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34 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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1. Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History - by David Livingstone 2007

A three thousand year history of the occult, and it’s relationship with Islamic terrorism, towards the fomentation of a Clash of Civilizations.

2. When Time Began: Book V of the Earth Chronicles - by Zecharia Sitchin 1999

"Sitchin's works are outstandingly different from all others that present this central theme. His linguistic skills in the languages of antiquity and his pursuit of the earliest available texts and artifacts make possible the wealth of photographs and line drawings appearing in his books from tablets, monuments, murals, pottery, and seals."

3. The Night Sky Companion: A Yearly Guide to Sky-Watching 2009 - by ammy Plotner, Ken Vogt 2008

The Night Sky Companion 2009 takes a look at astronomy every day over the course of the year offering general history, soft science, trivia, observing guidance and motivation. This book is much more than an observing guide, it's a way of learning your way round the night sky. It is written in an easy-going style ideal for 'dipping in' on the relevant day, or even reading from cover to cover.

Buyers of the 2009 edition is not an updated copy of the previous volume, but rather a completely new book. All historical tie-ins, information and objects are completely fresh.

Unaided-eye observers are offered an opportunity to view many objects or events, learn about their history, science and how just "looking up" can be rewarding. Binocular and small telescope users will find a wealth of things to view using simple star hop instructions and finder charts. For large-aperture telescope users looking for a challenge, some of the finest deep-sky objects are detailed, with finder maps and photographs.

4. Hitler's Secret Backers - By Sidney Warburg 1999

American bankers supplied Adolf Hitler with millions of dollars to help build up his Nazi party. Warburg was a joint owner of the New York bank, Kuhn Loeb & Cie; he describes three conversations he held with Hitler at the request of American financiers. This book was originally publisher in Holland in 1933, shortly before Warburg's death.

5. The Bill of Rights: Freedom of Speech - by William Dudley 2005

Free speech is one of the most cherished rights of Americans today, but American history is replete with conflict over whether people have gone too far in exercising this right. This interesting anthology examines the historical origins of the free speech clause of the First Amendment, the evolving interpretations of the First Amendment by the Supreme Court, and the changing public attitudes toward free speech. Included are discussions of such issues as wartime dissent, censorship, hate speech, and flag burning.

6. Epic Mythology - by Edward W. Hopkins 1986

The book is divided into nine chapters. Ch. 1: Date of Epic Poetry and analyses the concepts associated with Divinity. Chs. II and III: Lower Mythology; Deification of Rivers, Trees, Groves, Mountains, etc. as well as Raksasas, Yatudhanas, Pisacas and Asuras. Chs. IV and V: Origin of Gods and their characteristics. Chs. VI-IX: Divine and Earthly Seers, the three Supreme Gods: Brahma, Visnu and Siva.

7. The Arcades Project - by Walter Benjamin 2002

"Quite simply, the Passagen-Werk is one of the twentieth century's great efforts at historical comprehension--some would say the greatest." --T. J. Clark, author of The Painting of Modern Life The Arcades Project Walter Benjamin Translated by Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin "To great writers," Walter Benjamin once wrote, "finished works weigh lighter than those fragments on which they labor their entire lives." Conceived in Paris in 1927 and still in progress when Benjamin fled the Occupation in 1940, The Arcades Project (in German, Das Passagen-Werk) is a monumental ruin, meticulously constructed over the course of thirteen years--"the theater," as Benjamin called it, "of all my struggles and all my ideas." Focusing on the arcades of nineteenth-century Paris--glass-roofed rows of shops that were early centers of consumerism--Benjamin presents a montage of quotations from, and reflections on, hundreds of published sources, arranging them in thirty-six categories with descriptive rubrics such as "Fashion," "Boredom," "Dream City," "Photography," "Catacombs," "Advertising," "Prostitution," "Baudelaire," "Theory of Progress." His central preoccupation is what he calls the commodification of things--a process in which he locates the decisive shift to the modern age. The Arcades Project is Benjamin's effort to represent and to critique the bourgeois experience of nineteenth-century history, and, in so doing, to liberate the suppressed "true history" that underlay the ideological mask. In the bustling, cluttered arcades, street and interior merge and historical time is broken up into kaleidoscopic distractions and displays of ephemera. Here, at a distance from what is normally meant by "progress," Benjamin finds the lost time(s) embedded in the spaces of things.

8. Technological Change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945 (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology) by William McBride 2000

Navies have always been technologically sophisticated, from the ancient world's trireme galleys and the Age of Sail's ships-of-the-line to the dreadnoughts of World War I and today's nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and submarines. Yet each large technical innovation has met with resistance and even hostility from those officers who, adhering to a familiar warrior ethos, have grown used to a certain style of fighting. In Technological Change and the United States Navy, William M. McBride examines how the navy dealt with technological change -- from the end of the Civil War through the "age of the battleship" -- as technology became more complex and the nation assumed a global role. Although steam engines generally made their mark in the maritime world by 1865, for example, and proved useful to the Union riverine navy during the Civil War, a backlash within the service later developed against both steam engines and the engineers who ran them. Early in the twentieth century the large dreadnought battleship at first met similar resistance from some officers, including the famous Alfred Thayer Mahan, and their industrial and political allies. During the first half of the twentieth century the battleship exercised a dominant influence on those who developed the nation's strategies and operational plans -- at the same time that advances in submarines and fixed-wing aircraft complicated the picture and undermined the battleship's superiority.
In any given period, argues McBride, some technologies initially threaten the navy's image of itself. Professional jealousies and insecurities, ignorance, and hidebound traditions arguably influenced the officer corps on matters of technology as much as concerns about national security, and McBride contends that this dynamic persists today. McBride also demonstrates the interplay between technological innovation and other influences on naval adaptability -- international commitments, strategic concepts, government-industrial relations, and the constant influence of domestic politics. Challenging technological determinism, he uncovers the conflicting attitudes toward technology that guided naval policy between the end of the Civil War and the dawning of the nuclear age. The evolution and persistence of the "battleship navy," he argues, offer direct insight into the dominance of the aircraft-carrier paradigm after 1945 and into the twenty-first century.

9. Six Arguments for a Greener Diet: How a Plant-based Diet Could Save Your Health and the Environment - by Michael F. Jacobson & Center For Science In The Public Interest 2006

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has built upon the work of the Rocky Mountain Insitute, Frontline and Earth Policy Institute by providing a rational look at the environmental and health concerns involving foods we eat. This same group publishes "Nutrition Action Newsletter" and industry groups sometimes refer to as the "food police."

CSPI provides clear, concise and objective ways to grow and eat food sustainably, covered in six major areas:

1. Less Chronic Disease and Better Overall Health
2. Less Foodborne Illness
3. Better Soil
4. More and Cleaner Water
5. Cleaner Air
6. Less Animal Suffering

Recommendations include Changing Your Own Diet and Changing Government Policies. We are a nation of obsesity and heart disease by design, not accident. CSPI takes a big picture "Least Cost, End Use" (long term) sustainable and prevention approach. It is not an individual meal or snack, but the cumulative effect in our communities, regions, states, nations and world wide that are all interrelated. Long-term government policies are reflected in the epidemic of obesity in our youth. Visit almost any K-12 school and you will see the high trans-saturated fat, high salt, empty calorie foods that are modeled and served to students.

With emphasis on "grain-fed beef" for marbling, flavor and tenderness as an end-point, we have ignored the health and environmental consequences. Based on various studies, it takes between 20 and 25 Joules (60 to 100 calories) of grain to produce one Joule (4 calories) of beef. This is an inefficient way to produce food. We should just eat the grain and avoid most of "throwing away" energy on animal production.

Changing Government Policies recommends constructive, long-term, sustainable changes: 1) Increase fruit and vegetable consumption, 2) Reduce the Fat Content of Meat, 3) Reduce the Fat Content of Milk, 4) Label Food More Accurately, 5) Prevent Foodborne Disease (i.e., the recent E. coli and spinach problems), 6) Prevent Antibiotic Resistance, 7) Stop Promoting Unhealthy Meat and Dairy Foods (i.e., "Got Milk" advertising) and 8) More Healthful Meals at Government-Run Facilities. For Improving the Environment there are specific recommendations for 1) Prevent Air Pollution from Factory Farms, 2) Prevent Water Pollution from Factory Farms, 3) Reduce Water Use, 4) Reduce Pesticide and Fertilizer Use, 5) Reduce Feed Grain Use, 6) Reduce Indirect and Direct Subsidies that promote waste and 7) Prevent Overgrazing on Public Lands.

These are not new arguments or solutions, but with 300 million people in the USA (6.6 Billion on Earth) these questions and constructive alternatives become more important. Factory farms that focus on profit and ignore "externalities" are sure to encounter economic and environmental problems down the line. CSPI's recommendations run counter to industrial agriculture feeding at the trough of subsidies. Organic foods are increasingly in demand and seen as profitable (i.e., Whole Foods and community farmers markets).

There is light and healthier eating at the end of the tunnel, but we will continue to have to wade through a lot of waste and inefficiency in the name of short-term profit for a while. This book consists of "uncommon" knowledge in one place. CSPI will continue to address healthy eating in "Nutrition Action Newsletter" and future publications.

10. The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World - by Samir Amin, James H. Membrez 2004

Samir Amin's ambitious new book argues that the ongoing American project to dominate the world through military force has its roots in European liberalism, but has developed certain features of liberal ideology in a new and uniquely dangerous way. Where European political culture since the French Revolution has given a central place to values of equality, the American state has developed to serve the interests of capital alone, and is now exporting this model throughout the world. American Imperialism, Amin argues, will be far more barbaric than earlier forms of imperialism, pillaging natural resources and destroying the lives of the poor. The Liberal Virus examines the ways in which the American model is being imposed on the world, and outlines its economic and political consequences. It shows how both citizenship and class consciousness are diluted in 'low-intensity democracy' and argues instead for democratisation as an ongoing process - of fundamental importance for human progress - rather than a fixed constitutional formula designed to support the logic of capital accumulation. In a panoramic overview, Amin examines the objectives and outcomes of American policy in the different regions of the world. He concludes by outlining the challenges faced by those resisting the American project today: redefining European liberalism on the basis of a new compromise between capital and labour, re-establishing solidarity among the people of the South, and reconstructing an internationalism that serves the interests of regions that are currently divided against each other.

11. Encyclopedia of Disasters : Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies - by Angus M. Gunn 2007

Disasters can strike at any time. From the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius to Hurricane Katrina, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters have caused tremendous loss of life, human suffering, and environmental catastrophe. The complex technological and social changes of the last few centuries have not only intensified the impact of such natural disasters, but have added new introduced new reasons to be concerned - plane crashes, bombings, industrial accidents, genocides. Calling some disasters "natural" and others "man-made" downplays the important interrelationship between the event and human actions. Human actions - or inactions - can catapult a natural phenomenon into a deadly catastrophe. Likewise, nature can be terribly disrupted by events that are created by humans. The Encyclopedia of Disasters covers over 180 of the most important disasters in history. Arranged chronologically, the encyclopedia includes entries on those disasters that have had the greatest historical, environmental, and cultural impact: BLThe eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, which destroyed the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum
The London Fire of 1666, which flattened much of London and allowed the rebuilding of the city BLThe influenza epidemic of 1918, which killed millions BLThe 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake in Alaska, which caused death and destruction as far away as Hawaii BLThe worst nuclear power plant accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine, in 1964, that has rendered the surrounding landscape uninhabitable BLThe 2004 earthquake that created a tsunami that killed thousands in Sumatra Each entry includes a list of readings for additional research, and the encyclopedia is illustrated with numerous photos and line illustrations that show the destruction and despair caused by these disasters.

12. Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition Four-Volume Set - by Lindsay Allen 2005 ($1,125.00)

This Second Edition is a thorough revision and 20% expansion of the 1998 release, reflecting the continuing scientific advances in the field of human nutrition. Now a four-volume set, nearly 300 articles with concise, up-to-date information are complemented by an award-winning indexing system. Included is expanded coverage of epidemiology of diet-related diseases, functional foods, food safety, clinical nutrition and gastrointestinal disorders. Virtually everyone will find the Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition an easy-to-use resource making it an ideal reference choice for both the professional and the non-professional alike.

Also available online via ScienceDirect featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit

13. Dinosaur Atlas: An Amazing Journey Through a Lost World - by Dougal Dixon 2006

Follow the most remarkable episode in prehistory in this all-in-one compendium of everything dinosaur. This volume marries the very latest in paleontology with an easily accessible atlas format to illuminate the mysteries of dinosaur origins, clues to what they looked like and where they lived, and, most intriguingly, what happened to them. In vivid recreations of the prehistoric world and fascinating see-through overlays featuring 3-D computer graphics of skeletal structures, DK's Dinosaur Atlas brings dinosaurs to life!
AUTHOR BIO: Dougal Dixon has written many children's books and encyclopedias. He has participated in a number of worldwide dinosaur excavations, and in 1993 was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Educational Journalism by the Educational Press Association of America.

14. Codex Alimentarius_He Who Owns the Food, Controls the World

The Codex will make what they did in WOII look like kids stuff. According to the World Health Organization 2 billion people will die if it is fully employed: December 31, 2009. "They" are eroding your rights away - one by one - while you''re asleep."
Rawfood Europe interviewed and filmed Brian Clement in Amsterdam the Netherlands on March 26, 2008. Watch this video where he speaks about the food chemical codex (codex alimentarius).

15. Clinician's Pocket Reference - 2002

9th EDITION CLINICIAN’S POCKET REFERENCE EDITED BY LEONARD G. GOMELLA, MD, FACS The Bernard W. Godwin, Jr., Associate Professor Department of Urology Jefferson Medical College Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania WITH Steven A. Haist, MD, MS, FACP Professor of Medicine Division of General Internal Medicine Department of Internal Medicine University of Kentucky Medical Center Lexington, Kentucky Based on a program originally developed at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine Lexington, Kentucky McGraw-Hill MEDICAL PUBLISHING DIVISION

16. Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Handbook - Production and Processes

This Handbook of Manufacturing Techniques focuses on a new aspect of the drug
development challenge: producing and administering the physical drug products
that we hope are going to provide valuable new pharmacotherapeutic tools in medicine. These 34 chapters cover the full range of approaches to developing and producing new formulations and new approaches to drug delivery. Also addressed are approaches to the issues of producing and packaging these drug products (that is, formulations). The area where the most progress is possible in improving therapeutic success with new drugs is that of better delivery of active drug molecules to the therapeutic target tissue. In this volume, we explore current and new approaches to just this issue across the full range of routes (oral, parenteral, topical, anal, nasal, aerosol. ocular, vaginal, and transdermal) using all sorts of forms of formulation.
The current metrics for success of new drugs in development once they enter the
clinic (estimated at ranging from as low as 2% for oncology drugs to as high as 10% for oral drugs) can likely be leveraged in the desired direction most readily by
improvements in this area of drug delivery.

17. Fluoride Fatigue- by Bruce Spittle

Fluoride is shipped mainly in three different chemical Unions. In Toxicity it ranks almost as high as Mercury.
It is accumulated mostly in the Manufacturing process of Aluminum and Fertilizers as a hazardous Waste-product, that is difficult to get rid of.
Since the Thirties it is dumped in the Drinkingwater, Tablesalt, Toothpaste and dosages that are above the safety limits can occur an many processed Food products.

Today many Dentists are still so indoctrinated, that they still ignore basic knowledge of Chemistry and Pharmacology citing from faked and erroneous Medical Studies (all sponsored through the Industrial Lobby and Bribes )

The severe Health Damages our outlined in this Booklet.

18. The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol.2 - by Drunvalo Melchizedek 2000

The sacred Flower of Life pattern, the primary geometric generator of all physical form, is explored in even more depth in this volume, the second half of the Flower of Life workshop. The proportions of the human body, the nuances of human consciousness, the sizes and distances of the stars, planets and moons, even the creations of humankind, are all shown to reflect their origins in this beautiful and divine image. Through an intricate and detailed geometrical mapping, Drunvalo Melchizedek shows how the seemingly simple design of the Flower of Life contains the genesis of our entire third-dimensional existence.

From the pyramids and mysteries of Egypt to the new race of Indigo children, Drunvalo presents the sacred geometries of the Reality and the subtle energies that shape our world. We are led through a divinely inspired labyrinth of science and stories, logic and coincidence, on a path of remembering where we come from and the wonder and magic of who we are.

Finally, for the first time in print, Drunvalo shares the instructions for the Mer-Ka-Ba meditation, step-by-step techniques for the re-creation of the energy field of the evolved human, which is the key to ascension and the next dimensional world. If done from love, this ancient process of breathing prana opens up for us a world of tantalizing possibility in this dimension, from protective powers to the healing of oneself, of others and even of the planet.

Embrace the examined vision and understanding that Drunvalo offers to the world. Coincidences abound, miracles flourish and amazing stories of mysteries unveiled arise as the author probes the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life.

19. The Book of LIFE-Ascesion and the Divine World Order - by Michael Sharp

Preview this book Preview this book Buy this book Borrow this book Find this book in a library Michael Sharp is a sociologist and mystic who has traveled an accelerated path of spiritual awakening. In this book Michael shares, with clarity and precision, the fundamental truths of our existence on this earth. From the nature of creation to our purpose on this earth, Michael takes us on the lightning ride of spiritual awakening, self-recognition, and empowerment. This book is for people who are tired of the insanity of this world and want the clear, crystal truth of their inner Divinity and exalted spiritual purpose. This book is for people who want to make a real difference in their lives and the lives of those they love. As above in consciousness, so below in matter (tm). The change you seek is within you. --Reader Comments The picture of Reality that Michael Sharp presented [is] so breathtakingly grand, so unbelievably comprehensive and spiritually beautiful, I said to myself that I would rather try this configuration of the truth and be wrong, than be right about anything else that I had ever come across --Kelley Gardener Thank you, Michael. I have read your first two books and have just ordered two more. Having been "on the Path" for many years (since the early 70's), these books put everything together for me like no other information I have come across. And, trust me, I have read hundreds of books. --Jeweline B. I just finished THE BOOK OF LIFE, DOSSIER OF THE ASCENSION, and THE SONG OF CREATION. What an extraordinary contribution youve made to the enlightenment of our little species! These are the best spiritual books Ive read since Yoganandas commentary on the Gita. --William T. Hathaway - Author of Summer Snow From the site, I downloaded free e-books, and then bought twoe-books for $1.99 each at It was a fascinating read, and to be honest, the best-ever return on investment of less than four bucks. They were the most inspiring and helpful books I've ever read in my entire life, bar none... --Hak from Korea I have read both of your books (Book of life and Dossier of the Ascension) and yes I have to admit that the information did remove a lot of mud from my eyes. I can only describe the lightning path as the rocket ship to God. --Goman Cruge --I have finished your Dossier book and can I say "WOW!" It's been about 3 weeks and I have been on the most life changing ride. I began immediately, even while reading the book, to do the invocation and POW, just like that opportunities for me to face and deal with the fears that were keeping me from fully utilizing my power flowed to me one after another....I began seeing those fears for exactly what they were and once I spoke them out loud and began processing them, they were able to be released.... I became really ill, and that too was another opportunity.... I really feel reborn!!! Cheryl Titterington

20. Zodiac Detail:Recognize The Signs -The Complete Book

Excellent Astrology eBook

21. The Obama Duper state-For The Public and Military

obama draft deception socialism nazi hitlerrepeat new world order fraud bailout ineligible puppet president fascism revolution false flag terror inside job jobs youth brigade usaservice north american union re1776

If you wish for real positive change - it’s not too late - but you are going to have to clean house America! It’s a shame that to become president one has to be pre-selected, bought & paid for and chosen by war criminals & the criminal elite.” Welcome to “The Duperstate” – an epic 12 page internet novel in 1 Mb PDF format… a true story about selling you hardcore militarized corporate fascism right in your face – talk about slick. Think – What could be next? More war? – Or are The People of the World going to fight back!!! World Peace is only possible when most everyone becomes a soldier again

22. A Culture of Conspiracy Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society) by Michael Barkun 2003

Many people assume that the X-Files conspiracy theory-malevolent space aliens in cahoots with shadowy government agencies-is the brainchild of caffeinated scriptwriters with an overnight deadline. But according to this fascinating cultural study, such scenarios have a long and disturbing intellectual pedigree. Political scientist Barkun (Religion and the Racist Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement) traces them to a venerable tradition of "New World Order" conspiracy theories combining fundamentalist dread of the Antichrist with secular right-wing suspicions that the powers that be are controlled by Masons, Jesuits, Jews and, above all, the Illuminati. Starting in the 1980s, extraterrestrials began to appear at the summits of these conspiracy-theory hierarchies, a process accelerated by the Internet's anarchic dissemination and recombination of myths and rumors. The resulting "improvisational millennialism" has yielded any number of baroque "superconspiracies" (one theory yokes together UFOs, the Gestapo, the Mafia and the Wobblies), but Barkun contends there are serious repercussions. As New World Order themes have infiltrated the previously apolitical UFO subculture, he argues, they have become more respectable and widespread: racialist and anti-Semitic ideologies have resurfaced in the coded guise of alien cabals, and a vast popular audience has been introduced by Hollywood to the notion that the government is a totalitarian clique in black helicopters-a view once confined to right-wing extremists. Scholarly but fluently written and free of excessive jargon, Barkun's exploration of the conspiratorial worldview combines sociological depth with a deadpan appreciation of pop culture and raises serious questions about the replacement of democracy by conspiracy as the dominant paradigm of political action in the public mind.

23. Television Culture (Studies in Communication Series) by John Fiske 1988

Television Culture provides a comprehensive introduction to television studies. Fiske examines both the economic and cultural aspects of television, and investigates it in terms of both theory and text-based criticism. Fiske introduces the main arguments from current British, American, Australian, and French scholarship in a style accessible to the student, providing an integrated study of approaches to the medium.

24. The History of Western Philosophy - by Bertrand Russel 1967

Since its first publication in 1945? Lord Russell's A History of Western Philosophy has been universally acclaimed as the outstanding one-volume work on the subject -- unparalleled in its comprehensiveness, its clarity, its erudition, its grace and wit. In seventy-six chapters he traces philosophy from the rise of Greek civilization to the emergence of logical analysis in the twentieth century. Among the philosophers considered are: Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Anaxagoras, the Atomists, Protagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Cynics, the Sceptics, the Epicureans, the Stoics, Plotinus, Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Benedict, Gregory the Great, John the Scot, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, William of Occam, Machiavelli, Erasmus, More, Bacon, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, the Utilitarians, Marx, Bergson, James, Dewey, and lastly the philosophers with whom Lord Russell himself is most closely associated -- Cantor, Frege, and Whitehead, co-author with Russell of the monumental Principia Mathematica.

25. The Controversy of Zion (ebook banned) - by DOUGLAS REED

Want to know what is wrong with the world today? It is called Zionism/Communism. One must remember that it is not citizens that create wars. It is governments (those behind the political curtain) that create wars. Turn off the tube and pick up a book. This book is full of true historical facts.

26. By Way of Deception Written The Truth About Israel BANNED BOOK - by Victor Ostrovsky,former Israeli Mossad Agent

By way of deception: The making and unmaking of a Mossad Officer is a book written by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy about Ostrovsky's career as a katsa in the Israeli Mossad.

This book is a true story about the Mossad as seen by Victor Ostrovsky. The first part describes his experiences with the organization. It starts when Victor is first approached by the Mossad during his service in the Israeli Defense Forces and is subjected to numerous tests, including psychological ones. While at first rejecting an offer to be trained as a recruit for the assassin's squad, Ostrovsky eventually accepts an offer to become a katsa and joins a class of Mossad candidates going through tradecraft training. After successfully completing the training Ostrovsky begins working as a katsa (case officer).

Throughout the book, Ostrovsky reveals details of the internal workings of the Mossad itself. Ostrovsky claims that Mossad has access to Jewish helpers all around the world called sayanim (sg. sayan). Their services can be requested on short notice and no questions are asked. Because of this, Mossad only needs 30-40 active case officers at any given time. He also explains the different departments functions and how liaisons are conducted with foreign intelligence agencies.

As he progresses as a katsa, Ostrovsky experiences growing disillusionment with the organization and its leaders, and begins to question its motives. This culminates in his retirement from the Mossad after being scapegoated for a failed attempt at capturing top PLO officials.

The book describes not only his own experience but devotes the second half to other operations that Mossad allegedly carried out between 1971 and 1985, including:

Operation Sphinx â?? A Mossad operation where Iraqi nuclear scientists were recruited while in France to gather information about Iraq's nuclear reactor Osiraq, ultimately ending with the Israeli air strike in 1981.

In 1990 Israel tried to stop the sale of the book, by the means of a preliminary injunction. This was the first time that a sovereign state tried to stop a book publication in another sovereign state. However this claim was rejected by courts in the United States.

27. Herbs to Relieve Arthritis Keats Good Herb Guide - BY c.j Puotinen 1996

The illnesses associated with inflammation have differences and similarities. Sciatica is caused by the
inflammation of a nerve, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease, osteoarthritis is the degeneration of
weight-bearing joints, gout is caused by the buildup of uric acid in the body, carpal tunnel syndrome results
from a nerve's compression, fi-bromyalgia (also called fibrositis) and lupus are inflammations of connective
tissue, neuritis is an inflammatory disease of peripheral nerves, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by
tick bites, bursitis involves small sacs of fibrous tissue filled with fluid and ankylosing spondylitis is a
rheumatoid disease of the backbone that can fuse joints. Their definitions and diagnoses vary, but all of these
illnesses produce the same debilitating pain that prevents people from moving freely and living full, active,
happy lives. They share another characteristic, too. All can be treated with nutrition and herbs with results that
approach or exceed those of orthodox medical treatment, without the adverse side effects of prescription drugs
or surgery

28. Think Of A Number: A Fascinating Look At The World Of Numbers - by Johnny Ball 2005

I didn’t do all that well at school, but I did love
maths. When I left school, I found that I still wanted
to know more, and maths became my lifelong hobby.
I love maths and all things mathematical.
Everything we do depends on maths. We need to
count things, measure things, calculate and predict
things, describe things, design things, and solve all
sorts of problems – and all these
things are best done with maths.
There are many different branches of maths,
including some you may never have heard of. So
we’ve tried to include examples and illustrations,
puzzles and tricks from almost every different kind of
maths. Or at least from the ones we know about –
someone may have invented a completely new kind
while I was
writing this introduction.
So come and have a meander through the weird and
wonderful world of maths – I’m sure there will be lots
of things that interest you, from magic tricks and
mazes to things you can do.

29. The Dark Side of Zionism: Israel's Quest for Security Through Dominance - by Baylis Thomas 2009...$ 51.38

30. Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History - by Gabriel Moran 2008

Speaking of Teaching: Lessons from History focuses on teaching as a fundamental act of all human beings, viewing the question of teaching through the lens of five famous thinkers and two contemporary problems. Moran argues that teaching is not given the attention that it deserves and proposes to situate school teaching in the context of many forms of teaching." This book traces the history of the idea of teaching from Socrates to Wittgenstein. It also examines the intricacies of teaching morality and religion, showcasing society's ambivalence toward teaching.

31. The Encroaching Desert: Egyptian Hagiography and the Medieval West - by Jitse Dijkstra, Mathilde van Dijk 2006

This volume presents a series of case studies concerning the use and reuse of Egyptian hagiography in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. The first three contributions analyze the use of Egyptian hagiography in the context of late antique Egypt and, in particular, examine to what extent these texts can be used as historical sources for the reconstruction of traditional (pagan) religion. The other contributions illustrate the different contexts in which Egyptian hagiography was reused in the medieval West. The book is an important contribution to the current debate about the usefulness of Egyptian hagiography as a historical source for late antique Egypt and to the study of the reception of the desert fathers in the medieval West.

32. Greeks and Pre-Greeks: Aegean Prehistory and Greek Heroic Tradition - by Margalit Finkelberg 2006

Systematically confronting Greek tradition of the Heroic Age with the evidence of both linguistics and archaeology, Margalit Finkelberg proposes an interdisciplinary assessment of the ethnic, linguistic and cultural situation in Greece in the second millennium BC. The main thesis of this book is that the Greeks started their history as a multi-ethnic population group consisting of both Greek-speaking newcomers and the indigenous population of the land, and that the body of 'Hellenes' as known to us from the historical period was a deliberate self-creation.

33. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response - by Peter Balakian 2004

A History of International Human Rights and Forgotten Heroes

In this national bestseller, the critically acclaimed author Peter Balakian brings us a riveting narrative of the massacres of the Armenians in the 1890s and of the Armenian Genocide in 1915 at the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Using rarely seen archival documents and remarkable first-person accounts, Balakian presents the chilling history of how the Turkish government implemented the first modern genocide behind the cover of World War I. And in the telling, he resurrects an extraordinary lost chapter of American history.

34. Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program: The Proven Plan to Prevent Disease and Premature Aging, Optimize Weight and Live Longer - By Joseph Mercola, Brian Vaszily, Kendra Pearsall, Nancy Lee Bentley 2003

Featuring world-renowned natural health physician Dr. Joseph Mercola’s dietary program in Part One and over 150 healthy and delicious new recipes in Part Two.

Designed to help prevent disease, premature aging, optimize weight, increase energy, and love what you eat while doing so, Mercola’s easy to follow program will help you avoid and eliminate the underlying causes of health and weight issues.

Built entirely around a natural approach, including eating only the cleanest and healthiest forms of proteins, fats and carbs.

Everything you need to know to:

• Build your body’s immune system to its peak levels to prevent diseases and common illnesses

• Reach your optimal weight – while actually enjoying and being satisfied by eating - and remain at your optimal weight for life

• Maximize your body’s ability to restore the more youthful appearance you are meant to have while avoiding any premature aging

• Boost your energy and mental clarity

Help eliminate the underlying causes for those currently challenged by diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart problems, chronic fatigue, allergies.