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Dr.Michael E.Salla - The Secret Space Programs Series (2015-2019) - epub

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1.The Secret Space Programs:Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs & Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015)

Classified space programs have been an integral part of a complex jigsaw puzzle concerning UFOs, extraterrestrial life, ancient civilizations and advanced aerospace technologies, which have long defied any coherent understanding. Now finally, we have something to put all the pieces together with the disclosures of secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode. A detailed investigation of Goode's and other insider testimonies reveals the big picture of a parallel world of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances. Learn from this book: how the Vril/Nazi flying saucer programs in the 1930's gave birth to the 'Dark Fleet'; how Operation Paperclip scientists both helped and hindered the development of the US Navy's 'Solar Warden'; how the MJ-12 Group was behind the creation of the 'Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate'; and how Ronald Reagan was instrumental in the creation of the 'Global Galactic League of Nations' space program. Finally, learn how the Sphere Being Alliance and other extraterrestrials interact with these programs. The full disclosure of secret space programs and extraterrestrial alliances will unshackle the chains of deception holding humanity back from reaching its highest potential as galactic citizens.


2.The Secret Space Programs:The U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance (2017)

The Los Angeles Air Raid on February 24/25, 1942 opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the U.S. Navy. In response to this incident, a covert research program to investigate the feasibility of exotic antigravity propulsion technologies was developed. In addition, Navy operatives were embedded in Nazi occupied Europe to learn about the Germans’ advanced flying saucer programs, and they discovered the Nazis were receiving assistance from two extraterrestrial groups with very different agendas. The debriefing of the operatives took place at Naval Air Station, San Diego, led by Rear Admiral Rico Botta. He instructed a “Disseminator of Naval Research and Information”, William Tompkins, to take confidential briefing packets to select think tanks, corporations and university departments around the country. Later, Tompkins worked with a number of leading aerospace companies to design massive spacecraft for a secret U.S. Navy space program, and was fatefully assisted by extraterrestrial visitors described as “Nordics”.

An extensive number of documents substantiate Tompkins’ claims of the existence of a covert Navy program created to study, design and build deep space battle groups. They became operational in the 1980’s. Now the Navy has a new goal to enact a plan to level the universal playing field, and the election of President Donald Trump may just be the wild card they needed to reveal … everything!


3.The Secret Space Programs:Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs (2018)

Antarctica is a land about to be exposed over its well-guarded secrets and ancient hidden mysteries …

In 1955, as a result of a secret agreement reached between the Eisenhower Administration and a German breakaway group in Antarctica, a transnational corporate space program began to emerge. The secret infusion of personnel and resources from US military contractors into Antarctica allowed this transnational corporate program to steadily grow into a major space power, which would eventually surpass and eclipse the secret space programs run by the US Navy, Air Force, and the classified space programs of other nations. Whistleblower claims substantiate that many of the classified programs conducted there violate the 1961 Antarctic Treaty, and constitute “crimes against humanity” due to the abuse of a captive slave labor force. Dr. Michael Salla daringly exposes the major corporations involved in these illegal programs, and how the truth is hidden from company shareholders and the public. Today, Antarctica’s secrets are slowly being revealed by the increasing volcanic activity that is melting the massive ice shelves, exposing ancient artifacts and crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Full disclosure of Antarctica’s history, and current events involving multiple space programs and transnational corporations, will vitally aid in transforming our planet, and prepare humanity for the major geological events that lie ahead as the melting ice unveils all that has previously been hidden.


4.The Secret Space Programs:US Air Force Secret Space Program: Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances & Space Force (2019)

The US Air Force is experiencing a profound shift! In order to aggregate the military’s major space assets under one authority, they are being moved into a new branch under the purview of the Air Force. This new branch is to be called “Space Force”. The true purpose of Space Force will be to publicly unveil the most well-guarded secrets in the Air Force’s stunning arsenal of exotic spacecraft, unconventional weapons and mind-blowing technologies assembled over the more than seventy years since its official emergence in 1947.

This book lays out the history of the Air Force Secret Space Program: Ushering in a new era with the recovery of several extraterrestrial craft in the 1940’s. Secret agreements with a breakaway German colony in Antarctica (the Fourth Reich) & different extraterrestrial groups in the 1950’s. Its complicity in the German infiltration of NASA & the Military-Industrial Complex in the 1960’s. Development of stealth space stations beginning from the 1970’s. Deployment of squadrons of disk, triangle and rectangular-shaped craft in the 1980’s & 1990’s.

After its 2016 discovery that it had been deceived by the Deep State and their shadowy Fourth Reich allies, Air Force leaders made the momentous decision to shift alliances and realigned their covert space program with human-looking extraterrestrials. This has led to bold steps being taken by the Air Force to reveal the existence of its arsenal of spacecraft to the US pub


Thanks, I was going to post the audiobooks of this series, but they are fairly expensive and I fell behind. Michael Salla just did an interview with Coast to Coast AM and he has another book coming out about the Chinese Secret Space Program.

I am also very happy to know that we will be able to find these books on concen

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ripping the audio to mp3 or such isn't a hard task to do yourself