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Time of the Sixth Sun - 8-part Documentary Series (2020)

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Episode 1 -
An Awakening Global Consciousness
Huge changes are happening on our planet. But how deep do they go?

New social structures which are more aligned with the sacred are emerging, and we are awakening to the possibility of walking more lightly on this Earth.

We are slaves to a system that was set up a long time ago and the bondage of debt has now enslaved humanity for generations.

These systems, rotten to the core, were created by the few to control the many. Isn’t a total transformation of the system now urgently needed?

Episode 2 -
Healing Our Ancestral Wounds
There is a Universal Wound that connects us all, and many of us have been disconnected from our Indigenous roots.

Domination of the Indigenous spirit and the stamping out of their ancient cultures in the name of profit, resources and religion has to cease globally.

Can we re-purpose the old betrayal system and instead be answerable to Universal Law?

Cause no harm, Cause no loss, Do no damage, Don’t impose your will on others

Episode 3 -
Ancient and Future Technologies
A pure energy source is still available to us today, we just need to tap into it.

Electromagnetic fields of crystals are a huge silicone source of energy.

Technology is now available which generates pure, clean and enhanced water, taken from the atmosphere.

It is both plentiful and free and drawing power from the quantum vacuum will power us into space in the future.

The Tesla coil can harness huge energy. Find out just how close we are to "tomorrow's world" becoming available today...

Episode 4 -
Sustainable Futures
Deep care comes from the heart. Is it time to return to trusteeship, to become guardians and stewards of the land? Our land.

To restore the earth and grow healthy organic and biodynamic food for a sustainable future.

Is it now time to look seven generations forward to what we are leaving our children as a legacy, rather than remain in the ‘what’s in it for me’ generation of the past seven generations?

Do you know how to grow, forage, store and survive? Hear what the speakers' vision for the future is...

Episode 5 -
The Grandmothers Speak
We've collated the wisdom of the grandmothers in this fascinating episode.

The grandmothers know the phases of the moon and how the earth speaks through the elements.

They say we have forgotten the sacredness of the animal and plant kingdoms.

These are the pacts we made with the earth to be guardians and earth keepers.

There is a great awakening of the divine feminine energy, in both men and women.

A resurgence of the Shekinah energy, and it is time for us to come back into balance.

Episode 6 -
The Grandfathers Speak
A collection of wisdom from the grandfathers in this equally fascinating episode.

The Zulus in Africa still remember, the Dogons remember, the Hopi remember, the Mayans remember.

The Kogi, the Arhuacas, the Wiwias and the Kanguamas, they remember.

The Maori remember and many of the Polynesians, the Waitaha remember.

The Indigenous of Australia remember.

These are elders, they are literally part of who we are and we should listen to their wise words...

Episode 7 -
Messages From The Heart
At the end of each interview, we asked every speaker who participated in the project the same four questions.

What would you say to:

- The Leaders of Our Planet?

- The Children?

- The Media?

- What is Your Vision of the Future?

In this episode we've gone though and edited together the best of the best to share with you. To hear each speaker's answers is fascinating and this episode will get you thinking, questioning and re-evaluating...

Episode 8 -
Channeling Our Guide & Storyteller
In three parts, we firstly ask Geoffrey Hoppe, about his experience as a trance channel.

He then brings through Tobias, our guide and storyteller in the film, and asks him a series of questions. Adamus is keen to come in, so there is a changeover.

In the final part, he brings through Adamus St Germain, this time with his eyes open, conscious and very much aware.

It is interesting to observe the different energies & voices coming through one man, one vehicle.

Geoffrey is just extremely likeable, sympathetic, and understanding. Tobias is grandfatherly, loves humans, is kind and compassionate of our human experience. Adamus is somewhat arrogant, petulant, direct, and does not suffer fools gladly, however he is all loving in a tough love kind of way.


remember Mr Gamble in Thrive II talking about many of these themes within these episodes, and it seems visa-versa. Look forward to watching these, hope they stay true to the ancestral message without the solipsism of the documentary movie.

Looking forward to these. I liked what I saw in the first half of Ancient and Future Technologies. Thank you for taking the time to share here.