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45 Incredible eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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1. The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. - by Samuel Weiser, Francis King 1973

In recent years there has been a remarkable resurgence of interest in what is generally referred to as the 'Occult'. Popular Sun-sign astrology has become a subject for cocktail party chatter; the 'Underground press' displays an intensive, although often illinformed, interest in such subjects as Glastonbury, Ley Hunting, and Flying Saucers; and books — many of them owing what little merit they possess to the skillful employment of scissors and paste — on all
aspects of occultism pour from all the presses.
In the shadow of such well-publicised aspects of the Occult revival can be dimly discerned the shape of an altogether more important phenomenon — nothing less than the rebirth of Magic. Magic, that is, in the sense that it is defined by the extraordinary occultist Dion Fortune: 'The science and art
of causing changes in consciousness in accordance with will.'
There is no doubt that the magical techniques, for which extraordinary efficacy is claimed, are almost exclusively derived (although sometimes indirectly)
from those two extraordinary occult sodalities the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Ordo Templi Orientis. The rites and secret instructions of the former organisation are easily available in Dr, Francis Regardie's Golden Dawn, a work which only now, thirty-five years after its first publication, is beginning to receive the appreciation it so undoubtedly deserves.
Those of the latter, the Ordo Templi Orientis, have hitherto never been published, although grossly inaccurate and incomplete typescript versions of them have occasionally been sold for high prices.
Now, at last, this volume makes available to the occult student not only the symbolicmasonic riches of the initiate on rituals pf the O.T.O. but the secret magical instructions of the Order's seventh, eighth and ninth degrees, the full details of the techniques from which such occultists as Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley derived their mystic powers.
Here is a source book that has a place in the library of every serious student of the Occult.

2. Battlecruisers - By John Roberts 2003

This book contains a wealth of information including detailed tables about design particulars, armour, propulsion systems, armament, performances etc for every british battlecruiser ever built as well as some of the alternative designs which never made it off the drawing boards. It also covers the political aspects involved in getting fiscal approval for the construction of these ships as well as the arguments for and against them and the influence of Admiral Sir Jackie Fisher. All this is backed up by excellent plans of the armour layout of each ship and many good quality photographs. To complete the publication, a set of plans at 1/250 scale is included in the inside cover of the book.

3. Survive Martial Law - By Harold Williams 2007

A very serious and terribly scary thing is happening right now, and it’s not even
secret, as it’s available to all who are awake enough to search it out. Even if you
don't believe it now, hopefully you will after reading this piece. I am going to
show you a way to survive the implementing of vicious Martial Law coming in
2008. Millions will starve to death or be killed, and the Government hasn’t done
anything to prevent it. In fact, its fine with them, as genocide is also in their
plans. These pages are about basic survival and why things are as they have
become. I’ll show you what is happening, what is going to happen, and why it is
going to affect us all. Then at the end I will tell you critical things that you will
need to do, without exception, to stay alive. It’s not a complicated list but just a
few essentials. Please try to do as I suggest. I’ve spent years in combat and
Martial Law zones, often as a combatant. As a result, I have learned quite a lot
about how these things are played out. This is probably the most important
information you’ve ever had about staying alive while others die, so read it and
pay close attention. Knowledge, although simple, can mean power… it means
your very life in the days to come soon!

4. The Turner Diaries - by Andrew Mc Donald

At 9:02 AM on Wednesday April 19, 1995, two tons of explosives ripped apart the federal building in Oklahoma City and the psyche of America. The worst case of domestic terrorism in our history, this explosion killed 169 men, women and children. The author of this book has written, "If [this book] had been available to the general public...the Oklahoma bombing would not have come as such a surprise." It has been considered by the Justice Department and other government agencies as the bible of right-wing militia groups, and the FBI believes it provided the blue print for the Oklahoma City bombing.

5. The Dulce Caverns And Pueblo Mythology - by TAL LeVesque

In his article "ALIEN INVADERS", researcher "TAL" LeVesque reveals the following information in
regards to the ancient "Evadamic-Draconian" conflict which has, for thousands of years, raged upon,
within and beyond planet earth:
"The "DRACONIAN" Group is a Confederation. They are Reptilian Humanoids, with sub-groups [The
"Serpent Race", from Sirius]... (Note: Sirius figures prominently in reports of humanoids, and also reports
of reptiloid, amphiboid and insectoid activity. In this regard the Sirius system is much like the SOL system
itself. Some of these forces apparently collaborate with each other, whereas others are in conflict with the
each other. - Branton) They set up Bases inside Venus, the Earth, etc...

6. The holy books of Mandaeanism / Very Rare

Books presented here are:
The Haran Gawaita
The Baptism of Hibil Ziwa
Diwan Abatur
The Secret Adam

Mandaeism, as the religion of the Mandaean people, is based more on a common heritage than on any set of religious creeds and doctrines. A basic guide to Mandaean theology does not exist. The corpus of Mandaean literature, though quite large, covers topics such as eschatology, the knowledge of God, and the afterlife only in an unsystematic manner, and, apart from the priesthood, is known only to a few laypeople.

Fundamental tenets
According to E.S. Drower, the Mandaean Gnosis is characterized by nine features, which appear in various forms in other gnostic sects:

A supreme formless Entity, the expression of which in time and space is creation of spiritual, etheric, and material worlds and beings. Production of these is delegated by It to a creator or creators who originated in It. The cosmos is created by Archetypal Man, who produces it in similitude to his own shape.

Dualism: a cosmic Father and Mother, Light and Darkness, Right and Left, syzygy in cosmic and microcosmic form. As a feature of this dualism, counter-types, a world of ideas.

The soul is portrayed as an exile, a captive: her home and origin being the supreme Entity to which she eventually returns.

Planets and stars influence fate and human beings, and are also places of detention after death.

A saviour spirit or saviour spirits which assist the soul on her journey through life and after it to 'worlds of light'.

A cult-language of symbol and metaphor. Ideas and qualities are personified.
'Mysteries', i.e. sacraments to aid and purify the soul, to ensure her rebirth into a spiritual body, and her ascent from the world of matter. These are often adaptations of existing seasonal and traditional rites to which an esoteric interpretation is attached. In the case of the Na?oreans this interpretation is based upon the Creation story (see 1 and 2), especially on the Divine Man, Adam, as crowned and anointed King-priest.

Great secrecy is enjoined upon initiates; full explanation of 1, 2, and 8 being reserved for those considered able to understand and preserve the gnosis.

7. The Hierophant - by G.C. Stewart

The Hierophant; or, Gleanings from the past. Being an exposition of biblical astronomy, and the symbolism and mysteries on which were founded all ancient religions and secret societies, also an explanation of the dark sayings and allegories which bound in the pagan, Jewish and Christian Bibles, also: the real sense of doctrines and observances of the modern Christian churches

8. The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition - by Andrew Louth

Scholars of the patristic era have paid more attention to the dogmatic tradition in their period than to the development of Christian mystical theology. Andrew Louth aims to redress the balance. Recognizing that the intellectual form of this tradition was decisively influenced by Platonic ideas of the soul's relationship to God, Louth begins with an examination of Plato and Platonism. The discussion of the Fathers which follows shows how the mystical tradition is at the heart of their thought and how the dogmatic tradition both molds and is the reflection of mystical insights and concerns. This new edition of a classic study of the diverse influences upon Christian spirituality includes a new Epilogue which brings the text completely up to date.

Table of Contents:

1. Plato
2. Philo
3. Plotinus
4. Origen
5. Nicene Orthodoxy
6. The Monastic Contributions
7. Augustine
8. Denys the Areopagite
9. Patristic Mysticism and St John of the Cross
10. The Mystical Life and the Mystical Body
11. Epilogue

9. The Atlantean Conspiracy - By Eric Dubay


Did you know all 43 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into
office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the
brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King
Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes
has won every single American election.

“This information comes
from Burke's Peerage,
which is the Bible of
aristocratic genealogy,
based in London. Every
presidential election in
America, since and
including George
Washington in 1789 to Bill
Clinton, has been won by
the candidate with the most
British and French royal
genes. Of the 42 presidents
to Clinton, 33 have been
related to two people: Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most
famous monarch of France. So it goes on: 19 of them are related to England's
Edward III, who has 2000 blood connections to Prince Charles. The same goes with
the banking families in America. George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same
bloodline 3 the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy, when it crossed
the Atlantic. Percy is one of the aristocratic families of Britain, to this day. They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up
Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes” +
Researcher/Author David Icke, “Alice in Wonderland
and the World Trade Center”

If America declared its Independence from the
European monarchies in 1776, how is it possible that
every single president has descended from European
monarchs? If presidents are democratically elected as
we are told, what are the odds that we would always
choose members of British and French royal
bloodlines to lead us?

10. Secret of the Andes - by Brother Philip

One of the most remarkable metaphysical documents of the 20th century. Secret of the Andes contains messages from the Brotherhood hidden high in the Andes Mountains. There, ancient truths and knowledge from highly-evolved cultures have been stored for thousands of years. From the monastery of the Seven Rays comes important words for our time. This edition contains exclusive meditational illuminations from David Singer.

The following is an excerpt from the book "Secret of the Andes" written by Brother Philip.

The Origin of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays.

Lemuria is the name for the last part of the great pacific continent of Mu. The actual destruction of Mu and its submergence began before 30,000 BC This action continued for many thousands of years until the final portion of old Mu known as Lemuria was also submerged in a series of new disasters that were terminated between 10,000 and 12,000 BC This occurred just prior to the destruction of Poseidonis, the last remnant of the Atlantic continent, Atlantis. Lord Amaru-Muru(God Meru) was one of the great Lemurian sages and the Keeper of the Scrolls during the last days of doomed Mu.

It was well known to the masters of Lemuria that the final catastrophe would cause gigantic tidal waves to take the last of there land down into the angry sea and oblivion. Those working on the Left Hand Path continued diabolic experiments and heeded not 'the handwriting on the wall,'

The Masters and Saints working on the Right Hand Path began to collect the precious records and documents from the Libraries of Lemuria. Each Master was chosen by the Council of the Great White Hierarchy to go to a different section of the world, where, in safety, he could set up a School of the Ancient and Arcane Wisdom. This was to preserve the scientific and spiritual knowledge of the past. At first, for many thousands of years, these schools were to remain a mystery to the inhabitants of the world; their teachings and meetings were to be secret. Hence, they are called even today Mystery Schools or the Shan-Gri-Las of Earth.

Lord Meru, as one of the teachers of Lemuria, was delegated by the Hierarchy to take the Sacred Scrolls in his possession along with the enormous golden disk of the Sun to the mountainous area of a newly formed lake in what is now South America. Here he would guard and sustain the focus of the illumination flame. The Disk of the Sun was kept in the great Temple of Divine Light in Lemuria and was not merely an object of ritual and adoration, nor did it serve that single purpose later on when it was used by the High Priests of the Sun Among the Incas of Peru Amaru-Muru journeyed to the new land in one of the silver needle airships of the time.

11. Evolutionary Catastrophes: The Science of Mass Extinction 1999

Originally published in France in 1995, this slim volume by a professor of geology at the University of Paris attempts to explain the causes of mass extinctions that have occurred over the past 300 million years. Courtillot does a superb job of presenting evidence for and against the two most likely factors: collisions of large asteroids with the earth and extensive volcanic activity. Although the popular belief is that asteroids are responsible, Courtillot argues persuasively that all available data are more consistent with the volcanic theory. Indeed, seven of the world's mass extinctions occurred when volcanic activity was at its peak, while only one, the extinction that took place 65 million years ago and wiped out the dinosaurs, among many other species, appears to have coincided with the impact of a major asteroid. Courtillot also discusses the personalities of some of the leading figures on both sides of the debate, as well as the nature of science. The book is fairly technical, however, so its appeal to a general readership may be limited.

12. Book of Earths: From Sacred Texts

This is a compendium of theories of the shape of the Earth, along with a great deal of 'Earth Mystery' lore. Richly illustrated, the Book of Earths includes many unusual theories, including Columbus' idea that the Earth is literally pear-shaped, modern theories that the Earth was originally tetrahedral, and so on. Kenton also covers many traditional theories including the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, and those of the Peruvians, Aztecs and Mongols." Re-typeset and designed for printout. Highly recommended!

13. Mysterious Creatures - A Guide to Cryptozoology - by George M. Eberhart

The study of and search for animals and especially legendary animals (as Sasquatch) usually in order to evaluate the possibility of their existence. {Merriam-Webster's 11th Collegiate Dictionary}

14. The Egypt Code

"The Orion Mystery", published in 1994, introduced the world to a highly original, and now internationally famous, star-correlation theory about the Giza pyramids in Egypt, and sent a huge shock wave of controversy throughout the scientific community, the effects of which are still felt today. Robert Bauval's new book "The Egypt Code" not only develops this pyramid-stars correlation, but also reveals an amazing "Grand Unified Plan," which involves the wonderful temple of Upper Egypt. "The Egypt Code" is unlike any other book before it and covers the whole of Egypt's ancient civilization in a manner never before attempted. Much has been written as to how the Egyptians might have aligned their monuments with such high precision, but the question that has always remained unanswered is why - why did the ancients put so much emphasis on astronomical alignments? And what could be the function, practical or symbolic, behind these mysterious alignments?

15.The Equinox - 10 Volumes

16. The Realms of the Egyptian Dead - by A. Wiedemann (1902)

According to the belief of the ancient Egyptians. Destruction of mankind; Death; Confusion of religious ideas; Realms of the dead: Under earth, in the sky, on earth; Osirian doctrines; Dismemberment of the corpse; Embalming; Offerings to the dead; Journey of the Osiris; Fields of the blessed; Immortal parts of the man.

17. The Golden Fleece - a Book of Jewish Cabalism - by Thomas Frederick Page (1888)

Hebrew is to be extracted from any and all languages of the earth, and can never run out.

Every letter and utterance in language, has a meaning other than man considers as he makes use of the same in the transaction of business. They all have a high meaning in the great temple of nature, and there they are God's law as revealed to man.

When language is analyzed, a deeper meaning is seen, which leads to a higher knowledge of God. Beneath the face of language lays the Hebraic Law-forever the same. All the names in pagan mythology are woven together in this work, and herein is found the method of reading the same according to the Jews of antiquity; also the way of approaching the interpretation of sculpture as seen in ruins and remnants of past ages" . A unique original master work of research and analytical deduction- of great import. A treasure of esoteric wisdom. for the few.

18. The Magickal Link 1982: Official Monthly Bulletin Of Ordo Templi Orientis

19. The Magickal Link 1983

20. The Magickal Link 1984

21. The Magickal Link 1985

22. The Magickal Link 1993

23. The Magickal Link 1994

24. The Magickal Link 1995

25. The Magickal Link 1997

26. Signs and Symbols Illustrated and Explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry - by George Oliver 1837

27. The Free-Mason's Magazine or General and Complete Library vol II (1794)

This is a digital copy of a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by Google as part of a project
to make the world’s books discoverable online.
It has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject
to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books
are our gateways to the past, representing a wealth of history, culture and knowledge that’s often dif?cult to discover.
Marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in this ?le - a reminder of this book’s long journey from the
publisher to a library and ?nally to you.

28. Nato's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio And Terrorism In Western Europe - by Danielle Ganser

As the Cold War ended, following juridical investigations into mysterious
acts of terrorism in Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti was forced
to confirm in August 1990 that a secret army existed in Italy and other countries
across Western Europe that were part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO). Coordinated by the unorthodox warfare section of NATO, the secret
army had been set up by the US secret service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
and the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6 or SIS) after the end of the
Second World War to fight Communism in Western Europe. The clandestine
network, which after the revelations of the Italian Prime Minister was researched
by judges, parliamentarians, academics and investigative journalists across
Europe, is now understood to have been code-named 'Gladio' (the sword) in Italy,
while in other countries the network operated under different names including
'Absalon' in Denmark, 'ROC' in Norway and 'SDRA8' in Belgium. In each country
the military secret service operated the anti-Communist army within the state in close
collaboration with the CIA or the MI6 unknown to parliaments and populations.
In each country, leading members of the executive, including Prime Ministers,
Presidents, Interior Ministers and Defence Ministers, were involved in the
conspiracy, while the 'Allied Clandestine Committee' (ACC), sometimes also
euphemistically called the 'Allied Co-ordination Committee' and the 'Clandestine
Planning Committee' (CPC), less conspicuously at times also called 'Coordination
and Planning Committee' of NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
(SHAPE), coordinated the networks on the international level. The last confirmed
secret meeting of ACC with representatives of European secret services took
place on October 24, 1990 in Brussels.
As the details of the operation emerged, the press concluded that the 'story
seems straight from the pages of a political thriller'.
The secret armies were
equipped by the CIA and the MI6 with machine guns, explosives, munitions and
high-tech communication equipment hidden in arms caches in forests, meadows
and underground bunkers across Western Europe. Leading officers of the secret
network trained together with the US Green Berets Special Forces in the United
States of America and the British SAS Special Forces in England. Recruited
among strictly anti-Communist segments of the society the secret Gladio soldiers included moderate conservatives as well as right-wing extremists such as notorious
right-wing terrorists Stefano delle Chiale and Yves Guerain Serac. In its strategic
design the secret army was a direct copy of the British Special Operations Executive
(SOE), which during the Second World War had pararachuted into enemy-held
territory and fought a secret war behind enemy lines.
In case of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe the secret Gladio soldiers under
NATO command would have formed a so-called stay-behind network operating
behind enemy lines, strengthening and setting up local resistance movements in
enemy-held territory, evacuating shot-down pilots and sabotaging the supply lines
and production centres of the occupation forces with explosives. Yet the
Soviet invasion never came. The real and present danger in the eyes of the secret
war strategists in Washington and London were the at-times numerically strong
Communist parties in the democracies of Western Europe. Hence the network in
the total absence of a Soviet invasion took up arms in numerous countries and
fought a secret war against the political forces of the left. The secret armies, as the
secondary sources now available suggest, were involved in a whole series of terrorist
operations and human rights violations that they wrongly blamed on the Communists
in order to discredit the left at the polls. The operations always aimed at spreading
maximum fear among the population and ranged from bomb massacres in trains
and market squares (Italy), the use of systematic torture of opponents of the
regime (Turkey), the support for right-wing coup d'etats (Greece and Turkey), to
the smashing of opposition groups (Portugal and Spain). As the secret armies were
discovered, NATO as well as the governments of the United States and Great
Britain refused to take a stand on what by then was alleged by the press to be 'the
best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II'.

29. Leaked Pentagon report warns of global disaster - Feb. 23, 2004

LONDON -- A secret report prepared by the
Pentagon warns that climate change may lead to
global catastrophe costing millions of lives and is
a far greater risk than terrorism, The Observer said
on Sunday.
The report was ordered by an influential US
Pentagon advisor but was covered up by "US
defense chiefs" for four months, until it was
"obtained" by the British weekly.
The leak promises to draw angry attention to US
environmental and military policies, following
Washington's rejection of the Kyoto Protocol on
climate change and President George W. Bush's
skepticism about global warning -- a stance that
has stunned scientists worldwide.

30. Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Alleged secret detentions and unlawful inter-state transfers involving Council of Europe member states Draft report – Part II (Explanatory memorandum) - by Mr Dick Marty, Rapporteur

Table of Contents:

1. Are human rights little more than a fairweather option? ……………………………………. 3
1.1. 11 September 2001 ……………………………………………………………………… 3
1.2. Guantanamo Bay ………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.3. Secret CIA prisons in Europe?…………………………………………………………. 4
1.4. The Council of Europe’s response ……………………………………………………. 5
1.5. European Parliament ………………………………………………………………….. 6
1.6. Rapporteur or investigator? …………………………………………………………… 6
1.7. Is this an Anti-American exercise? ……………………………………………………. 7
1.8 Is there any evidence?............................................................................................ 8
2. The global “spider’s web”………………………………………………………………………. 9
2.1. The evolution of the rendition programme ……………………………………………. 9
2.2. Components of the spider’s web ………………………………………………………. 12
2.3. Compiling a database of aircraft movements ………………………………………… 14
2.4. Operations of the spider’s web ………………………………………………………… 15
2.5. Successive rendition operations and secret detentions …………………………….. 16
2.6. Detention facilities in Romania and Poland ……………………….. 16
2.6.1 The case of Romania …………………………………………………. 16
2.6.2. The case of Poland ……………………………………………………. 17
2.7. The human impact of rendition and secret detention ……………………………….. 19
2.7.1. CIA methodology – how a detainee is treated during a rendition ………… 20
2.7.2. The effects of rendition and secret detention on individuals ……………….
and families ……………………………………………………………………… 23

3. Individual case studies ………………………………………………………….…………..….. 24
3.1. Khaled El-Masri ...………………………………………………………………………… 24
3.1.1. The individual account of Khaled El-Masri …………………………………….. 24
3.1.2. Elements of corroboration for Mr. El-Masri’s account …………………..…… 25
3.1.3. The role of "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" ………………… 26 The ‘official line’ of the authorities ………………………………….. 26 Further elements ………………………..………………………….… 29
3.2. "The Algerian Six" ………………………………………………………………………… 33
3.3. Ahmed Agiza and Mohammed Alzery (El Zari) ……………………………………….. 36
3.4. Abu Omar …………………………………………………………………………………. 38
3.5. Bisher Al-Rawi and Jamil El-Banna …………………………………………………… 39
3.6. Maher Arar ……………………………………………………………………………….. 41
3.7. Messrs Bashmila and Ali Qaru …………………………………………………………… 43
3.8. Mohammed Zammar ……………………………………………………………………. 43
3.9. Binyam Mohamed al Habashi ………………………………………………………….. 44
4. Secret places of detention …………………………………………………………………….. 47
4.1. Satellite photographs ……………………………………………………………………. 47
4.2. Documented aircraft movements ………………………………………………………. 48
4.3. Witness accounts …………………………………………………………………….. 48
4.4. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………… 48
5. Secret detentions in the Chechen Republic ……………………. 49
5.1. The work of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) ………. 49
5.2. Damning recent accounts by witnesses ………………………………………………. 49
6. The attitude of governments ………………………………………………………………….. 50
7. Individual cases: judicial proceedings in progress …………………………………………… 53
7.1. A positive example: the Milan public prosecutor' s office (Abu Omar case) ……….. 53
7.2. A matter requiring further attention: the Munich (El-Masri case) and
Zweibrücken (Abu Omar case) public prosecutors' offices ………….……………….. 53
7.3. Another matter requiring further attention: the Al Rawi and El Banna case ……….. 53
7.4. Sweden: what next in the Agiza and Alzery case? ……………………………………. 53
7.5. Spain ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 54
7.6. Mr El-Masri’s complaint in the United States ………………………………………….. 54
8. Parliamentary investigations ……………………………………………………………………. 54
8.1. Germany …………………………………………………………………………………… 54
8.2 The United Kingdom ……………………………………………………………………… 55
8.3. Poland: a parliamentary inquiry, carried out in secret ………………………………… 55
8.4. Romania and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia": no parliamentary
inquiries ……………………………………………………………………………………… 56
9. Commitment to combating terrorism …………………………………………………………… 56
9.1. Fight against terrorism: an absolute necessity ………………………………………… 56
9.2. The strength of unity and of the law …………………………………………………….. 57
10. Legal perspectives ……………………………………………………………………………….. 59
10.1. The United States’ legal position ………………………………………………….. 59
10.2. The point of view of the Council of Europe …………………………………………….. 61
10.2.1. The European Commission for Democracy through Law
(Venice Commission) …………………………………………………………. 61
10.2.2 The Secretary General of the Council of Europe (Article 52 ECHR) …….. 64
11. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………. 65

31. The Secret History of Milk The Truth About Nature’s Miracle Food - by Ron Schmid, N.D.

Ask a typical adult why he or she has stopped drinking milk, and you’ll
probably hear about a sour feeling in the stomach, the watery taste of low-fat
varieties, and the gummy aftertaste that lasts for hours. If it’s someone who
is fond of invoking medicine and science, you might hear something about
people becoming more lactose intolerant as they age, or familiar talk about
allergens and cholesterol. The true reason so many people can’t stand the
stuff is abundantly clear from reading Ron Schmid’s chapters on the modern
milk industry in his terrific new book, The Untold Story of Milk — because
it’s junk. As Schmid explains in the interview that follows, the liquid sold as
milk in supermarkets bears only a passing resemblance to milk produced by a cow. Schmid, a naturopathic physi-
cian and author of Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine, has written something close to an epic history of milk,
explaining how humans came to depend on it, and how they ultimately destroyed it. A relentless enemy of corporate
mendacity and scientific chicanery, he makes an overwhelming case for the health benefits of raw milk as well as the
folly that has resulted in its near-total absence from the contemporary American diet. The Untold Story of Milk can
only contribute to widespread awareness of the savage abuse cows endure at the hands of industrial agriculture, and
how this system amounts to an assault on the world outside as well as inside our bodies.

32. Declassified U.S Government Intelligence Information Regarding The Communist And Foreign Connections Of The Weather UndergroundPresented As Evidence,On The Agreement Of The Prosecution And Defence Council,In The Trial Of W. Mark Felt And Edward S. Miller

33. Declassified Government Documents Government Publications Library


The Government Publications Library is a regional depository of the U.S. government. This means that we
receive most titles published by the federal government. It is also a United Nations depository, a European
Union Depository, a State of Colorado depository, and has significant collections of state, foreign and
international materials. In addition, the library collects technical reports issued in microfiche by the National
Technical Information Service (NTIS).

Chinook includes records for federal publications, most from 1976 to the present. Selected international and
foreign publications have been cataloged from 1989 on. Much of our material, however, is not in Chinook. In
the department, we have various print and electronic tools to identify and locate these publications.



Documents may be classified for many reasons - issues of national security or privacy. A popular misconception
is that when a document is declassified, it is somehow systematically made available to the public, for example,
distributed to depository libraries. This is most often not the case. Exceptions to this might be
• a highly-publicized document is published as a part of an investigation. E.g. The Munson Report,
a report from the fall of 1941 stemming from an intelligence gathering investigation on the loyalty
of Japanese Americans is one of these exceptions. It was declassified and published as one of
the many appendices in the Hearings held by the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the
Pearl Harbor Attack in 1946.
• a document series that is specifically published by the government for researchers (e.g. Foreign
Relations of the U.S. ( or the Library of Congress Presidential
Papers collections). There are no clear patterns of publication for most declassified documents,
it falls to the researcher interested in a document that is declassified to research which agency
created the document, who may have researched the document originally, and where it might be
now. The guides and resources shown below are intended to assist the research in finding
federal records that have been declassified as part of the routine declassification, as well as
records that are declassified through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests and other kinds
of investigations.


U.S. Role In Chile’s September 11, 1973 Coup Documented In Declassified TranscriptsThis year marks the 35th
anniversary of the bloody military coup thatousted Chile’s democratically elected socialist president, SalvadorAllende. On the eve of the coup anniversary, several previouslyclassified transcripts of conversations between President Richard Nixonand his top advisor Henry Kissinger have been released to the public,thanks to the work of the U.S.-based National Security Archives. Henry Kissinger, National Security Advisor and later
Secretary of State under U.S. President Richard Nixon
Photo courtesy The National Security Archive,

The formerly classified, top-secret telephone conversations, which took place just after Allende was elected to office,
apparently set in motion a massive U.S. effort to overthrow the newly-elected Chilean president.
Just eight days after Allende's September 4, 1970 election, Kissinger tells CIA director Richard Helms to convene the 40
committee, the group responsible for allocating covert operations abroad. “We will not let Chile go down the drain,”
Kissinger proclaimed.
After becoming Nixon’s national security advisor in 1969, Kissinger began secretly taping all his incoming and outgoing
phone conversations. His secretaries transcribed the calls from audiotapes that were later destroyed. When Kissinger left
office in January 1977, he took more than 30,000 pages of the transcripts, claiming they were “personal papers,” and used
them, selectively, to write his memoirs. Following legal actions by the National Security Archives, the Nixon Presidential
Library declassified the phone conversations.
Until now, Richard Nixon’s September 15, 1970, order to the CIA to “prevent Allende from coming to power or to unseat
him has been considered the starting point of the US involvement in the coup. The transcripts of their conversations, kept
secret for 35 years, reveal the U.S. president’s obsession on blocking Allende’s quest for the Chilean presidency.
“I want an appraisal of what the options are," Nixon told Kissinger. After learning of the State Department's position to “let
Allende come in and see what we can work out,” Nixon immediately vetoed the idea. “Like against Castro? Like in
Czechoslovakia? The same people said the same thing. Don't let them do that,” said Nixon.
Kissinger was encouraged by CIA officials to cover up any paper trail on U.S. operations “to be sure the paper record
doesn't look bad.” “The President's view is to do the maximum possible to prevent an Allende takeover, but through
Chilean sources and with a low posture,” said Kissinger.
On September 12, 1970, in the middle of a report to Nixon on the status of a terrorist hostage crisis in Amman, Jordan,
Kissinger suggests, “the big problem today is Chile.” Former CIA director John McCone was among those supporting
action against Allende. Pepsi CEO Donald Kendall, and close personal friend of the president, brought Chilean media
mogul Augustine Edwards to Washington to discuss a media campaign to destabilize Allende’s government.
Kissinger: They have blown up the planes but without the passengers.
President Nixon: They blew up the planes to prove themselves. To prove that they would have done it if we attacked
K: The big problem today is Chile.
RN: Their stock market went to hell.
K: I had a call last night from McCone and Kendall this morning. McCone thinks it would be a catastrophe if we let it go.
RN: We don’t want a big story leaking out that we are trying to overthrown the [Chilean] government.
Nixon subsequently informed CIA director Helms that Allende's election was “not acceptable” and ordered the agency to
“make the economy scream” and "save Chile,” as Helms recorded in his notes. The CIA then launched a massive set of
covert operations--first to block Allende's inauguration, and, when that failed, to undermine his ability to successfully
“Our main concern in Chile is the prospect that [Allende] can consolidate himself and the picture projected to the world will
be his success,” Nixon told his National Security Council on November 6, 1970, two days after Allende took office.
The newly released data also reveal a July 4th conversation between Nixon and Kissinger just weeks before the Chilean
military overthrew the Allende government. Two weeks earlier, a failed coup increased tensions in Chile, leading to the
appointment of Gen. Augusto Pinochet as head of Chile’s army.

36. Conspiracy: A Biblical View - By Gary North 2000

Originally written as the prologue ired epilogue to: Call It Conspiracy / Larry Abraham.
c1985. Then it was published as a separate work, slightly revised in 1986. This edition is
minus one chapter from the original.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-930462-11-4
1. Dominion theology. 2. History (Theology). 3. Conspiracies. 4. lnternational
organization. 5. Council on Foreign Relations. 6. Trilateral Commission.
7. World politics—20th century. 8. United States—Politics and
government—20th century. 9. Decentralization in government. I. Title

A war is in progress. It is a war between light and darkness, truth and
falsehood, ethics and power. It is also a war between two conflicting
strategies: visible proclamation vs. secret organization, public
representation rs. secret initiation. This war has been going on from
the beginning (or at least one week after the beginning). It has been
going on in human history since the serpent tempted Eve.
The public is blissfully unaware of the nature of this war. It is likely
that most people will remain unaware of it in our lifetimes. But an
increasing minority of people are becoming at least vaguely aware of
what is going on. Nobody has all the answers — nobody on earth,
anyway — but millions of people have heard at least part of the story.
This book is an attempt to put the major issues in front of serious
readers, especially Christian readers. I think there is finally a market
for a little introductory book like this.


Is the Illuminati up to it’s old tricks by planning another major terrorist attack? As I surf the net it
appears that a number of conspiracy buffs have come out of the woodwork to say YES.
The date most likely for this attack to occur appears to be on 3/22/2006. These buffs claim that
whenever such an attack does finally occur, you can be sure that it will be blamed on the
Iranians, Syrians and Osama bin Laden. Such an attack in the USA may even trigger off a
declaration of martial law by President Bush, thus effectively transforming the USA into a police
state. This will of course be followed up by tactical nuclear strikes on targets in Iran and Syria
(possibly on the 4/4/2006). So in an attempt to “profile” the mind of the Illuminati, I thought I
would crunch out the numbers and see what gives.

In this article I examine whether there is any historical and numerical evidence backed by
deductive reasoning that may support a “terrorist” attack occurring on these dates. I am not a
conspiracy theorist - I only deal with the facts (in this case - numeric facts). The findings of this
report are quite disturbing, pointing to a world wide conspiracy against the sovereignty of nations
and thus against human civilization itself. This report just scratches the surface of this conspiracy
and no doubt there will be a full investigation carried out over the years ahead. No stone will be
left unturned this time around - no more cover-ups and no more lies !

38. Merchants of Deception - BY Eric Scheibeler 2004

An insider’s look at the worldwide,systematic conspiracy of lies that is Amway / Quixtar and their motivational organizations

39. declassified military code names


40. The Secret History of Jesuits - BY Edmond Paris 1975

The most dangerous of men are those who appear very religious,
especially when they are organized and in a position of authority. They have
the deep respect of the people who are ignorant of their ungodly push for
power behind the scenes.
These religious men, who pretend to love God, will resort to murder, incite
revolution and wars if necessary to help their cause. They are crafty,
intelligent, smooth religious politicians who live in a shadowy world of
secrets, intrigue, and phony holiness. This pattern, seen in "The Secret
History of the Jesuits," spiritually speaking can be seen in the Scribes,
Pharisees and Sadducees at the time of Jesus Christ. This same evil spirit
directed the Roman emperors to issue the ten murderous decrees to
persecute the early Christian church.
The "Early Fathers" observed most of the ancient Babylonian system plus
Jewish theology and Greek philosophy. They all perverted most of the
teachings of Christ and His apostles. They paved the way for the Roman
Catholic machine that was to come into existence. Piously, they attacked,
perverted, added to and took away from the Bible. This religious anti-
christ spirit working through them is seen again when Ignatius de Loyola
created the Jesuits to secretly accomplish two major goals for the Roman
Catholic Institution: 1) universal political power, and 2) a universal church,
in fulfillment of the prophecies of Revelation 6, 13, 17 and 18.
By the time Ignatius de Loyola arrived on the scene, the Protestant
Reformation had seriously damaged the Roman Catholic system. Ignatius de
Loyola came to the conclusion that the only way his "church" could survive
was by enforcing the canons and doctrines on the temporal power of the pope
and the Roman Catholic institution; not by just destroying the physical life of
the people alone as the Dominican priests were doing through the
Inquisition, but by infiltration and penetration into every sector of life.
Protestantism must be conquered and used for the benefit of the popes. That
was Ignatius de Loyola's personal proposal, among others, to Pope Paul III.
Jesuits immediately went to work secretly infiltrating ALL the Protestant
groups including their families, places of work, hospitals, schools, colleges,
etc. Today, the Jesuits have almost completed that mission.

41. The Secret Doctrine Of The Tarot - by Paul F. Case

42. Satellite Imagery and the Spectacle of Secret Spaces

This paper documents and assesses emerging efforts to resist and subvert deep-seated and
long-held governmental secrecy over geographical spaces of military/security activities and
other sites deemed sensitive by the state. It explores tensions in new web-served mapping and
high-resolution imagery of these sites, which view them though ‘pin holes’ of publicly
available data. These ‘counter-mappings’ focus attention on the significance of sites that are
either buried unnoticed in seamless global image coverage, or else censored on official
mapping. Some reveal a strongly anti-hegemonic and oppositional discourse, others a more
playful set of cultural practices. We situate these newly witnessed secret sites in contemporary
visual culture, exploring the spectacular and Debordian possibilities of resistance that they
offer, and evaluate the significance and ironies of these diverse imaging practices.

“Secrecy has become integrated into (no longer expelled from) the spectacle; forming a
spectacular secrecy… This spectacular form generalizes secrecy into public and private domain,
making revelation no longer the end to secrecy, but its new catalyst” (Bratich 2007: 42).

Secrets are strongly associated with visual culture: they are hidden but may be revealed;
ubiquitous, but often unseen and are particularly associated with certain spaces. This paper
focuses upon the role of overhead imagery in the contestation of sites deemed secret by nation
Secret spaces cover a wide range of sites including a panoply of military installations, sites
relating to state security, policing and prisons, strategic national assets and infrastructures
(particularly nuclear facilities). These are often hidden to some degree from civil society, and
protected by legislation, as well as being separated by high fences and patrolling guards. All
nation states operate systems to protect their security, and many of these systems depend upon
keeping critical information relating to location and internal layout hidden, from citizens or
outsiders, who might threaten the hegemony of those who rule. Woodward (2005) for
example draws attention to the ways in which military activities are ubiquitous but unseen in
the fabric and processes of everyday British life. In the post 9/11 world perceived geopolitical
‘threats’ have strongly encouraged many states further to restrict information in the public
domain, and also to try to use technology in more efficient ways of controlling their citizens
and outsiders. Secrecy is now ubiquitous in global culture (Birchall, 2007). But these same
technologies of control also allow the formerly secret to be seen for the first time by civil
This article focuses upon the tensions represented in the witnessing of these secret sites, by
assessing the significance of different kinds of counter-hegemonic imaging of these places
through high-resolution satellite imagery delivered on the Web. Tensions around national
security, freedom of information, confidentiality, neo-liberal accumulation, regulation,
technology and representation are mapped out and contested in this process. Here we
investigate the interface between strategic deployment of visual technologies of mapping,
aerial photography and, in particular, high-resolution satellite imagery that have traditionally
concerned geographers. Our argument starts by exploring the customary and exclusive
‘official’ uses of mapping and overhead imagery, and their theorization as strategic and
rational tools of governance. Tropes of mapping for social control are, we argue, being
increasingly destabilized, and part of this process has been encouraged by the increasing
availability and dissemination of high-resolution imagery over the World Wide Web. We
argue, however, that a more complex reading of secrecy is needed to understand this process
and then illustrate counter-hegemonic re-imaging of what was formerly secret, in a
comparative case study of three contrasting Web sites, exploring the contextual differences,
how these relate to Guy Debord’s (1998) notions of ‘spectacular secrecy’ and to changes in
what might be deemed ‘secret’ in western society.

43. The Hierophant Revealed: An Exposition On The Atu Numbered 'V' In The Book Of Thoth - by Filius Vita

Inasmuch as the dogs of the Earth praise union, for hope of annihilation, the heart of pure
instinct proffers the mighty to reach beyond themselves and grasp what shall ever be and has
always been theirs, the fruits of their destiny. This glad testament, of a sacred heritage born
forth amidst the impudent frothings and insensate despairings of indecent men, is cause
sufficient for all great endeavors wedded to the light of advancement. We who hath in all times
known sooth, shall rejoice in it continuously, that ones life, its emanating, pulsing and radiant
warmth, could even enjoin another to the full realization of their own destiny. This work is a
testament of the full authority vested the Hierophant of this our current Aeon, to comment and
by derivation reveal the truth concerning perhaps the most splendid of all Atu. It must further
be noted that the cards of the Tarot represent 'concepts', thus a figure depicted is a single
concept with multifarious implications and meanings, and the accoutrement about them are
other aspects of that same concept and are intimately associated, and thus a portion of the
figure or figures depicted.

44. Unclassified: Terrorism/Usama Bin Laden: Who's Chasing Whom

45. Declassified Army and CIA Manuals - by Lisa Haugaard 1997