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Al Jazeera Investigations: The Lobby (2017)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
TheLobby.1of4.YoungFriendsOfIsrael.2017.mkv 25m50s 1920x1080 AVC Opus
TheLobby.2of4.TheTrainingSession.2017.mkv 26m28s 1920x1080 AVC Opus
TheLobby.3of4.AnAnti-SemiticTrope.2017.mkv 26m9s 1920x1080 AVC Opus
TheLobby.4of4.TheTakedown.2017.mkv 26m30s 1920x1080 AVC Opus


Al Jazeera Investigations exposes how the Israel lobby influences British politics. A six-month undercover investigation reveals how Israel penetrates different levels of British democracy.

Four parts:

  1. Young Friends Of Israel: Al Jazeera Investigations reveals how pro-Israel groups are trying to influence Britain’s youth.
  2. The Training Session: Our undercover reporter joins a delegation from the Israeli embassy at last year’s Labour Party conference.
  3. An Anti-Semitic Trope: Our undercover reporter witnesses a heated conversation between two opposing activists. The evidence raises serious questions about whether accusations of anti-Semitism are used to stifle political debate.
  4. The Takedown: The senior political officer at the Israeli embassy in London discusses a potential plot to "take down" British politicians - including a minister.


... moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem one can figure how strong is this "lobby" !

ttsoares wrote:

After Trump moved the USA embassy to Jerusalem one can figure how strong is this "lobby" !

And where was this all-powerful lobby when

- the Obama administration refrained from vetoing UN resolution 2334 which condemned Israeli settlement policy as illegal?

- Obama signed the nuclear deal with / lifted sanctions on Iran which Netanyahu strongly opposed?

- the IRS discriminated against pro-Israel (-> Z-Street) and other conservative groups (-> IRS targeting controversy)

- John Kerry, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton publicly castigated Israel for its settlement policy?

- the UN condemned Israel over and over again, more than any other country in the world?

If I learned one thing from all these years it is that you can "prove" anything as long as you are selective enough in the cherry-picking of your evidence.

Quintessenz wrote:

And where was this all-powerful lobby when ...

Why are you claiming this lobby is all-powerful? Is it to set up a straw man argument?

Quintessenz wrote:

- the Obama administration refrained from vetoing UN resolution 2334 which condemned Israeli settlement policy as illegal?

Totally worthless resolution because it has no teeth. Pointless spending a calorie of energy on it because it's just one of hundreds of toothless resolutions.

Quintessenz wrote:

- Obama signed the nuclear deal with / lifted sanctions on Iran which Netanyahu strongly opposed?

Trump tore it up.

Quintessenz wrote:

- the IRS discriminated against pro-Israel (-> Z-Street) and other conservative groups (-> IRS targeting controversy)

I'm sure the IRS left plenty of pro-Israel lobby groups alone.

Quintessenz wrote:

- John Kerry, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton publicly castigated Israel for its settlement policy?

These creeps are two-faced warmongers whose words serve only to indicate to which audience they are pandering at the time they say them. They have also said plenty things that the Israelis liked.

Quintessenz wrote:

- the UN condemned Israel over and over again, more than any other country in the world?

How many teeth do these condemnations have? How effective is it to waste time and money trying to stifle worthless resolutions? How often does Israel point to these resolutions as examples of their persecution?

Quintessenz wrote:

If I learned one thing from all these years it is that you can "prove" anything as long as you are selective enough in the cherry-picking of your evidence.

It's true that you can fool most of the people most of the time. It's also true that most people have confirmation bias. Are you free from bias? Do you actually believe that Israel does not have powerful lobby groups that influence European, American, and other nations' policies?