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11 Great eBooks ! ! ! (eBook Compilation) ! ! !

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1. Cure for all diseases - Hulda Regehr Clark 2002

This book shows you that you do not need expensive and dangerous drugs to get rid of your illness.

2. Side Effects of Drugs Annual 30 - Jeffrey K. Aronson 2008...$330.00

The Side Effects of Drugs Annual was first published in 1977. It has been continually published since then, as a yearly update to the voluminous encyclopedia Meyler's Side Effects of Drugs. Each new Annual continues to provide clinicians and medical investigators with a reliable and critical yearly survey of new data and trends in the area of Adverse Drug Reactions and Interactions. An international team of specialists has contributed to the informative, by critically interpreting it, and by pointing to whatever is misleading.Provides a critical yearly survey of new data and trends in the side effects of drugs. Each drug article contains case histories. Contains detailed information on drug-drug interactions.

3. Historical Atlas of the Celtic World - Angus Konstam 2004

The remarkable Celtic culture once encompassed most of western Europe; even after centuries of invasion and conquest it flourished in remote corners of the continent. This book is a beautifully illustrated survey of Celtic society, its history and belief, from its origins to the present day. Historical Atlas of the Celtic World traces the development of Celtic religion and mythology, and describes the flowering of their unique metalwork, sculpture, and illumination. The book draws on this superb legacy and interweaves it with a scholarly examination of Celtic culture, landscape, and history, ending in the Celtic revival of the past century. Millions claim a Celtic ancestry and are fascinated by the unique culture of their predecessors. This exquisitely illustrated book provides an expertly crafted view into the Celtic past, while emphasising the relevance of Celtic culture and identity today.

4. Army OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide:
21st Century U.S. Military Documents: World Weapons Guide--Army OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide--Infantry Weapons, Vehicles, Recon, Antitank Guns, Rifles, Rocket Launchers, Aircraft 2003

This is a spectacular, fully-illustrated guide to weapons organized by categories of equipment. This Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) serves as a guide for use in training, simulations, and modeling, providing the basic characteristics of selected equipment and weapons systems readily available to the capabilities-based OPFOR. Selected weapons systems and equipment are included in the categories of infantry weapons, infantry vehicles, reconnaissance vehicles, tanks and assault vehicles, antitank, artillery, air defense, engineer and logistic systems, and aircraft.

5. The Cambridge Double Star Atlas - James Mullaney, Wil Tirion 2009

Thanks to the genius of James Mullaney, and the artistic sensibility of Wil Tirion, backyard stargazers can now enjoy endless hours of double- and multiple-star observing. Mullaney's vivid descriptions of the finest showpieces truly inspire; Tirion's design is both handsome and practical. The work is destined to become an instant classic. Bravo!" Stephen James O'Meara - Author of the Deep-Sky Companions observing guides and columnist for Astronomy magazine.

"...the definitive treasure map to the night sky's most alluring deep-sky gems. essential addition to any stargazer's observing kit. This new work from James Mullaney, one of the world's most experienced double-star observers, and Wil Tirion, the dean of modern celestial cartographers, gives even the most experienced stargazer a lifetime supply of deep-sky wonders to explore and enjoy." - Rick Fienberg, Editor Emeritus, Sky & Telescope

This magnificent atlas contains the most attractive and interesting double and multiple stars for viewing with binoculars and telescopes. It is a must-have for stargazers who want to explore these fascinating objects. The first modern star atlas devoted to double and multiple stars, it plots over 2,000 selected pairs of stars, each labeled with discoverer, catalog, and/or observatory designations. A superb introduction to this important class of celestial objects, it is spiral bound and printed in red-light friendly colors, making it ideal for use in the field. Written by experienced observer James Mullaney, and beautifully illustrated by renowned celestial cartographer Wil Tirion, it provides an easy-to-use 'celestial roadmap' to locate and identify double and multiple stars. Other deep-sky objects such as star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies are also included, and are color-coded for easy recognition and identification, making this an all-purpose observing reference.

6. Winning Wisdom for Life and Work from 50 Landmark Books - by Tom Butler-Bowdon 2004

Here is the guide to 50 of the most important and inspiring books that already have helped legions of readers unleash their potential and discover the secrets to success in work and life. For book lovers who want to know what they should read, and for those who just want to quote or boast in front of their friends, this book is a good choice.

The author is back with his wide-ranging collection of enduring works from pioneering thinkers, philosophers, & powerful leaders, like Napoleon Hill, Stephen Covey, Kenneth Blanchard, Baltasar Gracian & Christopher Maurer; from the inspirational rags to riches stories of such entrepreneurs, like Andrew Carnegie, Warren Buffet & Sam Walton to the leadership lessons of Sir Ernest Shackleton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln & Nelson Mandela, just to name a few.

We desire success almost as much as we need to breathe. From the moment we are born we want to do more, get more, be more. While we may have a mental picture of success as striving hard toward perfection, in truth it is more natural. Success can be described as the courage to let out the potent dreams and potentialities already in us, simply to give them air. Most people don’t do this because it seems dangerous, it is not routine. Yet those who have gone this way do see it simply as the normal path of life. It feels more like home, a place that should be everyone’s experience.
Sometimes the urge for more is drummed out of us by upbringing or culture, so you may have felt compelled to lower your expectations and settle for a less extraordinary life. If, however, you have recently resurrected your desire to succeed, this book is for you.
Only you will know whether you have achieved your aims in life.
Some people spend their life climbing up a ladder, to paraphrase Joseph Campbell (see 50 Self-Help Classics), only to find it was up against the wrong wall. This is why the term authentic is used: doing something or becoming something that expresses your full personality and abilities in the most noble way. Success is not an event or a result in isolation, but an expression of the best that is within you. The world provides endless possibilities for making it more efficient, more humane, more beautiful.
It is up to you to find your niche.

7. William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s - Saree Makdisi 2002

Modern scholars often find it difficult to account for the profound eccentricities in the work of William Blake, dismissing them as either ahistorical or simply meaningless. But with this pioneering study, Saree Makdisi develops a reliable and comprehensive framework for understanding these peculiarities. According to Makdisi, Blake's poetry and drawings should compel us to reconsider the history of the 1790s. Tracing for the first time the many links among economics, politics, and religion in his work, Makdisi shows how Blake questioned and even subverted the commercial, consumerist, and political liberties that his contemporaries championed, all while developing his own radical aesthetic.

8. Policing Space: Territoriality and the Los Angeles Police Department - by Steve Herbert 1997

This is a short, intense book, probably Steve Herbert's dissertation rewritten into this popular (but informing) version. It consists of a minimal amount of introductory material, an exposition of "six `normative orders' central to the structure of police organizations," and a brief coda titled "Making and Marking Space with the LAPD." The interesting thing is that each of the six normative orders" is elaborately played out in physical space. You can imagine where Herbert is coming from given that an early subheading is titled, "Weber, Foucault, and the Microgeopolitics of State Power." (13.) I'm not even going to attempt to summarize his theoretical position in this brief Sounding, but I will write out the following quotation (which I won't indent, because it would probably get screwed up in an e-mail): "Society, Culture, and Space" "Just as social-structural works often neglect the shaping influence of culture, they also regularly overlook the spatial embeddeness of social action...Analysis of everyday police behavior, in other words, must pay attention not only to its social and cultural construction, but also to its intractable spatiality; in working to uphold socially constructed notions of public order, officers seek to control the spaces they patrol." (20-21.) Well, isn't that something that you would want to read on about? It was so for me. The body of the book has six chapters, each describing and complexifying the six spatially expressed "normative orders." These are; [1] ", which by legislative fiat defines the permissible parameters of police action [rooted in, among other things, what space is public and what space is private]; [2] bureaucratic regulations, which seek to determine police procedures more finely through a set of rules that establish a chain of command [and which ascribe control of particular spaces to particular--sometimes competing--subdivisions of the bureaucracy]; [3] adventure/machismo, which constitutes the police as courageous individuals who embrace danger as a test of individual ability [and who choose to be or not be in particular places at particular times]; [4] safety, which establishes a set of practices to protect the police from undue harm [and which means that police are trained to walk close to buildings (so they may surprise whomever is inside), keep their cruiser windows rolled down (to be able to hear shots being fired) and their seat belts unfastened (to get out fast) in `dangerous' neighborhoods]; [5] competence, which suggests that police should be able to control the public areas for which they are responsible; and [6] morality, which infuses police practice with a sense of right and goodness, in essence because it helps protect society from `bad guys' [who are located in particular places]." For each of the six "normative orders," Herbert writes a multifaceted analysis based on his eight months of participant observation field notes. Herbert's work was done as a participant observer in The Wilshire Division of the LAPD. His opportunity to do this research was because of efforts to reform the "overly professionalized" LAPD, an effort resulting largely from the brutal beating of Rodney King. Thus, Herbert was in a rare historical situation where he had access that would ordinarily be denied. His challenge was to make useful sense of what he observed in a manner that would explain police behavior in ways that even the police might find enlightening. Thus, this is not an "expose" of police behavior. Reading this book makes it clearer why cops become so righteously incensed at people who try to run away from them or angry at gangs who tag neighborhoods with graffiti or even dismissive of their fellow police who choose not to go for the most arrests in the most dangerous areas. (These latter cops are called "Station Queens." How homophobic!) Over the past six years I've tried to march with ILGO (Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization) in the St. Patrick's Day Parade. (I really don't want to be associated with that awful display, but I express my right to march in a public event regardless of my sexuality.) Every year, despite the fact that the protest has been peaceful the previous year, the police bring up the most awesome array of artillery that you can imagine. There are literally blocks lined with vans and communication units and equipment of unimaginable uses. There are hundreds of police dressed up in riot gear. It has always seemed a bit of a mystery to me just why it is so important to the police that they display this kind of out of whack response to a few hundred peaceful protesters. After all, there are real problems in New York that could be attended to. This book helps me understand their need to control space and to deny my challenge to their control.

9. The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence - Carl Sagan

Dr. Carl Sagan takes us on a great reading adventure, offering his vivid and startling insight into the brain of man and beast, the origin of human intelligence, the function of our most haunting legends--and their amazing links to recent discoveries

10. Superstition: Belief In The Age Of Science - Robert L. Park

If a tree falls on a a scientist in a forest with no one else around does it mean he won't make a sound? Not if that scientist is the indomitable Bob Park, the skeptic's skeptic, the Ralph Nader of nonsense, the man who rose from the (nearly) dead to pen this uncompromising critique of superstition and the beliefs that follow once you abandon science and reason. Read this book. Now." Michael Shermer

Science is the only way of knowing—everything else is just superstition. Among other questions, Park revisits experiments regarding the healing power of intercessory prayer (prayer for the healing of others), citing several studies that he claims are meaningless because it is impossible to measure prayer. Further, he says, only science, not prayer, con protect us from so-called acts of God, like a tsunami. Park argues against the existence of the soul by debunking a tale of reincarnation and even interprets the Bible to his own purposes.

11. Letters From The Earth: Uncensored Writings By Mark Twain - Bernard Devoto

Mark Twain's collected essays and short stories in Letters From the Earth wasnt published until 1965 due to them being blasphemy for some.

The book consists of two parts: first section gathers Mark Twain's plays on Biblical themes dealing with God and Christianity, and second section contains his unpublished manuscripts.

"He [man] thinks he is the Creator's pet. He believes the Creator is proud of him; he even believes the Creator loves him; has a passion for him; sits up nights to admire him; yes, and watch over him and keep him out of trouble. He prays to Him, and thinks He listens. Isn't it a quaint idea? Fills his prayers with crude and bald and florid flatteries of Him, and thinks He sits and purrs over these extravagancies and enjoys them. He prays for help, and favor, and protection, every day; and does it with hopefulness and confidence, too, although no prayer of his has ever been answered. The daily affront, the daily defeat, do not discourage him, he goes on praying just the same. There is something almost fine about this perseverance. I must put one more strain upon you: he thinks he is going to heaven!"