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Hulda Regehr Clark - The Cure for All Diseases and The Cure for All Cancers (pdf) - roflcopter2110
The Cure for All Diseases: With Many Case Histories
All diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known. Doctor Hulda Clark explains the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instruction for their cure through natural remedies and an electrical device you can build at home.
The Cure for All Cancers: Including Over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured
Cancer can now be cured, not just treated. We are not accustomed to thinking about a cure for cancer. We think of remission as the only possibility. But this book is not about remission. It is about a cure. This is possible because in 1990 Dr. Clark discovered the true cause of cancer. The cause is a certain parasite, for which I have found evidence in every cancer case regardless of the type of cancer. So lung cancer is not caused by smoking, colon cancer is not caused by a low roughage diet, breast cancer is not caused by a fatty diet, retinal blastoma is not caused b y a rare gene, and pancreatic cancer is not caused by alcohol consumption. Although these are all contributing factors, they are not THE cause. Once the true cause was found the cure became obvious. but would it work? I set a goal of 100 cases to be cured of cancer before publishing my findings. That mark was passed in December, 1992. the discovery of the cause and cure of all cancers has stood the test of time and here it is!
Genre: Medical, Oncology, Cancer, Healing, Diseases & Physical Ailments, Medical Books
Publisher: New Century Press
Language: English
Format: PDF
Thanks a bunch
Thanks a bunch
isn't her whole premise
that ALL disease and infections are ALL caused by parasites(flukes,hookworms etc) up to and including cancer?
Ironically her cure didn't work ... on herself and she died on blood and bone cancer.
She wasn't and MD type doctor either....
google her.. it's serious, serious dangerous hokum that seriously doesn't work... if so her cancer wouldn't have been fatal eh?