases,
neither did this originally obscure branch of MKULTRA activity, when
the institutional/drug/child abuse phases were exposed by the U.S.
Senate's Church-Inouye hearings in the late 1970s. No criminal
proceedings followed, and only two civil law suits (Orlikow and
Bonacci) have succeeded.
This assembly of unclassified and commercial literature is to show
investigators and concerned citizens that in spite of the tightest
possible information blackout imposed in the early 1970s, enough of
the classified electronic harassment and control technology has
leaked out to show that significant classified accomplishments are
overwhelmingly likely, and in need of disclosure, here at the end of
the 20th century.
It is hoped that government and media, who have shied away from this
topic for decades, preferring the warm fuzzy feelings that "this can't
be true", will read about the unclassified and commercial devices and
understand the implications of continued turning the other way.
44. The Hidden Evil: State Sponsored Terror Compaigns - By Mark M. Rich 2006
This document is dedicated to the known & unknown people who have been driven to suicide or have committed acts of violence as a result of
being harassed by Organized Vigilante Stalking groups. It is my goal to make their operations as visible as possible.
This report is based on an online e-book located at There are many other Organized Stalking
sites available, some are international & multilingual. They can easily be found by using the yahoo search engine &
typing in phrases such as, "Organized Stalking" "Gang Stalking" or "Vigilante Stalking." You will find several sites
which will offer a wealth of information on the subject.
Throughout this document I will be presenting evidence on what I believe are highly organized, covert state-sponsored
harassment campaigns, being carried out on unwitting & unwilling people across North America. After reading this
document you may draw your own conclusions based on my supporting evidence. If an identifying characteristic of an
individual or organization appears in any section of this report, it is presented absent malice, & is based on my opinion.
There are people who will have a vested interest in discrediting me & the information in this report. The information in
this document will be painful to most people. Some of the information will be scary. I do not present the information
for the purpose of scaring you, but it is a peripheral result of explaining something this repulsive in detail. It appears
that the more areas of a horrific phenomenon you attempt to illuminate, the more you discover how horrifying it really
Most information in this report is documented. The rest is my opinion. The information in this report does not
necessarily represent the beliefs of any Anti-Organized Stalking organization, or of other Organized Stalking targets.
There are many websites now devoted to the topic of Organized Stalking. This phenomenon is not yet recognized by
the mainstream media, the legal community, or mental health professionals. Some small talk shows such as The
Grassy Knoll, The Power Hour, The Investigative Journal, & a few others, have covered this topic in detail. Some true
investigative reporters are subjected to this type of harassment, ridicule, or job loss (or death) when they try to expose
similar phenomenon. Some of them are afraid of becoming targets. Many targets & reputable authors have concluded
that this is state-sponsored terrorism.
45. Department Of The U.S Army (Unclassified) 2006
This is an unclassified document on Bioeffects Of Nonlethal wEAPONS
46. Ammunition Making - George E.Frost 1990
George Ernest Frost has been known as "Jack" to his friends in the ammunition industry for nearly six decades-since the day in 1935 when he went to work for the Western Cartidge co.of East Alton,Illinois.A graduate of Iowa State University,with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering,Frost joined the Western staff to pursue a company sponsored project involving dynamite filler,and stayed for a 27-year career that saw him fill managerial and executive positions in the sales,product services,qality control and military liaison divisions of Western and its parent company,Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corp.While a part of the Olin team,Frost gained a reputation as a top-notch,competitive rifleman and shotgunner,and an avid hunter and outdoorsman.
47. The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss - Natalia Rose 2005
If you're looking for the secret to a perfect body, you're going to find it right here. When you apply the principles in this book to your life, you're going to uncover a thinner, younger looking, more beautiful version of your current self and experience the renewed energy of youth. . . . Don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. It can be done.
The raw food craze has taken off: Raw restaurants are springing up, and celebrities, models, and other fans are swearing by the benefits of eating "all raw." But what if you¹re just curious about raw food and don't want to give up your lifestyle or the foods you love? The good news is, you can have your cake and eat it too! In The Raw Food Detox Diet, top nutritionist Natalia Rose shows you exactly how it's done. Raw food is a powerful detoxifying agent that can cleanse your body of all the waste that you have accumulated from years of eating processed foods. A diet rich in raw foods can set you on a course toward greater energy, clearer skin, a slimmer figure, and amazing natural health. But detoxifying too quickly will only shock your system. Rose advises you to transition gently, based on your dieting history and individual needs. Complete the Raw Food Detox questionnaire, and determine your personal Raw Food Transition Number (1 to 5) to find out which suggested menus, recipes, and cleansing methods are just right for you. At last, here's a diet book that's as fresh and accessible as its food while promising optimal health and weight loss results. Stop counting calories and oversubscribing to fad diet foods, such as soy milk, low-carb products, nutrition bars, and vitamin tablets. Whether you aim to lead an all-raw lifestyle, or are disillusioned with other diets and just want to lose weight while still eating the foods you love, The Raw Food Detox Diet offers all the inspiration -- including more than eighty delicious, simple gourmet recipes! -- and the guidance you'll need to achieve your goals.