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16 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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(jUST to note,some material i include in my compilations
do not necessarily fit in the conspiracy category,but i feel
all my material will benefit and help all of us one way or another
and thats what it's all about)

1. Quantum Leaps in the Wrong Direction: Where Real Science Ends...and Pseudoscience Begins - Charles M. Wynn & Arthur W. Wiggins 2001

"Here we have, in their book, a clearer look at the misconceptions and outright deceptions that plague us. Lots of sunlight, and a dash of disinfectant!"

The real value of this book is in the first three chapters, which contain a simple yet powerful description of how science works, and why pseudoscience is, well, pseudoscience. The remainder of the book covers a variety of pseudosciences grouped into five major categories. While detail is a bit thin on the individual entries, the authors do an excellent job of showing why pseudoscientific hypotheses fall down in the face of science. Hard-core skeptics will find nothing new in the pseudoscience sections, but it's always valuable to have so much information in one place to use as a handy reference. The cartoons by Sidney Harris add humor and include some classics - don't be surprised if you find yourself thumbing through the book just to find the next cartoon. This book could easily be used as the basis for a course on Science and Pseudoscience.

A few words about the 'Editorial Review' above - It's clear the reviewer needs to read the book again, because he or she completely missed the point. The reviewer ignores the excellent initial chapters on the nature of science, and then makes a series of gaffes. The fact that Graphology has a better reputation in Europe than in the US doesn't make it any less pseudoscientific. The truth is not a popularity contest. Similarly, the fact that true believers in creationism won't be converted doesn't matter. Converting true believers isn't the point - providing information to those who haven't made up their minds yet is far more important. Holocaust denial is an excellent example of a pseudoscience that doesn't fit the standard 'debunking the UFOs' model of skepticism, and shows how to apply the techniques of critical thinking more generally. Finally, anyone offended by the chapters on near death experiences and life after death hasn't done a good job of reading them. The question is about science and how it works - theology is left untouched. The point is to show that NDE's aren't good, scientific evidence of anything mystical. If you make a scientific claim, you'd better be ready for scrutiny of that claim. Belief in souls is either a question of faith, and so outside the purview of science, or it's a scientific question open to review like any other. You can't say it's scientific when there's evidence you want to use in favor, but then make scrutiny off limits because you're squeamish about violating religious dogma.

2. Encyclopedia of Space and Astronomy - Joseph A. Angelo 2006...($85.00)

Incorporating and expanding on entries from such earlier works as his Facts On File Space and Astronomy Handbook (2002), Angelo presents a wide-angled survey that not only encompasses the nature, study, and exploration of outer space, but also delves into a huge array of related topics, from the Tomahawk missile and Columbia accident to climate change and quarks. Alphabetically arranged into more than 3000 articles that run from single sentences to several double-columned pages, this resource is both comprehensive and easy to use, and nearly every entry closes with several cross-references. The volume is enhanced by a detailed index and 15 thought pieces on such topics as the physical hazards of space travel, the possible consequences of interstellar contact, and the demonstrated uses of satellites in peace and war. Though neither the occasional, murky black-and-white photographs nor the appendixes, which are chock-full of useful and unusual information, are picked up in the index, and some entries are less than enlightening (Enthalpy, for instance, includes no actual definition of the term), this will be a valuable addition to any smaller collection serving serious students, whether they’re researching Galileo or the Galilean satellites, such recent trans-Plutonian discoveries as Sedna and Quaoar, or, for that matter, Walt Disney’s influence on the space race

3. The Psychology of Genocide, Massacres, and Extreme Violence - Donald G. Dutton 2007

Chronicling horrific events that brought the 20th century to witness the largest number of systematic slaughters of human beings in any century across history, this work goes beyond historic details and examines contemporary psychological means leaders use to convince individuals to commit horrific actions in the name of a political or military cause. Massacres in Nanking, Rwanda, El Salvador, Vietnam and other countries are reviewed in chilling detail. But the core issue is what psychological forces are behind large-scale killing, what psychology can be used to indoctrinate normal people with a Groupthink that moves individuals to mass murder brutally and without regret, even when the victims are innocent children. Dutton shows us how individuals are convinced to commit such sadistic acts, often preceded by torture, after being indoctrinated with beliefs that the target victims are unjust, inhuman or "viral," like a virus that must be destroyed or it will destroy society.

4. Electronics Projects For Dummies - by Mr. Earl Boysen 2006

Make lights dance to music, play with radio remote control, or build your own metal detector

Who says the Science Fair has to end? If you love building gadgets, this book belongs on your radar. Here are complete directions for building ten cool creations that involve light, sound, or vibrations -- a weird microphone, remote control gizmos, talking toys, and more, with full parts and tools lists, safety guidelines, and wiring schematics.

Check out ten cool electronics projects, including
* Chapter 8 -- Surfing the Radio Waves (how to make your own radio)
* Chapter 9 -- Scary Pumpkins (crazy Halloween decorations that have sound, light, and movement)
* Chapter 12 -- Hitting Paydirt with an Electronic Metal Detector (a project that can pay for itself)

Discover how to
* Handle electronic components safely
* Read a circuit diagram
* Troubleshoot circuits with a multimeter
* Build light-activated gadgets
* Set up a motion detector
* Transform electromagnetic waves into sound

Companion Web site
* Go to
* Explore new projects with other electronics hobbyists
* Find additional information and project opportunities

5. THE MYSTICAL & MAGICAL SYSTEM of the A.·.A.·.The Spiritual System of Meister Crowley & George Cecil Jones Step-by-Step - by James A. Eshelman 2000

~HIS book explore~. in close detail. the spiri-
7 tual disciplines of the Order called A :.A: ..
The goals of the A:. A:. are those which
have motivated spiritual exploration and religiou5-
inquiry throughout human history.
Its methods are those of science. Its aims are
those of religion.
However. many religions promise their rewards
only in some far distant fUTUre. perhaps beyond the
hmen of death. This is not the view or approach of
the A:. A: .. In our most revered book. the Divine
ALL personified as the Goddess of Infinite Space.
is quoted as saying:
J giw unimaginable joys on earth: certainty.
not faith. while in life. upon death: peace unut-
terable. rest. ecstasy: nor do I demand aught in
sacrifice. I
Each of history's great religions (of those for
which we have a record of their establishment)
was founded by an indiidual who actually experi.
enced what may be called realization. or libera-
tion. or a consciousness of the Di·ine. or a union
with God. or superconsciousness - the exact de-
scription does not matter. only that the experience
transcended. by an incalculable factor. the com-
monplace experiences of human life. From culture
to culture. religion to religion. era to era. the lan-
guage employed has aried. because language it-
self necessarily fails to encompass that which can-
not be defined and barely can be described.
Yet despite the tremendous diversity of details.
each of these liberated individuals was trans-
formed: each had actually experienced something
of immeasurable. and possibly infinite. proportion;
and each began to teach in terms that are phe-
nomenally similar in meaning. if only the detritus
of culture and era be discarded. Their messages
have been wondrously alike.
Furthermore. where we have adequate bio-
graphical records. we find that each of these foun-
ders of a religion underwent some form of isola-
tion. or retirement from normal life. immediately before emerging enlightened and ready to teach.
Moreso, where either the master's teachings or the
biographical details are preserved adequately, we
find that essentially identical practices (or reli-
gious observances. or methods of spiritual inquiry)
were employed in each case. The methods. where
known. are so universal that only the enormity of
human religious prejudice. intolerance. and big-
otry could have kept this similarity from being
recognized widely all along.
The A:.A:. teaches. therefore. that the goals
of religious aspiration - actual spiritual experi-
ence - are attainable in this life. on earth. now;
that while the nature of the Supreme Experience
(or TRIJTH) is necessarily unique for each individ-
ual. it can be recognized universally by al and
that these wonderful results are producible by
knOvn methods that. in one or another variety.
have been employed throughout history.

6. A Fascist Century: Essays by Roger Griffin 2008

Ten essays on the nature of fascism by a leading scholar in the field, focusing on how to understand and apply fascist ideology to various movements since the twentieth century, Mussolini's prophesied "fascist century." Includes studies of fascism's attempted temporal revolution; Nazism as extended case-study; and fascism's postwar evolution.

7. In the Crosshairs: Famous Assassinations and Attempts From Julius Caesar to John Lennon -
Stephen J. Spignesi 2003

In the Crosshairs looks at attempted and successful assassinations of high-profile celebrities, political figures, religious leaders, and many others. Each chapter includes a compelling account of an assassination (or attempted assassination), with complete details about the assassin, the victim, the circumstances of the attack and the outcome. In the Crosshairs also includes a unique "assassination timeline," a list of other notable assassination attempts throughout history, photos of many of the most infamous assassins and their victims, and rare archival materials, like the John Wilkes Booth "Wanted" poster and excerpts from original police reports. He also presents intriguing details like how President Anwar Sadat probably would have survived if he hadn't taken off his bulletproof vest-he didn't like the way it made his dress suit bulge. This surprising, informative, and intriguing book will find a place on every history buff's bookshelf.

8. Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement - Neil Maher 2007

The Great Depression coincided with a wave of natural disasters, including the Dust Bowl and devastating floods of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Recovering from these calamities--and preventing their reoccurrence--was a major goal of the New Deal.
In Nature's New Deal, Neil M. Maher examines the history of one of Franklin D. Roosevelt's boldest and most successful experiments, the Civilian Conservation Corps, describing it as a turning point both in national politics and in the emergence of modern environmentalism. Indeed, Roosevelt addressed both the economic and environmental crises by putting Americans to work at conserving natural resources, through the Soil Conservation Service, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the Civilian Conservation Corps (or CCC). The CCC created public landscapes--natural terrain altered by federal work projects--that helped environmentalism blossom after World War II, Maher notes. Millions of Americans devoted themselves to a new vision of conservation, one that went beyond the old model of simply maximizing the efficient use of natural resources, to include the promotion of human health through outdoor recreation, wilderness preservation, and ecological balance. And yet, as Maher explores the rise and development of the CCC, he also shows how the critique of its campgrounds, picnic areas, hiking trails, and motor roads frames the debate over environmentalism to this day.

9. Magic Power of White Witchcraft Revised - Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost 1999

Revised for a new generation of "good witches," the classic guide to putting witchcraft to work in everyday life to achieve the goals mortals covet: wealth, success, influence, and happiness. Forget newt's eyes and bubbling cauldrons. Witchcraft has come out of the dark ages. Grounded in an ancient religion celebrating the natural world, this benevolent occult art taps into the force of the human spirit and will. Now thoroughly revised, the definitive guide from pioneering witches Gavin and Yvonne Frost is certain to thrill and motivate today's mortals. Making the wondrous ways of witchcraft easy to grasp and practice, this unique resource reveals hundreds of effective mystical techniques. Step by step, the Frosts take readers through spells, rituals, affirmations, telepathy, and the art of divining--with real life examples documenting the remarkable results. Aspiring "witches" will unlock secret powers to: define goals, seize opportunities, improve memory, work smarter, influence others, gain insight, control emotions, develop empathy, find the right mate, boost energy, feel great, achieve serenity, and fulfill dreams. For anyone who has ever been passed over for a promotion, rejected by a lover, or missed that perfect chance for something wonderful...and wondered why, this fun and empowering guide just might have the answer.

10. New Religions and the Nazis - Karla Poewe 2005

Karla Poewe illuminates an important but neglected part of Nazi history: the contribution of new religions to the emergence of Nazi ideology in 1930s Germany. Looking at traditional German occultism as well as the established Church, this book takes new religions founded in the pre-Nazi and Nazi years, especially Jakob Hauer's German Faith Movement, as indicators of how German fascism distilled aspects of religious doctrine into political extremism. It is researched from original documents, including the SS personnel files held in Berlin's Bundesarchiv.

11. 500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets:Increasing Passion and Intimacy Through Great Sex - Michael Webb

Be Sure to Surprise. You want to make your sex life exciting. You want to make it hot. Mind-blowing. Perhaps you want to have it more often. We have more sex tips than ANY OTHER PLACE! Lovemaking Tips & Secrets also includes a section of dozens of diagramed lovemaking positions and explanations of the benefits of each one. There are tips and suggestions if you will be making Love for the very first time. Likewise, you will discover amazing new techniques even if you are the most seasoned lover.

12. Great Sex Games - by Anne Hooper

Let the games begin!

Erotic games to excite the imagination and increase sexual confidence. Expand your sexual repertoire and overcome inhibitions with Anne Hooper's unique and imaginative guide to erotic sex games. With something to suit everyone, you and your partner can discover how to live out daring fantasies and spice up your sex life. From stimulating games using an array of tantalizing sex toys and props, to frolics involving water, food, and video cameras, Anne Hooper shows couples how to explore and get the most out of a provocative range of sensual activities.

13. Encyclopedia Of German Tanks Of World War Two: The Complete Illustrated Dictionary of
German Battle Tanks, Armoured Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Semi-Tracked Vehicles - Peter Chamberlain, Hilary Doyle

A complete illustrated directory is finally available that shows and describes nearly 300 types of German battle tanks, armored cars, self-propelled guns, and semi-tracked vehicles manufactured and put into service from 1933 to 1945. Only recently have the records of the manufacturers been made public, so never before could you know just how many of each model were available, along with accurate dates of their production and mobilization. Historic photos identify features of each vehicle type, including uncommon variants. Captions are packed with accurate details on designations given by the German Army General Staff: alternative designations, manufacturing and development history, chassis numbers, engine capacity, fuel, coolants, gearbox performance, speed and range, armament, armor material and thickness, and service record.

14. Science and technology in world history - James Edward McClellan 2006

Now in its second edition, this bestselling textbook may be the single most influential study of the historical relationship between science and technology ever published. Tracing this relationship from the dawn of civilization through the twentieth century, James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn argue that technology as "applied science" emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies.McClellan and Dorn identify two great scientific traditions: the useful sciences, patronized by the state from the dawn of civilization, and scientific theorizing, initiated by the ancient Greeks. They find that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe and the United States as a scientific and technological power.

15. The Garden of Ediacara: Discovering the First Complex Life - Mark A. S. McMenamin 2000

During an expedition in Sonora, Mexico, paleontologist Mark A. S. McMenamin unearthed fossils of creatures dated at approximately 600 million years old -- making them the oldest large body fossils ever discovered. These circular fossils, known as Ediacarans, seemed to defy explanation. Representatives of marine life forms that existed in Precambrian times, as much as fifty million years before life on earth began to diversify rapidly, the specimens bore a superficial resemblance to jellyfish.

A typical Ediacaran had a quilted body, three curving arms at the center, and a fringe of fine radial lines. McMenamin's curiosity was fueled by the puzzle of whether the Ediacarans were animals or some other type of organism. How could such complex forms of life appear so suddenly, without extensive records of prior evolution? Yet, this seems to be exactly what the Ediacarans had done.

The Garden of Ediacara presents a mesmerizing documentary of a major scientific discovery, detailing McMenamin's trip to Namibia, where, with a party that included the renowned paleontologist Adolf Seilacher, the author investigates a spectacular cast made from a colony of fossils in the Nama desert. He chronicles the long, often futile search made by earlier scientists for Ediacara, which began more than a century ago in Europe, North America, and Africa, and the various types of Ediacaran fossils that have been uncovered in the years since.

McMenamin concludes that Ediacarans were not animals because they never passed through the ball-shaped embryonic stage peculiar to known animal life forms. But, remarkably, Ediacarans seem to have developed a central nervous system and a brain independent from animal evolution. This startling conclusion has profound implications for our understanding of evolutionary biology, for it indicates that the path toward intelligent life was embarked upon more than once on this planet.

16. Crusade Against the Grail: The Struggle between the Cathars, the Templars, and the Church of Rome - Otto Rahn 2006

A better study of the Cathar spirituality could not be found. And beyond delving into it uniquely and sympathetically, Rahn uses it like a prism to bring out the religious conflicts of the time."
(Henry Berry, The Midwest Book Review, Nov 2006 )

"This is a superb introduction to the Cathars and Grail mysticism and we are privileged to have it at last available in English."
(Living Traditions Magazine, Feb 2007 )

"[This] is the book that popularized the legend of the Holy Grail: its first edition appeared in Germany in 1933 and presented the author's own account of his explorations. Its appearance in a new updated edition is a 'must' for understanding the history and legend of the Gail, searches for its truth, and the involvement of the medieval epic Parzival in the Cathar/Grail saga."
(Diane C. Donovan, California Bookwatch, Feb 2007 )

"Crusade Against the Grail is indeed a daring and audacious book that opens many doors to the wisdom of the Cathars, and certainly makes a trip to the hidden fortresses of the Cathars even more inviting."
(Lesley Crossingham, New Dawn, May-June 2007 )

Product Description
The first English translation of the book that reveals the Cathar stronghold at Montségur to be the repository of the Holy Grail

• Presents the history of the Papal persecution of the Cathars that lies hidden in the medieval epic Parzival and in the poetry of the troubadours

• Provides new insights into the life and death of this gifted and controversial author

Crusade Against the Grail is the daring book that popularized the legend of the Cathars and the Holy Grail. The first edition appeared in Germany in 1933 and drew upon Rahn’s account of his explorations of the Pyrenean caves where the heretical Cathars sect sought refuge during the 13th century. Over the years the book has been translated into many languages and exerted a large influence on such authors as Trevor Ravenscroft and Jean-Michel Angebert, but it has never appeared in English until now.

Much as German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann used Homer’s Iliad to locate ancient Troy, Rahn believed that Wolfram von Eschenbach’s medieval epic Parzival held the keys to the mysteries of the Cathars and the secret location of the Holy Grail. Rahn saw Parzival not as a work of fiction, but as a historical account of the Cathars and the Knights Templar and their guardianship of the Grail, a “stone from the stars.” The Crusade that the Vatican led against the Cathars became a war pitting Roma (Rome) against Amor (love), in which the Church triumphed with flame and sword over the pure faith of the Cathars.