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The Unexplained With Howard Hughes - Jacques Vallee And Paola Harris - Trinity: The Best Kept Secret (2021-05-16)

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The Unexplained With Howard Hughes

Edition 545 - Jacques Vallee And Paola Harris

An exclusive and extended conversation with world-renowned investigators Jacques Vallee and Paola Harris together on their deep research into a UFO crash in 1945 - two years before Roswell... They've done extensive new research and spoken to living witnesses for their book "Trinity - The Best Kept Secret "



The connection between atomic bombs, nuclear weapons and UFO sightings is quite intriguing...

Agreed. Were you thinking of sightings specifically in the vicinity of atomic sites, or just in the atomic era in general? I think a case could be made for both, but I would put my money on the latter connection. The former assumes that there is another external party that is interested in our doings; the latter could be read more as our own projection from a split of our own individual "atom" -- a split in our individual selves.

In any case, a shift has definitely occurred in the UFO narrative away from physicalist and interplanetary interpretations, towards more ambiguous interdimensional and/or supernaturalist ones:

-in the 1950s, the burning question among UFO researchers was, "Do they come from Mars or do they come from Venus?"
-in the ‘60s and ‘70s and ‘80s, the question became, "Well, do they come from Zeta Reticula 4, or do they come from Alpha Centauri?"
-now it’s the 2000s, the question is, "Do they come from another planet, do they come from another solar system, do they come from another galaxy, do they come from another dimension, do they come from another time?"

This shift is partly physical and materialist: that is, the stories have shifted from a physical craft, whether military or extra-terrestrial in origin—to a supernaturalist construction wherein UFOs and their occupants are interpreted as beings from other dimensions or times, or as “spiritual” beings.

And this shift is also partly more removed from the everyday: the stories of UFO narratives over seven decades have shifted and their pilots have grown more distant. At first UFOs were said to come from other planets, then other stars, and finally other dimensions or times.

This shift in physicality and materiality is consistent with a greater claim to other ways of “knowing” things, which has also grown far more common

I definitely tend to side with Jacques Vallee's view that the UFO phenomenon is probably interdimensional in nature. The modern UFO phenomenon seems to have been jump-started from the time of the detonations of the first atomic bombs. Sure, there have been many sightings since ancient times, but the intelligence behind this phenomenon seems to be very interested (or concerned) with our military tomfoolery. If these beings occupy another dimension or time, but are still sharing this planet with us, atomic detonations may destroy their world as well.

There have been so many incidents of UFOs hovering over nuclear weapons sites and shutting them down and things of this sort, that many military whistleblowers have come forward and even held a press conference about these matters. Unfortunately, from my understanding, the military made the decision to assume that this constitutes a threat to national security, whereas it appears to me that the so-called "aliens" are looking out for the Earth and are concerned with our war-like nature and hostility. Just speculation, I guess...

As an aside, Terence McKenna talked once or twice about one of his magic mushroom trips that shared with him a vision of the UFOs and how there was apparently some macrocosmic bifurcation of Earth's timeline and a split/alternate Earth and timeline came into being thousands of years ago. He also got into how our atomic wars were disrupting their world. It is alleged that Terence stopped doing mushrooms shortly after this vision, which he thought he could write as a science-fiction novel:

wow! that's wild and amazing! many thanks for sharing that McKenna that one!

... is in fact to cover the Japanese issue. The WWII ended only in 1952 when the surrender of USA was signed at San Francisco. Until there Japan demonstrated huge potential to engage in biological warfare against North America (

It was, and still is, better to deal with aliens then admit that the USA lost WWII for the Germany AND for Japan...

You could be right. Douglas Dietrich talks about this and wrote a book about it which came out quite recently 'The Roswell Deception and Demystification of World War II'.