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16 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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1. Who's Who In Classical Mythology - Michael Grant & John Hazel

Product Description Who's Who in Classical Mythology is an indispensable guide to all the Greek and Roman mythological characters, from major deities such as Athena and Bacchus, to the lesser-known wood nymphs and centaurs. Also included, of course, are the heroic mortals, figures such as Jason, Aeneas, Helen, Achilles, and Odysseus, all brought to life in a fascinating series of portraits drawn from a wide variety of ancient literary sources. Each entry offers a small window into a timeless mythological world, one filled with epic battles, bizarre metamorphoses, and all sorts of hideous and fantastic monsters. The perfect book for casual browsers and folklore enthusiasts alike, Who's Who in Classical Mythology offers a rich and readable guide to some of the greatest stories ever told. About the Author About the Authors: Michael Grant is a well-known classical scholar and the author of many books on classical mythology. John Hazel, also a classical scholar, is the editor of an edition of Ovid's poetry.

2. Why is Uranus Upside Down - and Other Questions About the Universe - Fred Watson

A highly entertaining and informative introduction to our planet and the universe we live in.

Professor Fred Watson is astronomer in charge of the Anglo-Australian Observatory at Coonabarabran and is a regular broadcaster on ABC radio, where he has his own weekly program with a large following. In 2003, Fred received the David Allen Prize for communicating astronomy to the public, and in 2006 was the winner of the Australian Government Eureka Prize for Promoting Understanding of Science. Fred has an asteroid named after him but says that if it hits the Earth it won't be his fault . . . His last book for Allen & Unwin was Stargazer.

Have you ever wondered what dark matter is or why galaxies collide? Or why the Moon is gradually drifting away from Earth? Space is really, really big, as Douglas Adams once pointed out, and there is no better guide to it than Fred Watson, astronomer to the stars.

Fred Watson has taken the many, many questions that have been asked by listeners of his popular, long-running radio shows, and answered them in Why Is Uranus Upside Down?

* How can you identify the constellations?

* Does the Earth wobble?

* Could you dump nuclear waste into the Sun?

* What makes planets round?

* Where's the nearest black hole?

* Are there other universes?

* Can we ever know everything?

This highly entertaining and informative introduction to our planet and the Universe we live in is a must-read for enquiring minds of all ages.

3. What’s Science Ever Done For Us: What the Simpsons Can Teach Us About Physics, Robots, Life, and the Universe - Paul Halpern

I s the universe shaped like a donut? Homer proposed such a theory. Do three-eyed fish swim near nuclear power plants? Bart managed to catch one. Are perpetual-motion machines suitable for school projects? Lisa constructed a working model. The Simpsons?, the world’s most popular and longest-running animated series, is a treasure-trove of scientific ideas and a clever mixture of fact and fancy. Now there’s a guide to the science behind the show. In What’s Science Ever Done for Us? you’ll find answers to an amazing array of scientific questions raised in 26 classic episodes. Whether you’re a Simpsons fan, a science buff, or both, get ready to laugh and learn as Homer, Bart, Marge, Lisa, and the entire town of Springfield prove that science isn’t just fun—it’s hilarious!

4. The $50 & Up Underground House Book 7th Edition- by Mike Oehler

The $50 & Up Underground House Book teaches how to build the lowest cost, most sunshine-filled, best ventilated and driest underground houses of all. It teaches how to incorporate greenhouses, root cellars and fallout shelters into an underground home. It covers both hillside and flat land design, and explains how to solve drainage problems with dependable gravity rather then expensive, failure-prone building materials. It also details ways to pass or otherwise deal with the building codes.

The $50 & Up Underground House Book is the only book to explain in detail author Mike Oehler's revolutionary Post/Shoring/Polyethylene building method, which cuts building materials to the absolute minimum.

5. Vatican Secret Diplomacy: Joseph P. Hurley and Pope Pius XII 2008

In the corridors of the Vatican on the eve of World War II, American Catholic priest Joseph Patrick Hurley found himself in the midst of secret diplomatic dealings and intense debate. Hurley’s deeply felt American patriotism and fixed ideas about confronting Nazism directly led to a mighty clash with Pope Pius XII. It was 1939, the earliest days of Pius’s papacy, and controversy within the Vatican over policy toward Nazi Germany was already heated. This groundbreaking book is both a biography of Joseph Hurley, the first American to achieve the rank of nuncio, or Vatican ambassador, and an insider’s view of the alleged silence of the pope on the Holocaust and Nazism.

6. A Dictionary of Literary Symbols - Michael Ferber 2007

his is the first dictionary of symbols to be based on literature, rather than 'universal' psychological archetypes or myths. It explains and illustrates the literary symbols that we all frequently encounter (such as swan, rose, moon, gold), and gives hundreds of cross-references and quotations. The dictionary concentrates on English literature, but its entries range widely from the Bible and classical authors to the twentieth century, taking in American and European literatures. For this new edition, Michael Ferber has included over twenty completely new entries (including bear, holly, sunflower and tower), and has added to many of the existing entries. Enlarged and enriched from the first edition, its informed style and rich references make this book an essential tool not only for literary and classical scholars, but for all students of literature

7. I Know Why the Aliens Don't land! - Jeremy Vaeni

Alien abductee Jeremy Vaeni takes us on a whirlwind tour of his life and the world around him to illustrate exactly why aliens do not publicly land and greet us with open arms. I Know Why The Aliens Don't Land! is a revelation with laughter. It is what happens when a true outside mystery injects its presence into the cynical mind of Generation X.

8. Joseph Tainter - The Collapse of Complex Societies )djvu)

Political disintegration is a persistent feature of world history. The Collapse of Complex Societies, though written by an archaeologist, will therefore strike a chord throughout the social sciences. Any explanation of societal collapse carries lessons not just for the study
of ancient societies, but for the members of all such societies in both the present and future. Dr. Tainter describes nearly two dozen cases of collapse and reviews more than 2000 years of explanations. He then develops a new and far-reaching theory that accounts for collapse among diverse kinds of societies, evaluating his model and clarifying the processes of disintegration by detailed studies of the Roman, Mayan and Chacoan collapses.

9. Architecture Gothic and Renaissance (1884) by T. Roger Smith

Prof. of Architecture
at University College, London with 84 classical drawing illustrations : This is the ancient book that contains the history, the features and the most famous examples of European architecture, during a period extending from the rise of the Gothic in twelfth century to the Renaissaunce style at the close to eighteenth century.

10. Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Day - Philip M. Taylor

A classic work, Munitions of the Mind traces how propaganda has formed part of the fabric of conflict since the dawn of warfare, and how in its broadest definition it has also been part of a process of persuasion at the heart of human communication. Stone monuments, coins, broadsheets, paintings and pamphlets, posters, radio, film, television, computers and satellite communications - throughout history, propaganda has had access to ever more complex and versatile media.

In this newly revised and expanded edition, Philip M. Taylor has added a new preface, new chapters on the 1991 Gulf War, information age conflict in the post-Cold War era, and the world after the terrorist attacks of September 11. It also offers a new epilogue and a comprehensive bibliographical essay.

The extraordinary range of this book, as well as the original and cohesive analysis it offers, make it an ideal text for all international courses covering media and communications studies, cultural history, military history and politics.

11. Polis: An Introduction to the Ancient Greek City-State - by Mogens Herman Hansen 2006

From antiquity until the nineteenth century, there have been two types of state: macro-states, each dotted with a number of cities, and regions broken up into city-states, each consisting of an urban center and its hinterland. A region settled with interacting city-states constituted a city-state culture and Polis opens with a description of the concepts of city, state, city-state, and city-state culture, and a survey of the 37 city-state cultures so far identified.
Mogens Herman Hansen provides a thoroughly accessible introduction to the polis (plural: poleis), or ancient Greek city-state, which represents by far the largest of all city-state cultures. He addresses such topics as the emergence of the polis, its size and population, and its political organization, ranging from famous poleis such as Athens and Sparta through more than 1,000 known examples.

12. Wondrous Wisdom - Michael R. Kellogg

Today interest in Kabbalah has exploded worldwide. Millions of people are seeking answers as to what this ancient wisdom really is, and where they can find authentic instruction. With so many conflicting ideas about Kabbalah on the internet, in books, and in the mass media; the time has finally arrived to answer humanity's need, and reveal the wisdom to all who truly desire to know. In Wondrous Wisdom you will receive the first steps, an initial course on Kabbalah, based solely on authentic teachings passed down from Kabbalist teacher to student over thousands of years. Offered within is a sequence of lessons revealing the nature of the wisdom and explaining the method of attaining it. For every person questioning "Who am I really?" and "Why am I on this planet?" this book is an absolute must. But if you listen with your heart to one famous question, I am sure that all your doubts as to whether you should study the Kabbalah will vanish without a trace. This question is a bitter and fair one, asked by all born on earth: What is the meaning of my life? Rav Yehuda Ashlag, from Introduction to Talmud Eser Sefirot

13.The Kabala Of Numbers - by Sepharial 1920

Parts 1 and 2 are combined in this book. A book of Kabalistic numerology: how numbers effect our lives and how they can be used to access the occult. Selected chapters: The power of numbers; Various methods of Kabalism; Number and automatism; Thought-reading by numbers; The Kabalism of cycles; Bruno's symbolism; God geometrises; Number as expressing thought; Number in relation to feeling; The law of periodicity; Coincidences make laws; Phrenoscopy; Planetary hours; Science and superstition.

14.The Kabbala Or, The True Science of Light - S. Pancoast

An Introduction to the Philosophy and Theosophy of the Ancient Sages together with a chapter on Light in the Vegetable Kingdom; "This little volume, devoted to the True Science of Light, especially in its relations to life and health, and its applicability as a remedy in disease, is affectionately and respectfully dedicated by the author." S. Pancoast was a physician to H.P. Blavatsky. Contents: Ancient Ideas of Light and Heat; True Science of Light-Truths and Theories-What we Know, and What we Believe; Light Manifested in Atmospheric Electricity and in Terrestrial Magnetism; Material Forms and Vital Dynamics; Human Organism and its Vital Dynamics; Centres and Original Source of Vital Dynamics within the Human Organism, and the Great Actual Source; How to Assist Nature in Banishing Disease from the Human Organism; Light and its Rays Nature's Own and Only Remedies for Disease-How to apply Light to the Human Organism; Light in the Vegetable Kingdom; Light the Sole Source of Life-Light the Developer of Material Forms-Forms Developed Solely to Manifest Life-Light Nature's Means of Preserving Life-Hence, Light Nature's Means of Banishing Disease by Restoring the Equilibrium that Constitutes Health.

15. Kabbalah: 3000 Years of Mystic Tradition - Kenneth Hanson

Hebrew scholar and author of "Dead Sea Scrolls: The Untold Story" turns his attention to the enthralling history of Kabbalah--depicting how it has developed through three millennia to provide the mystic strain of Judaism and later of Christianity.

Historical account of the development of the Kabbalah & the mystic strains of Judasim & Christianity. Includes 2,200 years of Jewish history & prophets.

16. Various Books On Ancient History (all in one rar file)

Alexander the great in his world
An Introduction to the Ancient World 2nd ed
Ancient Germanic Warriors
Ancient Greece - Pocket essentials
Ancient History - monuments and documents
Ancient Mathematics
Ancient Meteorology
Ancient natural history
Athenian Political Oratory
Athenian Politics 800-500BC
Athens and Sparta
Atlas Classical History
Atlas Medieval Europe
Blackwell history of latin language
Blood & Violence Early Modern France
City of Sokrates
Crusader castles & modern histories
Crusades - pocket essentials
Deception & Democracy in classical athens
Emperors & Gladiators
Fifty key classical authors
Framing the early middle ages 400-800
Government Roman Empire - sourcebook
Greek & Roman Historians - information and misinformation
Greek Mercenaries
Growing up & growing old ancient rome
Hand of Cicero
Historians Craft in Age of Horodotus.pdf
Historians of late antiquity
Human sacrifice Ancient Greece
King Hammurabi of Babylon A Biography
Law & Justice in courts of classical athens
Lazenby - The Peloponnesian War~ A Military Study (Warfare and History)
Legend Alexander Great on Greek Roman Coins
Legitimacy & Law Roman World
Lost beliefs of northern europe
Making sense of war - strategy for 21st century
Miletos - a history
Motivation & narrative in Herodotus
Myths of the archaic state
Ottoman Empire 1700-1922
P. J. Rhodes - A History of the Classical Greek World~ 478-323 BC
Perils of Empire The Roman Republic and the American Republic
Polis - intro to ancient greek city state.
Politics of Apollonius Rhodius Argonautica
Religion, Dynasty & Patronage early christian Rome
Restless youth ancient rome
Rhetoric in Classical historiography
Routledge Handbook Greek Mythology
Secret History Mongols
Terry Buckley - Aspects Of Greek History 750-323 BC~ A Source-Based Approach
The Byzantines - Cameron
The Crusades.
The Norsemen in Viking Age
The Persians
The Vikings in History
Thucydides & Peloponnesian War
Thucydides war narrative
Time in Antiquity
Trials from classical athens
Warfare Ancient Greece - sourcebook
Who's who Greek world