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15 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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1. Where Stuff Comes From: How Toasters, Toilets, Cars, Computers & Other Things Come To Be - Harvey Molotch

The complicated, dynamic relationships between inventor, society, corporation, regulator, shopkeeper, community, family and customer is terrifically laid out by UC Santa Barbara and New York University sociologist Molotch in this persuasive monograph. Myriad links, he argues, ultimately produce and constantly change what we want, buy, keep and throw away; thus, neither consumers nor producers are to be blamed for our numerous possessions, since these items and constituencies all "lash-up" with one another, creating and reinforcing lifestyles and needs.

Molotch's paradigmatic toaster requires an electric socket, bread and butter or jam to be useful. Adherence to "type-form"-modern or retro styling, color options to match kitchens, and knobs and controls for different functions-provides opportunities for the small appliance's owner to mark his/her identity and associate feelings with it, removing the object from the realm of the mundane. Manufacturing techniques, marketing, retail display and ultimate disposal also play large roles.

The importance of all these factors is well argued, but despite the subtitle, no specific products (even the vaunted toaster, mentioned throughout and depicted graphically in the header) are studied in sustained or thorough enough detail to satisfactorily explain their continued forms or popularity-perhaps to avoid accusations of product placement. Even so, Molotch's description of systemic person-product complexes could work to end blame-the-consumer guilt-mongering in the popular discourse.

2. Banned books and other great literatureCreative Science & Research Documents

Antigravity Aircraft 1967

Capacitors That Recharge Themselves

Free electricity from the Phone Co 2002

Free Electricity From The Sky 1 1996-2001

Free Energy from the Sky 2

Free Energy from the Earth 2002-2004

Fuel From Water Part

Fuelless Engine 1-50Hp

Fuelless Engine 50-350Hp

Fuelless Gravity Engine

Fuelless Heater

Fuelless Heater 2

Homemade Batteries

3. Salvinorin: The Psychedelic Essence of Salvia Divinorum - by D.M. Turner 2004

Salvinorin A is the primary psychoactive component of Salvia divinorum. a member of the sage
family found in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Salvinorin A is the most potent naturally occurring
psychedelic known, and in many ways the most enigmatic. Those using salvinorin A find it
frequently induces experiences of an intensity level which is an order of magnitude beyond
those experienced with any other psychedelic, even DMT. The dimensions visited under the
influence of salvinorin A are described as extremely bizarre and varied, with several aspects
not common to other psychedelic experiences. Many who have used salvinorin A find the
experience extremely unnerving, frightening and overly intense. Most have no desire to repeat
the experience. although there are a few who have taken a liking to this entheogen and are
working to develop a relationship with it. Early experiments by pioneering psychonauts suggest
that access to benignly expansive realms, as well as new and very real dangers. are possible
with this material. Salvinorin A also presents us with an entirely novel chemical structure for a
psychedelic drug. It's the first psychedelic diterpene to be discovered, while nearly all other
known psychedelics are alkaloids. The following pages discuss the history and botany of the
rare and little-known plant. Salvia divinorum, and the recent isolation of its immensely powerful
active principal, salvinorin A. Since the first human experiment with this substance three years
ago. salvinorin A has generated significant interest within the psychedelic community, and
promises to challenge our basic understanding of consciousness and the functioning of the
mind. Presented here are results of the early human experiments with salvinorin A, many in
the form of first-hand reports which give lucid descriptions of the bizarre and multifaceted
worlds of Salvia divinorum

4. Brainwashed from the Cradle to the Grave - Ronald H. Ingraham 2000

Brainwashed from the cradle to the grave is about the spiritual awakening of Ronald H. Ingraham that he shares with the reader through this book. He had been searching for spiritual knowledge, understanding, and the reason and purpose for his and Human existence for almost a half century. It will be hard for many readers to understand and more importantly accept His interpretation of what he found out and accepts from his research into his spiritual roots. We guarantee you that you have never read a book like this before. Its contents are very controversial and you will have a strong opinion one way or the other about it. We welcome your opinion and comments. You have no idea of what is in store for you.

5. The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories - Michael Newton 2005

Does the CIA covertly utilize "mind control" drugs and techniques? Are satanic messages subliminally hidden in popular music? Were Freemasons behind London's Jack the Ripper murders? Does your vote really count or is the U.S. president chosen by secretive societies such as the Bilderberg Group and the Illuminati? In an objective, fact-based manner, "The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories" thoroughly documents and explores these and other provocative questions. This intriguing reference provides more than 500 detailed entries that define the major conspiracies, both proven and unproven, throughout history. From the "inheritance powder" of the Medicis to the U.N. oil-for-food scandal, this encyclopedia investigates the broad history of conspiracies and their impact on global affairs and everyday life. Entries include biographies, specific events, profiles of groups, and thumbnail histories of notorious nations.

6. The Female Orgasm Black Book - by Lee Jenkins

Oh Boy... We're at it again. Covering sex and intimacy topics that seem to be considered hush-hush.
Do you believe your girlfriend or wife when she claims to have an orgasm? How can you know for certain that she's not faking?

Here are some surprising facts about female orgasm:

1. 70% of women have NEVER had an orgasm with a man.
2. 25% of men will get turned down by their lovers over half the time. These men have women who think sex is a chore.
3. Nearly 50% of men have partners that will NEVER ask for sex (would you ask for something that doesn’t give you any pleasure?)
4. 92% of women will FAKE ORGASMS just to “get it over with”.

It’s obvious that what most men are doing simply isn’t working.
If you have never given your partner an orgasm, and you don’t know how… Lee Jenkins has created the Female Orgasm Black Book for men and women, but it is especially valuable for caring boyfriends and husbands who want a no-nonsense, step-by-step plan for bringing explosive sexual pleasures to their partners. You do want that, don't you?

The “Black Book” explains the female orgasm, A-to-Z, with sex tips, checklists and examples of “orgasm routines” you can use to bring your partner to an orgasm (or multiple orgasms).

Here's just a peak at the great information that Lee gives you in the Female Orgasm Black Book:

1. Why being a “pick up artist” doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be a “Stud” in bed!
2. How to re-ignite the white-hot passion of any long-term relationship!
3. The number one reason women can’t have orgasms…even if you’re using every trick in the book…and…what to do about it!
4. How to tell if she’s faking an orgasm on you and How to tell if she’s having a real orgasm!
5. A simple “shortcut” to knowing exactly how she likes to be touched! (This takes the guesswork out of foreplay)
6. How to create a setting in your home that will make her want to have sex!
7. The 10 best sex positions that will give her an orgasm
8. How to train your woman to be more orgasmic, and want sex more often!
9. The most common female orgasm problems…and what to do about it
10. 18 hidden signs that reveal if a woman is really “turned on”…or…if she’s just faking it! (most men don’t have a clue about what “signals” a woman can’t stop sending out…which…always reveal the honest truth).
11. How to make heart-pounding intimacy last forever


- Activated Carbon
for Distilling Purposes Handbook
- Alchohol Distillation Principles Equipment Relationships and Safety
- Alcohol
Fuel (Making Your Own)
- Amazing Plastic Still Clever Method of Making Spirit
- Beer - Tap.into.the.Art.and.Science.of.Brewing
- Building a Home Distillation Apparatus
- Building A Home Distillation Apparatus1
- Building a Home Distillation Apparatus2
- Cheers!
- Correction Table for an Alcoholometer
- Distillation of Alcohol and Denaturing - FB Wright
- Distilling - How It Works
- Fruit Brandy
- Home Distillation Handbook
- Home Distillation Handbook - How to Distill Quality Alcohol at Home Inexpensively and Safely
- Homebrew Favorites
- How It Works
- Introduction to Distillation
- Irish Draught Booklet
- Making Gin & Vodka - A Professional Guide for Amateur Distillers
- Making Liquor
- Making Pure Corn Whiskey - A Professional Guide for Amateur Distillers
- Mead-Making Tutorial
- Monzerts Practical Distiller
- Oak Composition and Maturation Influence
- The Art of Distillation
- The Miraculous Polypipe Still

8. High-Powered Investing All-In-One For Dummies

High-Powered Investing All-in-One For Dummies offers readers a wealth of information on investment techniques and options ranging from stocks and bonds to hedge funds to dabbling in exchange-traded funds. It covers virtually every kind of investing. This hands-on guide to profitable investing educates investors by offering a succinct framework and advice to confidently invest in the marketplace.

9. Personal Finance & Investing All-in-One For Dummies (UK Edition)

S ynopsis Providing a one stop shop for every aspect of your money management, “Personal Finance and Investing All in One For Dummies” is the perfect guide to getting the most from your money. This friendly guide gives you expert advice on everything from getting the best current account and coping with credit cards to being savvy with savings and creating wealth with investments. It also lets you know how to save money on tax and build up a healthy pension. “Personal Finance and Investing All In One For Dummies” will cover: organising your finances and dealing with debt; paying less tax; building up savings and investments; retiring wealthy; and your wealth and the next generation.

10. Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century

A guide through the entanglements of lodges with high finance and politics, trilateral commission, Bilderberger, CFR, UN, etc.

In this book, the story of some very tangible people is told, who in 1773, in a house in the Judenstrasse (Jew’s street) in Frankfurt, planned to pave the way for a, “One World Government” by the year 2000 with three world wars, a perfectly worked out plan using the fears and weaknesses of the people against them.

To aim for a world government is nothing new, even today the Vatican wants to make this world a catholic one. And history shows that to this end it let millions of people be tortured and killed.

The “pan-Slavic” ideology of Russia, originally voiced by William the Great, asking for the elimination of Germany and Austria in order to take India and Persia after having subjugated Europe, is another along those lines.

A further ideology to be mentioned is the one asking for a confederation of Asian stated under Japan with the motto “Asia to the Asians”.

Last, but not least, there is the “pan-Germanic” ideology planning a control of Europe by Germany, later to be extended to the whole world.

But because of the work of the “Brotherhood of the Snake” we can trace this activity back to a time in history which was followed by groups like Jews, Christians, Freemasons or other religious sects only 3,000 generations later. Today, this “game” is played, among others, by a few members of the Zionist community, as the book will show, but it has neither started with them nor will it end with them. What had started way back then is today still following the same rules. It suffices therefore to look into the present situation to recognize where the problems are.
If one wants to categorize the thought or belief system of the Illuminati at all, then perhaps one has to choose “Machiavellism” which justifies power politics without ethical standards, thence: political unscrupulousness.

11. The 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene 2000

Learning the game of power requires a certain way of looking at the world, a shifting of perspective," writes Robert Greene. Mastery of one's emotions and the arts of deception and indirection are, he goes on to assert, essential. The 48 laws outlined in this book "have a simple premise: certain actions always increase one's power ... while others decrease it and even ruin us

The laws cull their principles from many great schemers--and scheming instructors--throughout history, from Sun-Tzu to Talleyrand, from Casanova to con man Yellow Kid Weil. They are straightforward in their amoral simplicity: "Get others to do the work for you, but always take the credit," or "Discover each man's thumbscrew." Each chapter provides examples of the consequences of observance or transgression of the law, along with "keys to power," potential "reversals" (where the converse of the law might also be useful), and a single paragraph cleverly laid out to suggest an image (such as the aforementioned thumbscrew); the margins are filled with illustrative quotations. Practitioners of one-upmanship have been given a new, comprehensive training manual, as up-to-date as it is timeless.

12. Robot Builder's Cookbook: Build and Design Your Own Robots

Owen Bishop introduces, through hands-on project work, the mechanics, electronics and programming involved in practical robot design-and-build. The use of the PIC microcontroller throughout provides a painless introduction to programming whilst harnessing the power of a highly popular microcontroller used by students and design engineers worldwide.

This is a book for first-time robot builders, advanced builders wanting to know more about programming robots and students in Further and Higher Education tackling microcontroller-based practical work. They will all find this book a unique and exciting source of projects, ideas and techniques, to be combined into a wide range of fascinating robots.

· Full step-by-step instructions for 5 complete self-build robots
· Introduces key techniques in electronics, programming and construction - for robust robots that work first time
· Illustrations, close-up photographs and a lively, readable text make this a fun and informative guide for novice and experienced robot builders

13. Kings Chemistry Survival Guide - Jared Ledgard

A guide for the hobbyist, enthusiast, or amateur for the preparation of common, and un-common laboratory chemicals.

This book has been written to teach the art of general chemistry sciences to the reader. To do this, you should take a quick, yet vital lesson in chemistry. First of all, the world of chemistry is a fascinating world filled with a huge variety of chemicals, chemical reactions, formulas, laboratory apparatus, and an arsenal of equipment. All these elements are combined and used thoroughly to bring about chemical change of matter from one form to the next. In this book, the form of change that we will deal with mostly, is the formation of compounds that are regarded as general laboratory reagents.
The world of general chemistry is absolutely huge, and in essence, deals with virtually ten’s of thousands of chemical compounds. Regardless how many possible chemicals there might be, most see chemicals as something evil or something that is a troublesome or bothersome contaminant on our foods, households, and everyday possessions; however, in factuality, chemistry and the chemicals involved are responsible for our modern civilization, and without them, we would all be in big trouble. The art of chemistry is as old as life itself, and as old as our universe.

14. Natural First Aid: Herbal Treatments for Ailments & Injuries/Emergency Preparedness/Wilderness Safety (Storey Medicinal Herb Guide) - Brigitte Mars 1990

An A-to-Z guide to using herbs to treat everything from ant bites to wounds. Create a natural first aid kit.

15. How the CIA created Osama bin Laden

How the CIA created Osama bin Laden is complete research report of deptt of forign studies of university