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Aeon of Horus The Occult History of NASA [pack]

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Aeon of Horus The Occult History of NASA [pack] ebooks: Jack Parsons - The Key of the Abyss In one of the most celebrated feats in magickal history, Parsons and pre-Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard (whose role is too complicated to describe in this short essay) performed The Babalon Working, a daring attempt to shatter the boundaries of time and space and intended to bring about, in Parsons' own words, "love, understanding, and Dionysian freedom [...] the necessary counterbalance or correspondence to the manifestation of Horus." John Whiteside Parsons, usually known to his friends as Jack, was born in Los Angeles, California on October 2, 1914. Actually, his given name was Marvel Whiteside Parsons though he seems to have changed to John at some point. He was by all accounts, a gifted chemist and was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, an institution famous for the Voyager missions to the outer planets, among other things. Parsons worked during the War (World War II) as a researcher, where he invented a formula for solid rocket fuel that advanced the American war effort by no small degree. He has, among other distinctions, a crater named for him on the (far side of the) moon and he is still honored at Cal Tech and at JPL as a brilliant, if eccentric scientist. That Jack Parsons however, is but one side to the man who would eventually adopt the mantle “Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal AntiChrist”. videos: AEON of HORUS Part 1 - The Occult History of NASA Since its inception in 1958 the truth of NASA’s occult origins has been discretely hidden from public awareness; origins linked to perhaps the most “wicked” of all occult practitioners in modern history, Satanist, Aleister Crowley. As well, the highest echelons of NASA’s administration were dominated by secret society initiates including Freemasons and Nazi SS personnel, most notably, Wernher Von Braun. This high-tech occult cabal secretly used the Apollo moon missions, not to advance science, but to serve their devotion to the mystery gods of ancient Egypt! AEON OF HORUS Part 2 - ALEISTER CROWLEY ANCIENT ALIEN CONNECTION The popular media tells us Gray Aliens are extraterrestrials from outer space but deeper research suggests they are actually demonic manifestations from parallel dimensions. Tales of demonic abduction and deception reach far back to antiquity. Get the rest of the story how Aleister Crowley and his disciples conjured ET demons into our modern world at the end of the 20th century! ALDEBARAN MYSTERY 1 - Nazi UFO Secrets During Adolf Hitler's rise to power, did a daring group of Nazi scholars and technicians learn the secrets of anti-gravity and space travel from extraterrestrials? If true, these conclusions may shock and amaze you. Get the facts about UFO Secrets of World War II - The 3rd Reich and beyond, in a way that will change the way we stare up at the stars for years to come. ALDEBARAN MYSTERY 2 - NAZI UFO SECRETS, THULE, VRIL & THE BLACK SUN Does the lurid tabloid myth of Nazi contact with space aliens and building flying saucers sound like the most outrageous science fiction? This same legend reconsidered from the radically altered view of Quantum Physics takes on dramatic plausibility! Was the German 'Vril Society' simply making practical application of universal, free-energy Quantum-Physics technology?" These questions and more are explored in this shocking documentary film that reveals the inside story about the Vril Society which became the inner circle of the Thule Society, who's focus was on establishing communications with a group of Extraterrestrials, that began colonising the planet Earth over a half billion years ago from a dying star system know as The Aldebaran Star System. ANCIENT ALIEN MYSTERY OF THE ARCHONS - Invaders from Space Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in all human history! BLOOD SACRIFICE Hidden Occult Secrets of Hitler Now for the first time discover the Hidden NAZI Occult Secrets of Adolf Hitler, The Antichrist & The 3rd Reich. SECRET SPACE What Is NASA Hiding - UFOs Are Real Featuring extraordinary NASA digital video footage of authentic space-based UFOs and strange anomalies filmed during US Space Shuttle missions. See stunning evidence of UFOs in outer space, as well as unexplained anomalies in Earth orbit. Additionally, discover the details about NASA protocols designed to obscure observation and analysis of UFOs in space. Discover the shocking facts about UFO sightings in direct view of NASA Astronauts, obtained through a private independent study centered on monitoring and videotaping STRANGE activity seen from Space Shuttle cameras during orbital flights high above the Earth, and features the research of Jeff Challender. THE ARCHONS - Alien Invaders From Space Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes? Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history! THE SECRET NASA TRANSMISSIONS 1 - The Smoking Gun EBE Award Winner! Best Film - International UFO Congress Film Festival. This program presents the history of UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor the digital video cameras on all NASA Space Shuttle missions. Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2,500 hours of live NASA video transmissions over a period of five years. Some of this footage shows what appears to be intelligently controlled UFOs caught on NASA's own video cameras. This "historic" video footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed. This film was originally released in 2001 and revolutionized UFO research with NASA Space Shuttle cameras. This film remains today an important source of UFO research. THE SECRET NASA TRANSMISSIONS 2 - UFOs In Space This is the sequel to the Legendary MOVIE - "The Secret NASA Transmissions #1 The Smoking Gun" and presents further details about UFO VIDEOS taken by NASA Space Shuttle Cameras and the facts around a secret independent study to monitor the digital video cameras on all NASA Space Shuttle missions which has yielded startling results. Martyn Stubbs recorded over 2,500 hours of live NASA video transmissions over a period of five years. Some of this footage shows what appears to be intelligently controlled UFOs caught on NASA's own video cameras. This "historic" video footage and the story that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed. The independent surveillance of NASA video cameras and ensuing research by Martyn Stubbs revolutionized UFO research with NASA Space Shuttle cameras. This film remains today an important source of UFO research history. THE UFO ALIEN CYBORG INVASION Presented in this movie is a new novel perspective on the UFO ET paradigm. Has technologies back-engineered from the Roswell UFO crash debris served as a covert trogen horse for an Artificial Intelligence take-over of Earth Humanity? We can not assume that all extraterrestrial invaders must be biological organisms. We are now in the midst of a new technological revolution promising to engineer the human species into immortals. But is this wondrous program of biological modification actually the end game of a diabolically subtle extraterrestrial take-over of planet Earth? Is the human race being assimilated by a "Cyborg Invasion"? Files: ebooks Aleister Crowley - Complete Works.pdf Aleister Crowley - Enochian World of Aleister Crowley - Enochian Sex Magick.pdf Fire and Ice - The Brotherhood of Saturn.pdf Idel - Golem.pdf Jack Parsons - The Key of the Abyss.pdf Jack Parsons Jet Propulsion Lab Bio.pdf Operation Paperclip - Linda Hunt.pdf Project Paperclip CIA Documents.pdf Sklar - The Nazis and the Occult, 1989.pdf The Occult Roots of Nazism, Secret Aryan Cults - Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke.pdf The Omega File - Greys, Nazis, Underground Bases and the New World Order.pdf videos AEON of HORUS Part 1 - The Occult History of NASA.mp4 AEON OF HORUS Part 2 - ALEISTER CROWLEY ANCIENT ALIEN CONNECTION.mp4 ALDEBARAN MYSTERY - Nazi UFO Secrets.mp4 ANCIENT ALIEN MYSTERY OF THE ARCHONS - Invaders from Space.mp4 BLOOD SACRIFICE Hidden Occult Secrets of Hitler.mp4 SECRET SPACE What Is NASA Hiding - UFOs Are Real.mp4 THE ARCHONS - Alien Invaders From Space.mp4 THE SECRET NASA TRANSMISSIONS 1 - The Smoking Gun.mp4 THE SECRET NASA TRANSMISSIONS 2 - UFOs In Space.mp4 THE UFO ALIEN CYBORG INVASION.mp4 tags: NASA, occult, Masons, Jack Parsons, Aleister Crowley, Nazis, Hitler, OTO, UFOs
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