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A highly original work that deals a shattering blow to all our preconceived notions about our past and human origins
Worldwide legends refer to giant flying lizards and dragons that came to this planet and founded the ancient civilizations of Mesopo-tamia, Egypt, India and China. Who were these reptilian creatures? This book provides the answers to many of the riddles of history such as:
- What was the real reason for man's creation?
- Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden?
- Who were the Nefilim who descended from heaven and mated with human women?
- Why did the serpent take such a bum rap in history?
- Why didn't Adam and Eve wear clothes in Eden?
- What were the "crystals" or "stones" that the ancient gods fought over? Why did the ancient Sumerians call their major gods USHUMGAL, which means literally "great fiery, flying serpent"?
- What was the role of the gigantic stone platform at Baalbek?
- What were the "boats of heaven" in ancient Egypt and the "sky chariots" of the Bible?
What was the real reason for man's creation?
The learning and acquiring experince of independence from the insidious temptation of evil way of life. It is existing a thing like that.
Why did Adam lose his chance at immortality in the Garden of Eden?
That is a comvolouted unswer: becouse his 24 pairs of chrommosomes were have the apereance of 23, he could not help his wife to be imune to the temptation of an evil spirit who posedate a snake. Hint: search the youtube engine on "23 chromosomes" (Ken Miller, Kevin Laurence Miler-he is a priest of ateism now, so do not be decived).
Who were the Nefilim who descended from heaven and mated with human women?
1. Above is not heaven is... 2.They where demons who get stuck on so called Nibiru when it kiss the Earth 65 millions years ago. Nibiru is the core of one of the two planets that generated the asteroids belt. The other core is still there. Dinosaurus did not died becouse of an asteroid, it was something alse.
Why did the serpent take such a bum rap in history?
Because humans become vulnerable to the cold (yin) energy specific to his biology. It was easy to be posedated by evil, but that do not make snake all evil.
Why didn't Adam and Eve wear clothes in Eden?
Because they felt vulnerable from the influence of energies of the outside world arownd them, after the influence in them of the evil entety who posedate a snake who get inside Eden. Long story... They get disconected from the entaglement with quantum field of Nature life after posedation.
What were the "crystals" or "stones" that the ancient gods fought over? Why did the ancient Sumerians call their major gods USHUMGAL, which means literally "great fiery, flying serpent"?
Do not now, do not care. What i do now is why from 3.4 bilions years they fought with human genetic code. Beeing them born on Earth, give them something similat with paranormal abilies, but the prise they pay is total losing their memories. They are become like seeds, not augmented threes. That also refear to aliens kidnappings.
What was the role of the gigantic stone platform at Baalbek?
It does not have importance whatsoever....! Aliens people that come near Eath are bad in there nature. They like big objects that are resisting time. They are afraid of their amnesya. Normal aliens that live all over the Universe do not came neat to this Planet, is forbiten. Only the worst of them are here. Bad kind of rebels against God.
What were the "boats of heaven" in ancient Egypt and the "sky chariots" of the Bible?
Just spaceships, not a big deal.. Human rase is the most important in the Universe. The restl are all scared of us. At our maximum level of evolution we have the power to rapair everything living everywhere. Whe I was a kid, I was reluctent to take in my on my toung medicine for releasing pain, was having a bitter taste. Daddy said to mom: let him be, pain are gone to convince him better then us. It did...! I came to ask for it and put it myself into my mouth. Same will be with the help of humans to the problems of the living beeings in the Universe. I am not impressed by aliens or their tehnology. I am better then them, so are all real humans.
Many777 I saw Baalbek which made this spring to mind
that's from a fellow christian too (Chris White)so might make it easier to swallow for you.
It's full of facts that perhaps might set you on a more factual path.
I now those things of the documentary by decades of years. Do not need to swallow them again. Those "facts" do not explain something, it is just an inference that alliens did shit to humans. If they did, if, they are still in the messs, ask yourself whay they bother to do it, for/to us... the pathetical humans. Stop thinking they are good, and ask yourself whay do they bother. What do us have and they do not???
Pax, do not play smart with me. I am helping, not fighting.
get a grip many777
I wasn't playing smart. i was putting forward a more factual viewpoint that's very well researched and presented that counters the ancient alien BS that get spouted often.
so, let's remove that chip from your shoulder shall we?
" very well researched"... uhhmmm
I just realised that in order for you to understand what i said above, you need to consider that both, Chris and the team of Ancient Aliens are intentionaly lying. Both sides are corupting the narative to fit the porpouse. Sorry, bad english. Until 30 years ago, if people of my country would be found with a beletristic book writen in english in their house, they would go to jail. Long story... I know italian, portugese, spanish,and french by reading and hearing. Italian and enlish the most. Writing tho... is a nightmare. I am not an agramat american, i just live on the other side of the planet. In my native language what is said is what is written. It is diferent. When i want to say something, i hear the word in my mind, and then i am asking myself if i know how to write it. But, if you will see both sides as laying, you will get my point. I am not pretending from you to have in time my opinions, simply was saying what is my vew about the documentary. Chris in laying to, you just probabily do not see it. I like Chris from decades, he debunked miseries of Zacharia Stichin, and others... or wherever i should put the "y" letter. :)) But here he is also laying, manipulating, etc. They are both lying, but through the craks, is seen the trouth. If you want it. Chris is using forced lies to debunk other lies. It is ok, if you know it. I am trying to teach you something about you, maybe i do a lost cause... I just try. I agree that the Ancient Aliens are a team of weirds, or even worst. You again teach me what i know. Is it borring?
Uhhmm 2
Start thinking that I am saying that the team of Ancient Alliens is weird, maibe you need to get a grip of what i am saying. Maibe...
ancient aliens
are totally full of shit.
I think you imagined some tone to my post that wasn't there.
however if you would like me to get confrontational, roll the dice mate.
Just sayin
This is how REAL science is looking like:
The power of saying "I do not know" is a hard one. :))
No rolling dice, mate. :) Agree: alien bullshit is bullshit, but alliens are not an illusion. The question "where are us comme from?" has the unswer: from galaxyes of the Universe. On Earth we have all two legs, in our "galaxy homes", they maibe are 6 or... wings. Sorry, my bad english. We look at "ancient aliens" becouse they bring new data out of those of the global media, not becouse we ever belive them. And we verify all of it.