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153.94 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
This Torrent Has Some Very Rare Material
material included:
1. Empire's New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri - By Jodi Dean, Paul Passavant 2003
The publication of Empire last year created a sensation that spread from academia to the media to cocktail-party buzz. A book that causes such a "scholarly commotion" comes along "only once every decade or so" wrote the New York Times, as the book's radical vision of imperial power in the new millennium sparked both histrionic condemnation and serious academic engagement.
After September 11 this discussion of Empire's political and legal theories was closely linked with the struggle to redefine America's place in a changed world. The book was read as a diagnosis of our era and a call for liberatory action, while Michael Hardt was acclaimed as the next Jacques Derrida. Framing the debate about this landmark work, The Empire's New Clothes brings together leading scholars to make sense of Empire's new vocabulary and tackle its claims head on. Does the authors' vision accurately describe the power structure of today's world? Do the processes of "globalization" today represent a fundamental break from the past? Is the book really a "communist manifesto" for the new age?
Empire's New Clothes investigates these and other key issues, giving academics, students, and lay readers a handle on a work that touches the most vital themes of current political, social, and economic life.
2. The Healing Sun Code - by William Henry 2001
The Healing Sun Code ia a book that touts "Rediscovering The Secret Science And Religion Of The Galactic Core And The Rebirth Of Earth In 2012".
The existence of the Healing Sun has been coded in the Mystery Teachings which tradition has so long held to lie behind the Holy Scriptures of numerous religions. This book throws light on these Mystery Teachings, the secret science and religion of the Galactic Core of our Milky Way galaxy, by revealing the symbol and word code of the Healing Sun. Maya prophets claimed 2012 would be a moment of new creation resulting in the transformation of our world. To use a term, with which we are now familiar, our world will be 'born again'. The book examines the fascinating pictures of the Healing Sun Maya science and religion draws for us in more detail.
377 pages, Fully Illustrated
3. Crusader Castles and Modern Histories - by Ronnie Ellenblum 2007
For the last 150 years the historiography of the Crusades has been dominated by nationalist and colonialist discourses in Europe and the Levant. These modern histories have interpreted the Crusades in terms of dichotomous camps, Frankish and Muslim. In this revisionist study, Ronnie Ellenblum presents an interpretation of Crusader historiography that instead defines military and architectural relations between the Franks, local Christians, Muslims and Turks in terms of continuous dialogue and mutual influence. Through close analysis of siege tactics, defensive strategies and the structure and distribution of Crusader castles, Ellenblum relates patterns of crusader settlement to their environment and demonstrates the influence of opposing cultures on tactics and fortifications. He argues that fortifications were often built according to economic and geographic considerations rather than for strategic reasons or to protect illusory 'frontiers', and that Crusader castles are the most evident expression of a cultural dialogue between east and west.
4. The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion - By Robert Spencer 2006
n this startling new book, New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer, provides a warts-and-all portrait of the Prophet of Islam and draws out what his life implies for reforming Islam and repulsing Islamic terrorists. Spencer relies solely on primary sources considered reliable by Muslims and evaluates modern biographies to show how Muhammad has been changed for Western audiences, lulling them into consoling but false conclusions.
5. The Round Towers of Ireland - by Henry O'Brien (1834) (Very Rare!)
The Round Towers Of Atlantis/Ireland by Henry O'Brien is the welcome reprint of a long out-of-print seminal work offering a profound wealth of esoteric wisdom and lore. Originally published back in 1834 as "The Round Towers of Ireland", Henry O'Brien's The Round Towers Of Atlantis provides an insightful and thought-provoking inquiry and commentary on the lost civilization of Atlantis, pre-Christian megalithic architecture, ancient secret societies, the history of the Tuatha-de-Danaans, the origins of modern Celtic Christianity, the relationship and connections between Atlantis and Ireland, and much, much more. Enthusiastically recommended reading for students of occult and metaphysical studies, The Round Towers Of Atlantis is a treasury of arcane knowledge is preserved in this profound and meticulous account that has miraculously survived the test of time.
6. Secret High Degree Rituals of Memphis - by John Yarker
The Rite of Memphis aggravated members of "conventional" Freemasonry because it claimed not only to be the true source of Masonic wisdom but to be the ONLY legitimate Masonic system! Its rituals were much more esoteric than those commonly encountered in "regular" Freemasonry. Many colorful personalities allied themselves with this system, including Karl Kellner, Theodore Reuss and Aleister Crowley. In England, the Rite was under the direction of John Yarker, while in the United States, Harvey Spencer Lewis, of AMORC fame, also made use of these degrees. This fascinating book is a reprint of John Yarker's manuscript-"The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis in 95th Degree-Book Third-Series III Consistory and Grand Council." It includes Yarker's last revision of the 34th through 96th Degree rituals inclusive, plus the "secret work".
7. The Regius Manuscript (1390 AD?)
According to a philosophical study undertaken by British Museum experts, the Manuscript dates from approximately 1390 . Published by James O. Halliwell in 1840, it was mentioned in an inventory of John Theyer’s library in 1670. The latter was sold to Robert Scott, with a new inventory dated 1678. The Manuscript then became the property of the Royal Library until 1757 (hence its name Regius), at which time it was donated to the British Museum by King George II.
The Regius Manuscript is made up of several sections as follows:
- Foundation of Masonry by Euclid in Egypt
- Introduction of Masonry into England under King Athelstane
- The Moral Duties, fifteen articles
- The Moral Duties, fifteen points
- Another ordinance of the art of geometry
- The story of the Four Crowned Ones
- The Tower of Babylon
- The Seven Liberal Arts
- An admonishment about Mass and how to behave in Church
- An instruction on Good Manners
The oldest known Masonic Document in Poetic Meter.
8. What is Freemasonry - by Norman Frederick De Clifford
There have been numberless books written upon Masonry and Free-Masonry, and yet none of these authors have given us any definite or positive information in relation to these subjects as the author of this little volume, "What is Free-Masonry?"
Brother de Clifford has gone out of the beaten path of all other writers, and as a result he has acquired a fund of information that is needed to enable a writer and instructor to give the "LIGHT" to illumine the pathway of those Master Masons who are searching and hungering for a knowledge of "LIGHT AND TRUTH" themselves.
The author of this little volume has given years of untiring zeal and energy in many lands. He has searched diligently for data in relation to the Origin and antiquity of Masonry, what it stands for and what it teaches. He has spent years of personal investigation among the archives of the nations of the East and the sacred writings of the world, and he has given to us in his "EGYPT THE CRADLE OF ANCIENT MASONRY" more Light than any other work that was previously written on Masonry.
9. The Ancient Secret Of The Flower Of Life Volume 1 & 2 - by Melchizedek Drunvalo
Only one Spirit.
Long before Sumeria existed, before Egypt had built Saqqara, before the Indus Valley nourished, Spirit lived in human
bodies, dancing in high culture. The Sphinx knows the truth. We are much more than we know. We have forgotten.
The Flower of Life was and is known by all life. All life, not only here but everywhere, knew it was the creation pattern — the
way in, the way out. Spirit created us in this image. You know this is true; it is written in your body, in all your bodies.
Long ago we fell from a very high state of consciousness, and the memories are just now beginning to emerge. The
birth of our new/old consciousness here on Earth will change us forever and return us to the awareness that there is truly
only one Spirit.
What you’re about to read is a journey of my life through this reality, how I learned about Great Spirit and about the
relationships that each of us have with all life everywhere. I see Great Spirit in the eyes of everyone, and I know that He/She is
within you. You already hold within your deepest being all the information I will be sharing with you. When you first read it, it may
seem like something you’ve never heard before, but it isn’t. This is ancient information. You can remember things that are deep
inside you, and it’s my hope that this book will trigger these things so you can remember who you are, why you came here, and
what your purpose is for being here on Earth.
It is my prayer that this book will become a blessing in your life and give you a new awakening about yourself and some-
thing about you that is very, very old. Thank you for sharing this journey with me. I love you deeply, for in truth we are old friends.
We are One.
10. Gnosis Magazine, 10 volumes.rar
11. The Tarot of the Bohemians - by Papus
THE Tarot pack of cards, transmitted by the Gypsies from
generation. to generation, is the primitive book of ancient initiation.
This has been clearly demonstrated by Guillaume Postel, Court de
Gébelin, Etteila, Eliphas Levi, and J. A. Vaillant.
The key to its construction and application has not yet been
revealed, so far as I know. I therefore wished to fill up this
deficiency by supplying Initiates, i. e. those who are acquainted
with the elements of occult science, with an accurate guide, which
would assist them in the pursuit of their studies.
The uninitiated reader will find in it the explanation of the lofty
philosophy and science of ancient Egypt; whilst ladies are enabled
to practise the use of the divining Tarot, by methods which we
have rendered easy in Chapter XX.
The book has been so arranged that each part forms a complete
whole, which can, if necessary, be studied separately.
I have used every effort to be as clear as possible; the public that
has warmly welcomed my other books will, I hope, forgive the
imperfections inherent to a work of this kind.
12. The Gnostic Bible - by Willis Barnstone 2003
This book may well be the most comprehensive collection of Gnostic materials ever gathered in one volume. After a dry introduction to current debates about gnosticism (by Meyer) and a luminous, marvelously literary introduction to issues of translation (by Barnstone), the bulk of the text is taken up with primary sources, which are drawn from three continents and span an astonishing 13 centuries. These are helpfully organized into various schools of Gnostic tradition: Sethian, Valentinian, Syrian, Hermetic, Mandaean, Manichaean, and--in an unusual move--relatively late Islamic and Cathar texts. Each grouping of texts is preceded by a brief introduction to that particular section's brand of Gnosticism. What is clear from this sourcebook is the tremendous diversity of thought that exists under the "Gnostic" umbrella, including Christian, Jewish, Muslim, pagan, Zoroastrian and Greco-Roman themes. Many of the texts are being published here in English for the first time, making this a valuable resource for students and scholars.
13. Geometry in Art & Architecture - by Paul Calter
Welcome to Geometry in Art & Architecture. We'll be taking a long
journey together, starting in Egypt, like the travellers in this picture.
There, the story goes, geometry got its start when rope stretchers were sen
out to put back the boundary markers washed away by the Nile.
In addition to looking at art and architecture, we'll cover any mathematics
related topics as we go along. The Math Topics for the first unit will be an
introduction to the triangle in general, and the so-called Egyptian triangle
contained in the great pyramid. Since the Egyptian triangle contains the
golden ratio, we'll introduce the ideas of ratio and proportion here, and fo
squaring of the circle, we must be able to find perimeters and areas of the
square and the circle.
The plan is to go more or less chronologically, following threads of Art,
Mathematics, and Architecture, from Egypt to the present.
14. The Secret Doctrine of the Tarot - by Paul Foster Case
THE Tarot is a pack of cards of unknown origin,
which has been in circulation throughout Europe
for at least five centuries, and perhaps much longer.
In the tap-rooms of village inns here and there on
the Continent it is still shuffled and dealt in quaint old games
long since forgotten by the rest of the world. Fortune-
tellers also hold it in high esteem, from Gypsies who read the
cards for a shilling, to professors of occult arts whose fees
are in keeping with their elaborate establishments and ex-
pensive advertising.
Gambling and cartomancy, however, are but husks hid-
ing the kernel of the Tarot's true meaning. What makes it
so interesting and valuable to occultists is the fact that it
is a book, written in the language of numerical and pictorial
symbolism. It teaches the principles of that hidden wis-
dom, older than history, which the sages of each generation
have handed down to those coming after them who were
duly and truly prepared to receive it. This doctrine was
taught in the temple-schools of India, Persia, and Egypt;
has been dramatized in the mysteries of Greece, in the
Roman Catholic Mass, and in the rituals of Freemasonry;
is veiled by innumerable sacred allegories and parables, con-
cealed in creeds, and obscured by the dogmas of theologians ;
and it will always be, through all changes in its manner of
preseritation, the living spirit of truth behind the letter of
exoteric religion and philosophy.
15. Devachanic Plane or The Heaven World - by Charles W. Leadbeater 2003
Leadbeater was a student of the unseen nature of man and the universe. This work describes his clairvoyant investigation of the higher level of existence, or Devachan in Eastern philosophy, where bliss is found before one is reincarnated.