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QAnon is a Psyop - David Icke

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QAnon is a Psyop - Wake Up People!
- David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast, 22nd January 2021

Conspiracy researcher David Icke provides insights on QAnon and how, amongst other things, it bears a striking resemblance to a Bolshevik Psyop from the 1920’s known as “Operation Trust”.

BitChute Video


I've been saying that for years..

Same, it is the continuation of pizzagate when that thing died off and the hysteria and hoaxes were all uncovered. There shall be a price to pay for torturing the people's minds. All of this, even the acronym MAGA, is a Temple of Set/DIA construct, MAGA is the third level or whatever in Lt.Col.Aquino's Temple of Shit (or Set).

Aquino and retired general (cough) digital soldier (cough) and Fox News Correspondent Paul Valliley is a fellow satanist and in 1980 he wrote a book for an agency of the Army almost nobody knows about (ISA) named : From Psyop to Mindwar. Paul Valliley has been going around on "alternative media" after Trump's LOSS (every election since 2000 has been tampered with against Democrats, whether most of them are as awful as Republicans in congress doesn't matter), Obama was so hyped up by a broken American mind after 9/11 and W's tyranny that he broke the tampering twice, see Karl Rove's reaction to Romney's loss in 2012, always a classic. It's literally what the QAnoners are doing now, nevermind that Q hasn't posted since December 8th and he can't post now, 8kun is down, Jim Watkins and Ron Watkins, who could control what Q posts would be posted (this is proven by ex 8chan creator and admin Fred Brennan), since all posts go in a queue before being allowed by admins over at 8chan/8kun, Brennan is the one who made the whole non-free proprietary code for 8chan which was stolen from his control when Brennan had enough (see El Paso/Dayton shooting day) and barely escaped the Phillipines, Watkins trying to send him to certain death in prison over BS in the Phillipines, where due to his physical disabilities, he would have not lasted long, especially under the Duterte quasi-dictatorship.

Some far-right wingers were warming up to the antiwar and economics research put out by normal people who are of the pacifist/truther/voluntarism/social-libertarianism nature and then the actual deep state, the conjunction of the MIC and the criminal underground took the ideas over, distorted them, starting with Roger Stone being the first to push out the pizzagate psyop and later when 4chan banned Q, the original, which was some troll created by bottom-rank IT guys who happen to know some military people, the idea somehow made its way to the pentagon and white house and the psyop put in control. Paul Valliley is the key, he's featured as the extremely racist satanic ex-general who released that list of generals that Obama sacked (basically all the neocon psychos he could) that found its way online back in 2012. Not an Obama fan, but now it's obvious the man was nowhere as malicious as we have experienced collectively in the last 5 years, this war on our mind as AJ would say, isn't a cool thing to make money about with hollywood budget films, it's torture by distance, it's why people end up on addicting anti-anxiety drugs or even worse psychiatric drugs when they were not mentally ill before. Men who are schizos typically show to be around 20 years old, females, around 26 years old, but people who develop symptoms similar to antisocial, schizoid, schizotypal, narcissistic, histrionic etc. personality disorders do so under constant attack on their livelihood, health, financial mobility etc. and some just crack, and that has been weaponized by the Pentagon (DIA) and the Trump White House.

Now let's see what this old walking corpse will do...congratulations to anyone never buying into Q ever, but unfortunately, the Q poster doesn't need to post anymore, it has melted so many brains that it became a state of mind, a meme in the original sense of the word, a mass psychosis that will take very long to heal.

Peace to you all.

I always thought Q was interesting but probably not legit.

Is the general idea behind Q-Anon that there is a global elite that are into child trafficking and human sacrifice? But that somehow Donald Trump is the savior who is going to eradicate this evil from the planet? Some of this conspiracy theory is probably correct. But not the part about Trump!

Catch a clue! Its all a game. Psyop is an essential in the art of war. Duh!

Q is one thing. "Anons" another. Anons study the Q "drops" on the "chans". Geesh... some people really need to do some study.
Art of War - there is no such thing as "truth" in wartime. wow. Amazingly simple.
grey-ops... soft-disclosure. If you aren't having fun, then are you doing it right?
Is it a psy-op? Of course it is, and is not. And that is the point, aint it?
Nothing to see here. go back to sleep. Turn TV back on... Imbibe heavily.
People who don't understand the purpose of the Q operation, are not "Anons".
I've never been on the "chans", not an "anon" but took a few seconds researching it to figure out what it WAS and was NOT.

zerocenter wrote:

Q is one thing. "Anons" another. Anons study the Q "drops" on the "chans". Geesh... some people really need to do some study.
Art of War - there is no such thing as "truth" in wartime. wow. Amazingly simple.
grey-ops... soft-disclosure. If you aren't having fun, then are you doing it right?
Is it a psy-op? Of course it is, and is not. And that is the point, aint it?
Nothing to see here. go back to sleep. Turn TV back on... Imbibe heavily.
People who don't understand the purpose of the Q operation, are not "Anons".
I've never been on the "chans", not an "anon" but took a few seconds researching it to figure out what it WAS and was NOT.

erm... then who are the folks with the Qanon kit at rallies and protests???
what are all those Qanon forums/ subs, websites etc for????
there absopluitely exist and to suggest otherwise is a nonesne.
these poor idiots were taken in by an obvious scam.. a very very very very obvious scam/psyop.
people STILL believe this shit, true true berlievers and they always kick the can down the road and move those goalposts when their predictions never fucking happen.
These people believe it and wquite a few even bigger scumbags make a living out it... funny that it's most likely Ron Watkins and his father that were tha latter Q posters. funny as the big anti-paedo stance QAnon claim to have and yet there's lkittle Ron.. in the Philipines because he quitye like yopung girls and the age of consent there is very low.
Also bear in mind 8chan/8kun is a festering pilke of unmoderated kiddy porn... same with 4chan.....

zoopenhoff wrote:

to be honest, let's fucking hope so.. THAT Q is the dogs bollocks

Icke can't admit he was wrong about the best POTUS ever, Donald J Trump, so he's just doubling down. Sad to see.

The fact of the matter is that Q is Pleiadian and his mission was to help with the GREAT AWAKENING of humanity to prepare for the SHIFT to 5D Earth.



you didn't watch it then.

Here's a banned YouTube video from January, 2020, Ultimate QProofs. How many coincidences before mathematically impossible?

05:00 – The Calm Before the Storm
12:15 – "Tippy Top" / Alice & Wonderland
15:35 – Tripcode Change
16:54 – Q74 Firetruck
19:47 – Honk for Q
24:30 – #17
36:23 – Direct Confirmations
42:02 – Q/POTUS Deltas
53:25 – VIP Anon
57:57 – US Armed Forces
01:05:43 – Sanctions are Coming
01:09:54 – The Wall
01:15:30 – Gingerbread Crumbs
01:20:02 – The Ultimate Q
01:25:32 – North Korea
01:42:04 – FISA = Start
01:53:21 – Proofs in Play


Presumably these are mostly evidence that Q is an insider?

I don't have a problem with that. He's obviously simply part of the Trump campaign, since the only thing he ever asked people to do was vote for Trump.

There's no evidence that mass arrests are coming - and they really should have happened by now, don't you think?

Watch the David Icke.

So is Q-Anon an ongoing and current phenomenon, or is it dead now that Trump is too, so to speak?

TheCorsair00 wrote:

So is Q-Anon an ongoing and current phenomenon, or is it dead now that Trump is too, so to speak?

there's an even greater merging of the evangelicals and Qanons now . they seem quite determined that Trump will be back