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209.6 MiB | 2 | 0 | 160 |
Are you a woman between 40 and 60? I already know something about YOUR hormones:
+ You feel you’re constantly racing from one task to the next? Frazzled and downright exhausted.
+ You struggle to calm down before bed time or you have a second wind that keeps you awake till 2:00 am
+ You have a feeling of anxiety or “on an edge”. You can’t stop worrying about things beyond your control. You have mini breakdowns, sometimes over the most ridiculous things.
+ You walk into the room to do something, then wonder what the heck it was, or draw a blank midsentence.
+ You question the thinning hair on your head trying to make sense of it all as you tweeze excess hair growth on your chin.
+ A duvet fight is not your idea of a date night. Are they night sweats or hot flashes?
+ You crave a “little something” after each meal. The muffin top is expanding and you know it’s not bloating.
+ You wake up to see wrinkles (your favourite night cream no longer works miracles) and you secretly wish the droopy breasts defy the law of gravity.
+ You’ve talked to many “experts” about your symptoms, only to end up feeling more confused than when you started.
+ You feel trapped in your body with stiff achy joints, dry eyes, brittle nails, leaky bladder, lost libido feeling disempowered, deprived wondering “is this how it’s gonna be”
Let me tell you, you’ve come to the right place. This is where you dump the one-sided conversation with your body. Right here. Right Now. A better life awaits you.
Day 1:
Dr. Carolyn Dean
- What’s happening to our food
- Why our children may suffer the worst from a poor diet
- Why we know next to nothing about nutrition
Dr. Nicole Buerkens
- Why medication is not the solution (or the only solution)
- Specific foods that make kids symptoms better or worse
- Nutritional supplements that can be helpful
Day 2:
Victoria Moran
- Is there a kindness-happiness connection?
- How eating gently can lead to peace
- How to find balance between eating according to science and eating according to intuition
Bonnie Giller
- How did we get into the diet mentality?
- How diets affect our moods
- 3 pillars to break free from the pain of endless dieting
Day 3:
Debi Silber
- What’s behind self-sabotage and how to identify it?
- 3 things that can happen when we face what we’re pretending not to see
- 4 areas to strengthen to rebuild resilience after sabotage
Debra Atkinson
- How to eat when exercising
- How to turn on fat-burning
- Importance of evening meal for morning exercise
Day 4:
Tricia Nelson
- Healing the underlying causes of emotional eating
- The seven steps to healing your hunger
- Sustaining long term weight loss by facing the core
Maya Nahra
- The root of eating patterns
- Proven methodology for changing food habits
- Modifying nutritional patterns for optimal weight balance
Day 5:
Mari L. McCarthy
- What journaling is and its benefits
- How to create a life-changing journaling practice
- Overcoming journaling challenges: inner critics and page fright
Michelle Vina-Baltsas
- How diets cause food shame & guilt
- Why body image needs to be addressed with the food
- Defining "normal" eating and dangers of food deprivation
Day 6:
Ricki Heller
- What is the candida diet/restricted diets in general and why they are challenging
- The top 3-5 traps that cause us to break from our new healthy diets
- What we can do to ensure we don't fall for them
Jennifer Dages
- Signs and symptoms of insulin resistance
- What you can eat to reverse insulin resistance
- Intermittent fasting to help break insulin resistance
Day 7:
Dr. Meg Haworth
- How to overcome the effects of victimization and its connection to chronic illness
- What is 'Whole Person Integration Technique'
- How it can change you at the cellular level, helping your body heal while you support it with food and lifestyle influences
Holly Bertone
- The connection between autoimmune disorders and your moods
- How to detox your diet and lifestyle
- Key supplements for support that can also uplift your moods
Day 8:
Dr. Kaayla Daniel
- How food affects our moods
- Learn the FATS of life
- Simple food mood secrets you can apply starting today
Dr. Michelle Sands
- Factors contributing to your low moods (including one you ignore)
- Create an inventory so you get closer to how you want to feel
- Foods that bring in better moods
Day 9:
Dr. Elson Haas
- How to optimize your body’s fuel
- Why do we get out of balance
- Steps you can take to create a NEW roadmap for optimal health and moods
Maria Emmerich
- Why do we crave sugar
- What is a ketogenic diet
- How to tap into your body’s reserves for peak energy and consistently calmer moods
Day 10:
Amanda Brocket
- The food mood interplay that keeps us stuck and sick
- Benefits of raw foods in our diet
- Easy ways to introduce more raw foods on our plate
Tarashaun Hausner
- How blending can be the magic key to heal your unhealthy relationship with food
- How to choose the right blender for your needs
- Juicing vs blending. Which is better?
Day 11:
K. P. Khalsa
- How to stop your moods running your mind
- Understanding your body’s primary energy levels
- Herbs to uplift your moods
Maggie Berghoff
- Understanding the gut - brain connection
- Why optimal gut function can give you positive moods
- Steps to balance your own moods and reduce anxiety
Day 12:
Rene Brent
- How to train your subconscious mind
- Recognize the BUTs that are holding you back
- Lightening your emotional burden
Dr. Peta Stapleton
- EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for anxiety, cravings and emotional eating
- 8 points of tapping
- Steps to engage in your tapping practice
Day 13:
Sara Best
- What is mindful eating
- Understanding the how, where and why we eat
- 4 simple mindful eating strategies
Lani Muelrath
- What is “Vipasana”
- What your wandering mind state does to your cravings, anger, sadness and anxiety
- Closing the gap between wandering and being present
Day 14:
Trish Ward
- Listening to the clues our bodies give us
- How is the gut microbiome linked to mood
- Stop the diet cycle and learning to listen
Margaret Floyd Barry
- It’s not about will power
- What is 'Linchpin' strategy
- How to identify your linchpin
Day 15:
Eric Osansky
- The effect of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone on mood
- The relationship between PMS and mood disorders
- The impact that xenoestrogens have on mood, and what we can do about this
Jessica Drummond
- How your hormones affect your moods
- How to listen to your body and optimise your hormones
- Follow a root cause solution for anxiety and depression so you don't suppress your hormones
Day 16:
Dr. Joe Tatta
- What is pain
- How can we begin to alleviate the pain
- What do foods have to do with pain
Erin Knight
- Recognising "hangry" headaches
- Why it may be hard for your body to maintain blood sugar balance
- Healthy snacks that balance blood sugar
Day 17:
Shana Ekedal
- The emotions that drive us to eat
- How emotions affect physical health
- How to release emotional energy
Mira & Jayson Calton
- Micronutrients and how important they are to diet as opposed to macronutrients
- How stress and anxiety can be fought with micronutrient therapy
- 3 steps to micronutrient sufficiency
Day 18:
Tracy Crossley
- Figuring out who you are
- Looking beyond external
- Living authentically
Tess Challis
- Making change easy
- How foods effect our moods
- 3 simple steps to elevate our moods
Day 19:
Christine Hansen
- The 'Sleep-Mood-Hormones' relationship
- Our body during sleep
- Sleep and our gut-brain connection
Joanna Rushton
- What's happening with our foods
- Fundamental nutritional needs of our brain
- Balancing brain chemistry
Day 20:
Dr. Lindsey Berkson
- 3 brains in your body
- 5 ways your gut and brain connect
- You can get a healthy microbiota
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Empowering health information for the modern woman - please share widely and seed generously!!!