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1999 Fred Leuchter - Mr Death by Errol Morris & more

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1999 Fred Leuchter – ‘Mr Death’ by Errol Morris
(you can listen to the audio file instead of reading my comments, if you wish).

Continuing with the topic of the imaginary 6 million Jewish holocaust conspiracy theory/lie. I will jump forwards in time to these following 2 docs. which again provide indisputable facts / proof that the gas chambers did not contain any poisonous gas, which could result in deaths of people. The evidence is provided by 2 brilliant people (Fred Leuchter & Germar Rudolf), who along with all the others that I have uploaded so far, all have my utmost admiration. This 2 documentaries should be watched and studied if one wishes to learn/understand how the Jews, with their media control, can influence our thoughts to the extent where the unsuspecting person will abandon logical thoughts so as to satisfy their emotional feelings. As you watch this documentary, take notice how the producers have included many Jewish comments (in particular towards the end of the documentary) which are based on 100% lies, attempt to make the viewer feel emotionally bad if they merely question whether the Jewish Holocaust conspiracy theory actually occurred. Additionally keep your ears open for the blatantly obvious Jewish insults regurgitated in an attempt to discredit this brilliant person/engineer Mr Fred Leuchter, whilst simultaneously ignoring the facts that:

1. The Jews declared war on the Germans as confirmed by the newspaper article in the New York Times.
2. The Jewish controlled regime in Russia, had resulted in at least 66 million deaths of non-Jews.
3. The Jews have directly or indirectly resulted in the death of millions of Germans, after the war had finished, as detailed in Eisenhower's death camps.
4. With their control over Churchill, the Jews carried out war crimes against the Germans in places such as Dresden, and other cities, resulting in 100s of thousand of murdered non-jews.

You have to admire this brilliant tactic where the jews claim to be the victims, whilst in reality they are the biggest hate mongers and instigators of most of the deaths, murders, killings, wars and troubles around the world, up to this very day. As I stated previously 'the Jew cries out in pain as he hits you' has more truth to it than most people know. I guess one of the main reasons for these attitudes by these jews is the fact that their religion is so fucked up. It teaches young children the following:

Gentile = non-jew
Goy / Goyim = 'cattle' non-jew
1 If a jew finds a object lost by a goy it does not have to be returned - Baba Mazi 24a
2 If a Goy hits a Jew he MUST be KILLED - Sanhedrin 58b
3 If a jew murders a goy, there will be no death penalty - Sanhedrin 57a
4 What a jew steals from a Goy, he may keep - Sanhedrin 58b
5 All children of the Goyim are animals - Yebamonth 98a
6 If you eat with a Goy, it is the same as eating with a dog - Tospoth, Jebamoth 84b
7 The Gentiles are not humans, they are Beasts - Baba Mezia 114b
8 Even the best of the goyim should ALL be KILLED - Soferim 15
9 Do NOT save Goyim in danger of death. Show NO Mercy to Goyim - Hikkoth Akum X1
10 Sexual intercourse between the goyim is like intercourse between animals - Sanhedrin 74b
11 When the messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 slaves - Simeon Haddarsen fol. 56-D
12 Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice - Zohar, Shemoth
13 Jehovah created the non-jew in human form so that the jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the jew day and night - Midrash Talpioth p225-L
14 A jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched because the touch has made the wine unclean - Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122
15 To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jew, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly - Libbre David 37
16 A Jew may do to a non-jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat - Hadarine, 20, Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
17 A Jew may violate but not marry a non-jewish girl - Gad.Shas. 2:2
18 A prayer of benediction to be said by a jewish man every day - Thank God for not making me a Gentile, a woman or a slave - Hilkkoth Akum X1
19 A jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them - Szaaloth- Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

From the documentary, 'McLibel' 2005, and basic psychology (including what Bruce Lipton has discovered), it is extremely difficult to break the brainwashing/programming that one subject to in the early years of their life, and hence the person will continue to believe what they have been taught from an early age regardless of whether that belief system is morally or ethically justified.
Now let's look at this brilliant person Mr Fred Leuchter, and how the Jews attempt to discredit his findings, argue that facts and science are irrelevant and destroy the life of this brilliant person, all so that a group of jews may sustain their lies and continue to receive money from all who a suckered into believing the lie.

Firstly, what a ridiculous title ‘Mr Death’, which conjures up the image that Mr. Fred Leuchter was a bad/evil person. The title should instead be ‘The Hero - Mr. Fred Leuchter’, which is a much more accurate description of this extremely courageous and talented electrical engineer.

My notes
Mr. Fred Leuchter - an engineer who after many years of experience, became America’s number 1 expert in legal executions. The first part of this doc, confirms his expertise, which is indisputable and unparalleled.

29 - Mr. Fred Leuchter then got call by Mr E Zundel to be an expert in his court case. Mr. Fred Leuchter explains his visit to the site and what he did.

36:20 - Robert Jan van Pelt - Historian who video taped Mr. Fred Leuchter’s work, was a strong believer in the Jewish holocaust conspiracy theory and throws in his jewish comments throughout the documentary. Have a listen to understand how the jews convince/brainwash others.

43:50 - a valiant attempt by this historian to support the gas chamber lie, by stating that he found evidence of ventilation in the architectural plans.

a)my 1st comment is 'why did they not show the evidence in the documentary - they already had the video camera pointing at the plans, it would have only taken a few more seconds to zoom in at a correct angle to view the drawings, and hence confirm if the verbal information was true and correct, or just another lie. The fact they did not show the evidence on the drawings, is the first indicator that this is just another bit of misinformation provided by Jewish Holocaust supporters in an attempt to keep the lie / conspiracy theory alive and believable.

b)Drawings don't mean much - they are not proof. I deal with building drawings on a daily basis, and the real issue is 'where the buildings built as per the drawings or not ?' quite often they are not, since the builder or designer may vary things as it is being built.

c)the person producing this documentary would have had ample opportunities to present the drawings to Mr Leuchter for his comments. Especially when you consider the fact that the main person in the documentary is Mr Leuchter and that as an engineer he would know how to read drawings. However this very cunning and deceptive producer did not provide Mr Leuchter with the opportunity to comment, and hence only provided the opinion of an incompetent and biased person, so as to attempt to discredit Mr Leuchter.

d)this deceitful statement by Robert Jan van Pelt, conflicts with the facts / reality, that there was no gas residue in any of the buildings that were meant to have been used to kill people. Chemistry is a much reliable indicator of reality, rather than some drawing which could have been fabricated or altered at any point in time.

e)How do we know that these 'drawings' are real (ie not fake), and that the jews have in no way altered them to suit their lies ?

f)Also this very cunning piece of shit who is narrating (Robert Jan van Pelt - who claims to be a Historian), clearly is quite stupid when it comes to reading drawings. for he throws in a comment that the engineer Mr. Fred Leuchter, will not know how to read plans since they are in German. lol. this is one of the most stupid statements I have heard. Drawings do NOT rely on language. Any competent person (and especially an engineer) can read a building drawing and understand what it is proposing to be built. and Mr. Fred Leuchter the engineer, would have more than adequate abilities to read drawings. In fact I doubt if an apparent ‘Historian’ (who has the role of a cameraman) such as Robert Jan van Pelt, would have the skills required, to unbiasedly read and interpret the drawings, especially when you consider the fact that he is a very strong believer and supporter of the conspiracy theory, and hence would have a biased view, in an attempt to justify his beliefs. I couldn't give a shit about a person's beliefs ! what counts is reality and hard facts.

44:24 - the telegram for gas detectors. The gas detectors were most likely required for ensuring that gas had dropped to acceptable levels in the delousing chambers, which would then allow the Germans to enter and remove the clothing, or to ensure that the gas concentration was adequate to kill lice/flees/diseases. All you need to do is think about why a gas detector would be required if the Germans were killing the Jews. I think that seeing it every jew was dead, (and the documentary shows the view from a peep hole - look at screenshot) would be a good indicator that they had provided enough gas. The gas detector telegram can in no way be used to support any conspiracy theory involving the death of jews. It has been thrown in this documentary again is a bit of misleading information in an attempt to discredit the science based factual findings that there were no traces of gas in the building.

45:25 - telegram referring to gas tight doors. You have to love the way that these Jews attempt to manipulate the facts in reality to suit their purposes. The gas tight doors were most likely for the delousing chambers, which has been an acknowledged fact.

45:40 - the maker of this documentary, confirmed that this ‘gas chamber door’ telegram is not for the imaginary people gas chamber, but is just another Jewish lie. If you look carefully, when zooming into the hole in the gas chamber door, (look at screenshots and David Coles video dated 1992) and looking into the room where the imaginary Jews were theoretically killed, you will see that the door at the other end is a timber, non-sealed door, with a glass window panel, and a handle on the inside. Brilliant. This visual evidence proves that this Robert Jan van Pelt, is actually quite stupid and is providing information which does not fit with reality. That is, he is blatantly and poorly supporting the Jewish conspiracy theory. Or, it means that the imaginary jews were so stupid, that they could not open the door, or break the window. You can choose who is the stupid one.

46:25 - Brilliant - Robert Jan van Pelt - revisionist Historian (see my definition below) - stated that 'words like gas chamber would not be used' - however just a 1 minute earlier, they stated that they had a telegram referring to gas tight doors. lol. So which one is it? the jewish lies come out loud and clear if one decides to study them.

Secondly I wonder how the fuck did this useless and lying apparent historian, know that there was a 'secret' to not use the words 'gas chamber'? Did he ask Hitler ? or did he 'mind read' Hitler ? or did he use imagination to conjure up this purely fictitious scenario ? the image shown at 47:03 (look at the 2 screenshots), does not show any ‘note’ which states that they should not use the word 'Gas Chamber'. Have a look at the screenshots. The lengths that these Jews would go to, to support their lies is phenomenal. And what is worst is that most people are half asleep and would not pick up on these lies.

47 Ernst Zundel - footage of Mr. Fred Leuchter obtaining the samples

55:14 - notice the music kicks in. it is morbid music and the jew Robert Jan van Pelt, begins to make unfounded comments as if they were facts (in other words he lies). This is how the jews counter facts, by making emotional comments, so that you feel bad/sad about the imaginary deaths.

56:30 Mr. Fred Leuchter confirms that the buildings were not used for gassing. It would be easier to just shoot people. - spot on !! Well observed Mr. Fred Leuchter.

59:30 - The jew who chemically tested the samples (James Roth) was NOT TOLD WHERE THE SAMPLES were from. Keep this fact in mind for after the hearing, where the jewish chemist is interviewed. Mr. Fred Leuchter confirms that he believed the jewish holocaust conspiracy theory, until the results came back, confirming no gas residue.

61:18 David Irving - publishes the ground breaking and lie smashing 'Mr. Fred Leuchter report'. Have a look at how the jews attempt to discredit David Irving. His title is 'Revisionist Historian', whereas in fact he should be titled 'fact based historian' or 'true historian' or ‘non-fictitious’ historian. this is another good example of how the jews play their 'mind control' games. A revisionist is someone who revises something - implying making a change. In reality the real 'revisionists' are jews that started this jewish holocaust conspiracy theory, since they are the ones who deviated from reality (ie no jews killed in gas chambers).

63:30 - The jewish chemist who test the samples - James Roth.

63:55 - Now that James Roth knows that the whole case was regarding the jewish holocaust conspiracy theory, he attempts to discredit his own findings. How pathetic. James Roth found out what the case was about after he had finished giving evidence. Now check out the utter bullshit/lies that comes out of his mouth. He states that 'the test was not the proper one for the analysis' - yet he knew that he was looking for cyanide when he was given the samples. So that would mean that either this jew is extremely stupid and incompetent since he carried out the incorrect testing, or the jew is lying in an attempt to keep the holocaust conspiracy theory believable.

65:20 - the jew James Roth states that cyanide 'would probably not penetrate more than 10 microns' into the brick. Another big LIE. This Lie by this stupid jew James Roth is proven to be false in the next video i will upload '2003 Auschwitz the missing cyanide - Germar Rudolf'. Another example of how the jewish controlled media mind controls us - by spreading lies as if they are true.

67 How the Jews destroyed Mr. Fred Leuchter's life. These jews work behind the scenes, that is they conspire to attack anyone who gets in their way. They are ruthless jewish goyim.

67:55 This is a truly biased documentary - you have a jewish bitch, (Shelley Shapiro Director of the Holocaust Survivors education centre – in other words a professional liar), who uses the old worn out accusation of Mr. Fred Leuchter Being and ANTI-SEMITE and HATE-MONGER. lol. what do jews have to do with Semites ? this statement by Shelley shows the high level of brain damage she suffers – and it is scary that she is in an ‘educational’ fac sounds a bit like some members on this site !!

68:35 Then they show another jewish lying bitch (Suzan Tabasky Holocaust ‘Educator’) laying shit on Mr. Fred Leuchter. Obviously they would not want anything that could affect the money they receive from the goyim for this scam.

You really have to love the Orwellian names of the positions they hold (i.e. educator). Teaching a fictitious story to people cannot be classified as ‘education’, which should be classified as what it is, that is ‘lying’.

70:20 Another jewish bitch stating that Mr. Fred Leuchter 'made a deal with the devil'. Let me correct this jew, Mr. Fred Leuchter did not make any deals with the devil, this jewish bitch did.

71:20 The jew Robert Jan van Pelt then has to throw in his emotional driven statements in another attack on the hero Mr. Fred Leuchter. i don't pity Robert Jan van Pelt for being such a scumbag.

Keep in mind, all of these comments that these jews are making in their attack, are more applicable to themselves - the medical term is 'projecting' - i prefer to say that they a mentally fucked jews, which can be confirmed when one learns what they truly think about non- jews (look at the jewish religious extracts - above).

Since the Jewish Holocaust fairy-tale, is a conspiracy theory, every single person who believes that the Germans/Hitler killed 6milion jews in gas chambers, is a conspiracy theorist who has very little
knowledge/understanding of what really happened / reality, and i recommend that they begin to think about what they have been sold as opposed to simply making decisions based on emotions, and ruthless money addicts who sling out insults to anyone who attempts to destroy their lies.

I have included a copy of Mr. Fred Leuchter’s ground-breaking report, which includes many black and white photos. On page 204, you can see what a proper gas chamber door looks like. My next upload contains another brilliant scientist, Germar Rudolf, who confirmed what Mr. Fred Leuchter discovered, and he was jailed for it. Imagine that, a scientist being jailed for present real life facts. (i have OCR converted it to txt format, in case anyone wishes to use a text to speech program).

I have also include the video clip of Mr. Fred Leuchter requesting for a further investigation. and the further investigation was carried out by none other than the director of the Auschwitz museum - Franciszek Piper – who then attempted to keep the 2nd set of chemical analysis findings secrete. What a jewish scumbag, who typically suppresses information so as to uphold the jewish lies whilst simultaneously ignoring the millions and millions and millions of non-jews that the jews have killed/murdered either directly or indirectly.

90:33 min
640 x 336

Thanks to the original uploader of this doc.