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Plandemic2 (2020)

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Created by the team behind the game-changing Plandemic video segment from Mikki Willis featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits that went viral and was banned on every major social media platform for exposing the truth about Covid-19, this new FEATURE LENGTH PIECE which is the most revelatory film on what is driving the vaccine agenda, the various roles of the WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Anthony Fauci and more.

Going deep into what is really happening with mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, big pharma and our health protection agencies, Mikki’s new film finally connects the dots…


Thank you for uploading this. I had an email recently that was promoting this and I was trying to figure out how to watch/download it. This documentary as well as several others were added to their website the other day:

New perspectives

It would be nice to have subtitles to that. Just wrote to but the reply was an error message...

If one can find English subtitles i believe that a lot of help will emerge to do the translations.

I am not sure if anybody at London Real might be up for adding English subtitles. They were the ones that debuted and live-streamed this documentary at first.

This doc is truly a miracle:

80 minutes of truth telling, exposing everyone and everything by higher than thou truth tellers picking their eyebrows in the process, but forgetting to mention that Vit C was endorsed by the Chinese government for Covid.

If the MSM can do it, surely the producers here can too, isn't it ?

It's a miracle, i say.

It’s not really the point of the doc tho...

I’m about to watch Mikki’s 2 hour interview with Rose, should be interesting.

The point was the problem of vaccines: and Vit C can prevent and cure almost any viral or bacterial infection.

So, no more need for vaccines.

Quite convenient they forgot to mention it, just like the MSM does.

They would rather have something to keep complaining about.

"I will tell you about the crime that's being committed, but not about the solution to end it, because i want you to remain indignant, angry, fearful and confused."

Has Milkowitz ever uttered the word "Vit C" ?

I would really, reaaaaly be curious to know that...

that's not really Mikowits' speciality though. I'm sure Mikki is open to it.

(Could it be they're hand in hand with Bill Gates ?)

Preliminary Report of Chinese High Dose Vitamin C for Covid-19 Treatment Studies
by Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

(OMNS August 16, 2020) Covid-19 has caused more than 700,000 deaths and USD$86 trillion economic losses worldwide in just over half a year! And yet, there are still no specific drugs or treatments that the top medical advisors (medical agencies) in US are willing to recommend. Really? No specific treatments for Covid-19? Effective, safe and inexpensive treatments for viral infections including Covid-19 do exist. But these medical advisors (medical agencies) either have turned a blind eye or are suppressing these treatments intentionally or not.

Since my early reports of high dose IV vitamin C (HDIVC) for Covid-19 treatment, by Dr. Zhiyong Peng's group in Wuhan and Dr. Enqian Mao's group in Shanghai [1,2], I have been receiving regular inquiries about the results. The studies have been analyzed and papers have been written up. These studies show very promising results including statistically significant reduction in mortality and inflammation of Covid-19 patients treated with HDIVC, with no significant side effect. But no major medical journals have agreed to publish the papers.

While we are waiting for journals to publish these important studies, I'd like to share some of the key results of these studies, as they may help the world in combating Covid-19.

A randomized, controlled clinical trial was carried out in 3 different hospitals in Hubei Province, China, with (Dr. ZY Peng et al). A total of 54 confirmed critical Covid-19 patients were enrolled. Patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome were randomly assigned to either HDIVC or placebo in a 1:1 ratio. HDIVC group received 12 grams of vitamin C in 50 ml IV infusion every 12 hours for 7 days at a rate of 12 ml per hour. The placebo group received sterile water in the same manner. The primary outcome is invasive mechanical ventilation days in 28 days (IMVFD28), the secondary outcome is 28-day mortality, organ failure and inflammation progression.

The results are mixed. Although no statistically significant difference was seen in IMVFD28 between the 2 groups, HDIVC group did show steady improvement in blood oxygenation levels and a significant reduction in 28-day mortality, as well as reduction in inflammation (as measured by IL6), compared to the placebo group. The authors concluded that HDIVC may provide a protective clinical effect without any adverse events in critically ill Coivd-19 patients (Dr. ZY Peng, personal communication).

The second study is a case series study carried out in Shanghai, China by Dr. EQ Mao and his colleagues. Covid-19 patients admitted to the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center between Jan. 22 and Apr 11, 2020 were retrospectively screened and analyzed. Severely or critically ill patients with confirmed Covid-19 pneumonia, who received HDIVC within 24 hours after disease aggravation, were included. Main clinical outcomes were compared before HDIVC and 3-5 days (Day 3) and 7-10 days (Day 7) after HDIVC. A total of 12 qualified patients (18 years or older), 6 critically ill and 6 severely ill patients, were identified and included in the final analysis. C reactive protein, lymphocyte count and CD4+ T cell counts returned to normal on Day 3. Similar trend of improvement in blood oxygenation levels (PaO2/FiO2) and SOFA (an organ failure measurement) score was also observed, after HDIVC. Please note that we reported earlier that there were no deaths in HDIVC treated Covid-19 patients in Shanghai. Dr. Mao and his colleagues concluded that "HDIVC might be beneficial in aspects of inflammatory response, immune and organ function for aggravation of Covid-19 patients" (Dr. EQ Mao, personal communication).

Over 80 years of lab research and clinical studies have shown beyond doubt that vitamin C is effective in the treatment of many viral infections. An NIH document (updated in February 2020) clearly states that HDIVC is safe even at very high doses [3]. Early clinical studies show HDIVC is highly promising in Covid-19 treatment [3-7]. Based on these and their clinical experience of HDIVC, the governments of Shanghai and Guangdong officially included HDIVC in their Covid-19 treatment protocols [8,9]. The science and rationale for HDIVC in treatment of Covid-19 were reviewed and presented in my NIH guest speech [10].

It should be plain common sense to try HDIVC in Covid-19 treatment. The FDA even allows "compassionate drug use" which stipulates the use of new and unapproved drug to treat seriously ill patient when no other treatments are available [11].

I am a huge believer in natural/alternative medicine, so I am not surprised that something like Vitamin C has been found to help alleviate Covid-19 symptoms etc. It seems legit.

Unfortunately, Big Pharma has taken over the entire planet and everybody thinks it is "politically correct" to always turn to the medical "experts" in this field. Very unfortunate. I for one will not take the vaccine for coronavirus, were it to ever be made, but I fear that in the future if that happens it will become mandatory worldwide. A fascistic scenario...

TheCorsair00 wrote:

Big Pharma has taken over the entire planet

And it seems it has also taken over the producers of this doc, unfortunately...

The doc isn’t about solutions tho

Indeed, this doc is more about indignation than solutions.

"I will tell you about the crime that's being committed, but not about the solution to end it, because i want you to remain indignant, angry, fearful and confused."

Standard communist manipulation.

I found the part about Gates' connection to Jeffrey Epstein quite shocking. I had never heard that before...