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2012.EARTH DESTRUCTION EVASION MOON MARS OR UNDERGROUND.2009 YouRmomSnutZ + 853 Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Most people think WE are trying to go explore other planets, When The goal the whole time has been to escape this ONE! What if all that Anyone, i

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+ 853 Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Most people think WE are trying to go explore other planets, When The goal the whole time has been to escape this ONE!
What if all that Anyone, in all of history, Covering the entire span of time have ever done is prepare, calculate, ponder, wonder, track, anticipate,

And guard THE secret Of the next time EARTH is destroyed by this EVENT!

What if every culture and color of being that has ever lived is screaming to YOU across time to LOOK at the past and see the SIMPLE CYCLE!! Of Repetitive Planet destruction!!

We are the dinosaurs!!!! DO WE have a plan?..............The Elite DO, DO YOU?

when the student is ready, the teacher will present ones self.
Come help Us figure this mystery OUT!!!!

Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers. Participate in a revolution in science and human evolution.


These are for Planet X, Pression & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!

NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!

We are here for Research ONLY!!

If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!


---->>> includes:

VIDEO: flv avi

1. Alternative 3.1999.4h30m**********************
How long have One's in control of the planet been waiting and planning for the next cycle of Earths destruction to come upon us? What three things must happen to prepare for the EVENT?
Where will it hit? Where has it hit before? & Who will be evacuated underground?
This black operation involves huge underground tunnels and cities, extraterrestrial bases on the moon and Mars, and utilizes anti-gravity flying disks and huge cigar shaped craft to shuttle between the earth, moon and Mars. This 4:40 hour video documentary offers an amazing amount of proof and concludes that Alternative Three is not a hoax, but a real program. There is evidence that Alternative Three may be at Tithonia and is excavating the site. Explores the claims of Bob Lazar and John Lear, both of whom claim we have secret bases on the moon and Mars and have had them for years. Also deeply explores Alternative One, chem-trails!!

On June 20, 1977, Anglia TV in England broadcast a documentary titled Alternative 3. The show, presented as part of a regular series called 'Science Report', began with the announcer explaining that they had originally intended to broadcast a far different show, but something had gone wrong. They had intended to air a show about the British 'brain-drain', about how British scientists were leaving the country to find higher-paying jobs abroad, but in the course of their investigation they discovered that many of the scientists they sought to interview weren't just leaving the country. They appeared to be mysteriously disappearing from the face of the Earth itself.

The disappearance of these scientists prompted the news team to investigate further, and what they ultimately uncovered was a vast, global conspiracy reaching to the very highest levels of the American and Soviet governments. Apparently back in the 1950s researchers had learned that the Earth was facing an unstoppable Global catastrophe which would result in the almost certain extinction of humanity itself. World governments were left with only three options. They were:

* Alternative 1—to drastically reduce the human population on Earth;

* Alternative 2—to construct vast underground Bases to house government officials until the EVENT was over and the Field had stabilized;

* Alternative 3—to establish a "Noah's Ark" colony of humanity's best and brightest underground or off planet, preferably on Mars.


2. Capricorn One.1972.DVD*******(AVI)
When the head of NASA's manned Mars missions discovers that the capsule meant to carry the astronauts will suffer a catastrophic failure, he forces the three astronauts to participate in a hoax by broadcasting their 'Mission' from a studio built at a now abandoned air force base. Over the many months of the mission, the astronauts send broadcasts to Earth on their progress and all goes well until their space capsule burns up on re-entry. They soon realize that the only way for the hoax to be maintained is for them to die and they make a desperate attempt to escape their captors. Throughout this period, an investigative reporter gets wind of the fact that something is amiss with man's first mission to Mars and slowly puts together the pieces of the mystery.


3. Project Redstar.2002.2h*******
Investigation of another city found on Mars Tithonia (not Cydonia). He points out how many of the objects ( pentagonal shape) cannot be natural. There are paths and appears to be abandoned ruins on an older city, but it appears a very advanced civilization once existed on Mars.


4. Gateway Four.1990.2h********
Investigates the question of US intelligence and Military involvement in the UFO question - and how the UFO mystery may not be such an enigma after all.

By saying nothing, and knowing that people wonder about life elsewhere in the universe, and by conducting abductions of people, with military men dressed in alien suits, the intelligence community, along with the US military may well be running a gigantic scam on the public to bring in their new utopia, called the New World Order.

This video is well worth watching, and the end of this video has a connect the dots summary which will stun you when you see all of the many facets of this mystery brought together. A picture emerges that is crystal clear, even though you may not like the answers.


5. HC.The Reich Underground.2008.46m******
Civilization - The Reich Underground (British Discovery Channel) Hitler's vast underground housing, secret tunnels, gold/artwork/weapons/ammo storage and bomb shelters


6. Hidden Empire.Underground Bases and Tunnels.Richard Sauder.2004.60m
Richard Sauder. One of the most mysterious and secretive developments of the 20th Century was the coming together of the Cold War, extraterrestrial related phenomena, the national security infrastructure and advances in digging and tunneling technology. The author of Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? will present a packed lecture on the extraordinary proliferation of underground military, intelligence and agency facilities, the relationship to the black budget and possible relation to extraterrestrial phenomena. Dr. Sauder may be the world's leading researcher in this particular area of study


7. In Its Image.2006.30m*******
In the mid 70s, an aspiring theoretical physicist made what he and many others feel is the most important discovery in the world. This very significant film is about the resulting invention, one that can author all subsequent ideas, provide a totally unanticipated cosmology, and possibly deliver us from death. A.I. future Brains.


8. Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings.2008.2DVDS******** 6 hours
1.The New Atlantis.1
2.Riddles in Stones.2
You will understand why Bush ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, with the President\'s own words providing the criticial historic link to 1580! This video takes you back 425 years to the real origins of America, when Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I in 1580 began to plan to create the most powerful nation in world history from the North American colonies.


9. UFO Gateway to Hell.1990.7h20m******
A 7:20 hour probe of the UFO question. This documentary features an investigation into ancient documents right through to the present. Probes NASA and their SETI operations, now of course Project Phoenix, which is privately funded. This video has to be seen a number of times to grasp the full impact of the information contained within it. Not for the lighthearted, and not for entertainment. This is a serious investigative report that probes the full spectrum of UFO activity, from sightings to abductions, cattle mutilations to operation Paperclip and Iron Mountain.


1. Mars, Pyramids and Changes in the Solar System.Andrew Johnson.2006.2h22m********
Andrew Johnson -
This presentation asks, and attempts to answer, the following questions: Is there any evidence of past or present life on Mars? What is the meaning of, or explanation for, various anomalies which seem to be present in a number of pictures from Mars? Might there be a link between the Pyramids on Earth and possible structures on Mars? Or is this just fantasy? Might the Pyramids on Earth have been something more than a burial chamber and more than some kind religious monument? If there are links between these things, might they also be to do with changes which seem to be taking place in the Solar System? May something be coming our way?
Also see:


2. Hoaglands Mars.1994.4DVDS.6h30m********
Hoagland\'s Mars, Vol. 1

The NASA-Cydonia Briefings (83 m)(AVI)

This video is the first official record of Richard C. Hoagland\'s historic presentation
-- on the critical issue of potential \"ET artifacts\" discovered on the planet Mars --
made to thousands of government engineers and scientists on March 20, 1990, at the
NASA-Lewis Research Center, in Cleveland, Ohio. At the invitation of the center
Director himself, Dr. John Klineberg, Hoagland outlines in detail the early findings of
the Independent Mars Investigation Team, and their complex, multi-disciplinary analyses of a series of extraordinary, enigmatic photos sent back by NASA\'s first official \"search for life on Mars\" -- the 1976 Project Viking Mission. You\'ll see the intensely controversial, official NASA photos themselves as NASA\'s own engineers first saw them -- images and measurements which demonstrate the extraordinarily redundant, \"impossible\" mathematical design discovered by Hoagland and his colleagues connecting the enigmatic Martian \"Sphinx,\" and the nearby \"pyramid complex\" lying in a northern desert region called \"Cydonia\" -- left by \"someone\" very long ago . . . on the planet Mars. One day (and perhaps, given recent headlines, very soon . . .) this first official record of a NASA briefing on the \"Monuments of Mars\" will be confirmed as valid scientific confirmation of a \"high-tech civilization\" visiting our solar system . . . untold millennia ago.

Hoagland\'s Mars, Vol. 2

The U.N. Briefing: The Terrestrial Connection (Ex. Ver.) (115m)(AVI)

On February 28, 1992, at the invitation of a United Nations staff special interest
group (SIG), Richard C. Hoagland took his case to the U.N. Speaking before hundreds of U.N. staff, delegates and invited press and guests, Hoagland extends his intelligence hypothesis concerning the mystery of Cydonia, to planet Earth: demonstrating that the same mathematical message encoded in the layout of the ruins on Mars is also found at many of the mysterious ruins on this planet. With many stunning slides and film clips, Hoagland shares his insights into a new science of \"fourth dimensional physics\" gleaned from the Cydonia research, a physics that opens the door to unlimited energy sources that could revolutionize our technologies, if not change the way we think about the universe itself. The last 24 minutes of Vol. 2 contain an analysis of the extraordinary footage, captured by NASA on September 15, 1991, when the U.S. space shuttle Discovery recorded what appears to be UFO-like spacecraft cruising over the Indian Ocean at enormous speeds, turning at right angles and accelerating to several hundred thousand miles per hour after being \"shot at\" by two missile-like flashes, violating all current laws of physics. The fact that this video was broadcast live over NASA\'s own satellite channel (NASA Select), leads us to believe that this was a \"U.S. black budget\" project, test leaked from the highest offices at NASA -- despite NASA\'s current claim that the film shows only \"ice crystals from a waste water dump\". Shortly after this video was aired, the head of NASA, former astronaut and commander of the first U.S. S. Enterprise space shuttle, Admiral Richard Truly, was abruptly fired. Hoagland believes that he and his associates have an important inside track on what this striking video really represents, given the \"hyperdimensional\" physics found encoded in the ruins of Cydonia.

Once you see this video, you will be convinced that this is the \"smoking gun\" that
proves that something extraordinary has been happening in the solar system, if not on planet Earth, for a long, long time . . . something that up until now, we have not been \"permitted\" to know. Question: now that we do know -- what do we plan to do about it?

Hoagland\'s Mars, Vol. 3

The Moon-Mars Connection (3hrs. 20 m) - 2 tapes(AVI)

On June 2, 1994 at Ohio State University, Richard C. Hoagland presented publicly for
the first time the results of his (then) 2-year \"lunar extension of the independent
Mars Investigation\" -- using NASA\'s own images from the Lunar Orbiter, Surveyor and Apollo missions to the Moon. Armed with dramatic new advances in current computerized technology brought about by the Space Program itself, Hoagland reveals in this video the official images that, over thirty years ago, captured the stunning, light reflecting remnants of an apparent, ancient lunar dome -- stretching over \"Sinus Medii,\" the dark \"sea\" located in the center of the full Moon. This computerized analysis has also revealed scores of additional features now only explainable by some kind of \"intelligent design,\" including: a \"tetrahedral\" light pattern attributable to structural remains still present in the floor of the crater Ukert; a complex of identically sized, precisely aligned, impossible \"double craters\" caught on the highly eroded floor of the crater Murchison (now strongly suspected to be the actual footings of the north-western edge of this \"Sinus Medii dome\"); to say nothing of a one and a half mile tall, glass-like, \"geometric shard\" -- photographed by an unmanned Lunar Orbiter in 1967, casting an imposing shadow out across the horizon of Moon. This, and a host of other, equally inexplicable \"artifacts\" discovered on these official lunar photographs -- unexplainable by any known geology or photographic process -- increasingly demonstrate to one and all the reality of artificial constructs on the Moon . . . which NASA apparently, inexplicably, \"forgot\" to tell the world. Destined inevitably to become a true collectors\' item -- the first serious scientific presentation of NASA\'s own archived evidence of artificial structures on Earth\'s only natural satellite . . . this video was made years before NASA\'s recent, stunning admission of the \"scientific possibility\" of life beyond the Earth . . . What\'s next . . . in this exploding subject? Order a copy of this \"beginning of NASA\'s coming
revelations\" -- and stay tuned.


3. Total Recall (1990) DVD.AVI*************************************
Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Quaid, a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in this crowd-pleasing science fiction spectacle. Against the wishes of his sexy blonde wife... Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Quaid, a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in this crowd-pleasing science fiction spectacle. Against the wishes of his sexy blonde wife (Sharon Stone), Quaid goes to Rekall, a company that implants artificial memories, so he can "remember" visiting the red planet that is now being settled by human inhabitants. However, Quaid is actually an amnesiac secret agent from Mars--or is he? Enemy agents led by a thug named Richter (Michael Ironside) start trying to kill him before Quaid remembers anything more. Bullets and bone-crunching mayhem follow in large doses as Quaid heads to Mars to deal with mutants, ancient alien races, and Cohagen (Ronny Cox), a greedy capitalist controlling the colonists' air supply, in an effort to remember his real identity. TOTAL RECALL is based on the story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" by Philip K. Dick and was a big box-office hit, helping to firmly establish director Paul Verhoeven as a specialist in darkly satiric, blood-drenched genre films.


Eastside Sessions LIVE from Miami - with A-Sides_YouRmomSnutZ.mp3
Some Sick Ass DRUM and Bass for that Ass!!


+ 853 Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Runnin-RED..Forward......WE flex for Planet X
Mindscape-Planet X

(thanks to Attrition)

Drum&Bass (SONG) Come listen:


These are for Planet X, Pression & Pole/Magnetic Reversal research ONLY!

NOT!! Religious debate!! Your faith is your OWN BUSINESS!!

We are here for Research ONLY!!

If you have an open mind, you will GO far!!!


Much Thanks to and all the People Who took the tedious time and patience to collect all this INFO/Pics & Research Material!!

Much thanks to the original people who UP'd these!!! You who help me on my journey!!

We WANT to:
Gather and cross-check vast amounts of knowledge in many dozen specialized fields from scientists and researchers around the globe in addition to studying hundreds of historical documents spanning back to the dawn of history. These fields include archeology, geology, astro, geo & quantum physics, ancient languages & civilizations, paleontology, ancient history, genetics and others.

Events shape our lives, even distant and dark ones. From the time I was a wee little one, I have stopped my fear of dark places. I pick up my torch and journey alone through darkened corridors leading down into bottomless caverns of events past. I stumble upon the remnants of an intricate puzzle, which I bring back with me, and in the quiet of my dreams, are assembled before me.