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Samael Aun Weor Ebook Collection

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Samael Aun Weor (which is a Hebrew name) wrote over sixty books, gave thousands of lectures, and formed the worldwide Gnostic Movement, whose members number in the millions. Though these accomplishments are certainly impressive by any standard, they are merely the pale terrestrial reflection of the work he accomplished internally, spiritually. And yet, in spite of his wisdom and generosity towards mankind, he said:

Do not follow me. I am just a signpost. Reach your own Self-realization.

His lifelong mission was to deliver to humanity the complete path toward the realization of the inner Being, or in other words, the total and exact science required by anyone of any religion, race, culture or creed who wishes to fully and completely develop the human soul. The path he taught is the Path of the Bodhisattva, that mysterious and ancient wisdom long hidden in the bosom of every great religion.

For as long as space endures and for as long as the world lasts, may I live dispelling the miseries of the world.
The Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life by Shantideva


any chance to seed Thanks

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Thanks so much
Its much appreciated

1000 Thnaks

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Thank you to nibs or ConCen or whoever uploaded the collection. It is a unique group!
What part of the collection do you like the best or recommend? I have looked through it briefly but it seems to fall into the category of babbling more than effective communication. Hard to sift through for the gems. Are there any?
For my money, Ouspensky and the Russian mystics seem to have more to say. I struggle to find much true philosophy in the South America. It seems very unstructured there. Carlos Castenada was American, after all, so we cannot say his ideas are truly "native".

He made up Don Juan and sold his books as non-fiction.

never let facts get in the way of a good story :)
Fellow Canadians, pop quiz: how long did Farley Mowat actually spend in the north researching his book, "Never Cry Wolf"?

euxconcen wrote:

never let facts get in the way of a good story :)
Fellow Canadians, pop quiz: how long did Farley Mowat actually spend in the north researching his book, "Never Cry Wolf"?

ok i am not Canadian but.. i want a go!....
he spent zero time up north researching?

The legend (that he probably started telling) is that he lived in the north for two years. The truth is greater than 0 hours (to his credit) but less than 4 days.

Actually, this is interesting. When I last researched this (c. 2003) Wikipedia's entry cited 90 hours instead of two years. But today's wikipedia just says his first story was the result of a "field trip" up north while in university and "he wrote a possibly fictionalised account of his experiences in the Canadian Arctic with Arctic wolves entitled Never Cry Wolf (1963), which is thought to have been instrumental in changing popular attitudes towards the animals."

Don't get me wrong; he won big on a good bluff. Good on 'em.

Fiction may not be as strange as fact but it is often truer than truth.