I hate typing on my phone so I will make this brief.
Quit believing what your preacher tells you and instead GO TO the bible itself.
I used to be confused with the Bible. For instance, Nimrod (great grandson to Noah) conquered FOUR kingdoms (cities) and built 2 more. If only 8 people walked off Noah's Ark, where did 4 cities come from?
Whom did Cain take for a wife?
Why does the Bible, a book REPLETE with monotonous "begat so-and-so who begat" NEVER mention Adam begetting. ANYONE but Seth?
In a nutshell, God created man (Gen 1:27) male and female created He them. Then in Gen 2 God creates Adam and THEN creates a garden to put him into. (a complete different ordering from vegetation and man in ch. 1) Satan fucked Eve... God said emnity would exist betwixt her SEED and his SEED. The Hebrew word for seed is Zera and can mean seed but also offspring.
So Satan fucked Eve and begat the first JEW. Yes you read that right. Later Adam porked Eve who bore him Seth, whom Christ descended from. (see: Luke).
And basically the Bible is a story of a war between two races. The White Adamic race who later through Abe, Issac and Jacob became the first Hebrews, and the Jews, who have warred against the White race ever since. That IS what the bible (if you go back to the original Greek/Hebrew) says.
Jesus was a Hebrew from the tribe of Judah but he was NOT a Jew.
The flood was NOT world wide. (according to the Hebrew original)
Adam was not the first man, only the first WHITE man. Moreover Adam, tbe name comes from the Hebrew word Awdawm which means to have a fair and rosy complextion. Blacks don't get rosy cheeks in freezing temperatures and Asians don't blush. Awdawm can ONLY be the White race.
It's only been a year since I looked into what is called "Christian Identity" but having looked into it the Bible really began to make sense!
Can the other races have salvation? Yes! Just as the woman with the demonically possessed daughter came to Jesus asking for His help (He called her a DOG.... oh my how racist) He did in fact exorsize her daughter. But ONLY after realizing her racial position as a DOG eating the children's (of Isreal) crumbs under the table.
Well that should ruffle some feathers... be back later to bear the hate-fest I incurred.
One other thought...
Why does the Bible, replete with "begat" ALWAYS AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION go from father to son in a male only lineage? Why do Jews get their "jewishness" from their mothers? Because it is directly opposite to God's own order of things. Just as Satan desired when he fucked Eve giving her the world's first Jew.
no need to take the bible(old testament in this instance) so literally. Genesisis an allegorical tale about the conception of the Hebrews and is merely a creation MYTH.
Your ancestors did to steal (and continue to steal) Palestine.
My grandfather was dead against the state of Israel and wasn't a zionist :) and he was from PALESTINE as he always insisted till the day he died.
My Grandmother was Sephardic from Spain.. near Toledo as i recall.
In case you haven't noticed i have VERY much been sticking up for the Palestinians.. it's their country and yes it has been stolen.. with British and American help amongst quite a throng of others.
BTW My Grandfather was one of two children in his family and they left Israel in the early 1900's to go to Italy.. his parents died and thus.. erm... you are wrong. they had nothing to do with it at all and didn't, as i said, approve at all.
funny how wrong you can be eh mike?
that I don't have a file host which will handle a 4.5 Mb .png at the moment...
I saved a great pic of a family tree which ranges from God to Noah's kids, from my copy of the 1611 KJV.
HEY, wait a minute....
If God created Adam and Eve, why do they both have bellybuttons ?
You claim to have seen Adam's belly? I'm astonied.
really isn't your thing, is it ?
Try the 39th page of the 1611 KJV Bible.
You know, the one which has the family tree starting with God and finishing with Noah's kids....
And the nice portrait of Adam and Eve ( and the snake ) in the center.
a bunch of nonsense... people lived up to 900 years in Noah time, Noah himself was over 600 years old when the flood came. How many children can you have and how many children your children can have in 600 years? And the flood was global, no doubt about that, even archeological evidence proves that today
erm.... that's just guff i am afraid bud... i see you are one of these people that takes the bible in a literal sense......
you do realsie that the chronology was worked out by some bloke of the cloth in the 1800's don't you? he was trying to work out how old the earth was and that's how he did it..... via the genealogy of genesis......
in my house that begat laughter ;)
Then why is the genealogy depicted in the 1611 KJV bible as an artist's graphic rendition prior to going into Genesis ?
Edit - Never mind, long hard day... read "chronology" as "genealogy".
I hurt. :(
So you suggest Nimrod sought to slay his own FAMILY?
And BTW the four kingdoms in the land of Shinar (1/4 the globe away) that Nimrod took for himself, are know to exist antedeluvian. ;) Can you explain that?
Actually, the Chinese dynasties, and others, are anthropologicaly AND archeologically shown to PREDATE and continue THROUGH Noah's flood... see: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Chinese_history. So either learn what the original Hebrew says, what history says, or (hopefully all 3) what the bible says. :)
The flood was global was it? Then perhaps you might explain to me WHY the flood covered "eretz" (phonetic english for the Hebrew word) see http://www.thefreedictionary.com/_/dict.aspx?rd=1&word=Eretz+Yisrael
It sounds pretty geo-succint as one certain place. ie: Isreal
Moreover the Hebrew word Eretz was ALSO used (in exact, same term) when Cain said to God (paraphrased) "my punishment is more than I can bear, you have driven me from the face of "THE EARTH" (in Hebrew, eretz). So was Cain driven off "the face of the Earth" (Eretz in Hebrew) was he floating in outer space? Was the flood ALSO in outter space? Eretz means Eretz and you cannot twist it BOTH ways!
Like I said post #1... fuck the preachers, go TO the bible... look UP the Hebrew. I do not pull this out of my hat. It's there for anyone with eyes to see.
IN SIX HUNDRED YEARS Noah only had THREE. Is there any reason stated in the Bible to suggest his sons were more virile?
Quit talking MAMMON folks. Use the Scriptures to PROVE (or try to) your case. I myself have done NOTHING less. :)
That when Mike(at the time ctrl.alt.dlt) ran the site, he banned me for having an avatar of Jesus with a gun, saying "Jesus will fucking kill you" and arguing you can't prove religious arguments with their own scriptures... It's like bringing the 911 commission report to an argument here.
He lacks objectivity in all things religious, so give him a bit of a break, as he's been like this for a long time.
Bad analogy.![](http://z3.ifrm.com/309/115/0/e312715//e312715.gif)
The leaders of the 9/11 commission report have gone on record saying that they were set up to fail.
Adam was a race, the Adamic race :)
Preposterous allegations, the serpent was still in serpent form when he was cursed;
Genesis 3
[14] And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
Last time I checked mankind cannot breed with reptiles, today's bible verse for your meditate on is;
1.[29] Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
Check this often, do you ?
and last time i checked(ie just now) fundies still don't understand metaphor, pesher and midrash.. oh how some thing never change..LOL
BTW you could do with following the advice of Eph4 as you are about as eloquent as a smug wee parrot with it's brain removed :)