Heard James Fox mention a couple of sites had some rather extensive extras accompanying the film on a couple of the sites. It would be great to see them as the film is a really condensed version of everything they gathered and filmed over 7 years, so they will have some value i think. I think there may be upwards of 3 hours worth. Thanks in advance!
I might be able to work that out...
There is probably more cutting room floor material on another site, but on Vimeo it is several little 1 to 2 minute clips, like interviews with J. Allen Hynek. And also an hour long 2007 National Press Club event. Close to an hour of a physicist named Claude Poher describing UFO science and an hour with an astronaut named Story Muskgraves.
It does sound interesting to me The Corsair00. ive seen the press club event i think but not the rest. Thank you!!!
Brilliant TheCorsair00, thank you very much. You have made mine, and I am sure many others evenings much richer!!!