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lf you think being educated about a new profession from a guy who
pllad guilty to Fraud and Money Laundering is a bad idea". this is
not your book.
If you think learning how to rnake millions of dollars from a guy
who almost lost $48 Million in a brutal lawsuit- practicaliy making
him homeless- is a bad idea'.. this is not your book'
If you think discovering how to live the "good life" from a guy who
was facing 1O years in prison is a bad idea.." again... this is not
your book.
But if you are looking for the real... the genuine... the no bulishit
way to become filthy rich- and at the same time- avoid any of the
pitfalis massive success comes with-.- this will be the rnost
rewarding book youll ever read.
You see, I've made over $1OO Million in fewer than 1O years using
the very sarne techniques I'11 reveal to you in this book. I've also
nearly lost all of my fortune being stupid with my success' I'm
going to teach you how to make tons of money- and just as
importantly... I'm going to show you how to keep your millions in
your bank by not being stupid like I was.
This is my first major book. I am not an accomplished author' so
this book will have some flaws- If you read for style, or for literarSl
quality, like I was saying before, this may not be a book for you.But there are paragraphs in this book- ideas in this book- whole
chapters in this book that I han'e never had the balis to put down
on paper before! And they will open doors to you- maybe as soon
as tomorrow- that otherwise might have taken a lifetime of waiting
for you to walk through.