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The Rise and Menace of Christian and Far Right - Collection 4

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It would be fantastic to set up a collection such as "The Rise and Menace of the Islamic Fundamentalism" or "Crimes and Sins of the Islamic World"! 875 vandalized Christian Churches in France during 2018, plus 4 other Christian Churches burned in Germany, besides the many knive and armed attacks in several European countries...

londres wrote:

It would be fantastic to set up a collection such as "The Rise and Menace of the Islamic Fundamentalism" or "Crimes and Sins of the Islamic World"

Excellent idea. I'm looking forward to your contribution!

... I was hoping you'd upload a torrent of some great ebooks documenting crimes in the name of Islam. There are plenty out there. What say you? Care to step up? I'm sure plenty of us would appreciate your work as much as they appreciate moman73's.

Regardless of what “Islamic,” and any of those other “isms” do, the “Christian” right is still the biggest religionist menace in Canada, and in the United States, at this time. Look up “Dominionism” to see anti-American terror groups hiding in plain sight.

Thank you for your work, moman73!

Do you have ANY IDEA of the tiny tiny fraction of Christians that have even heard of "dominionism", let alone the number that could spell it, let alone the number that might join such a church? You know ZERO. Stop reading propaganda and start doing your own research and use current materials. Ignore old 20 year research created by discredited people.

Understand. If a person is a true Christian, not just a churchianity Christian then you have nothing to worry about. Christians OBEY THE LAW. Christians defend themselves. Christians don't hurt people. Christians don't Burn Loot and Murder. Christians defend their country. If someone causes problems or hurts someone else, THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS, THEY ARE LIARS.