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H.G. Wells - The Open Conspiracy (1933) - book and audio

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---*---nfo---*--- SUBJECT: text- WELLS, Herbert George (1886-1946): The Open Conspiracy (1933). Chapters: 1. The Present Crisis In Human Affairs. 2. The Idea of The Open Conspiracy. 3. We Have To Clear and Clean Up Our Minds. 4. The Revolution In Education. 5. Religion In The New World. 6. Modern Religion Is Objective. 7. What Mankind Has To Do. 8. Broad Characteristics of A Scientific World Commonweal. 9. No Stable Utopia Is Now Conceivable. 10. The Open Conspiracy Is Not To Be Thought of As A Single Organization; It Is A Conception of Life Out of Which Efforts, Organizations, and New Orientations Will Arise. 11. Forces and Resistances In The Great Modern Communities Now Prevalent, Which Are Antagonistic To The Open Conspiracy. The War With Tradition. 12. The Resistances of The Less Industrialized Peoples To The Drive of The Open Conspiracy. 13. Resistances and Antagonistic Forces In Our Conscious and Unconscious Selves. 14. The Open Conspiracy Begins As A Movement of Discussion, Explanation, and Propaganda. 15. Early Constructive Work of The Open Conspiracy. 16. Existing and Developing Movements Which Are Contributory To The Open Conspiracy and Which Must Develop A Common Consciousness. The Parable of Provinder Island. 17. The Creative Home, Social Group, and School: The Present Waste of Idealistic Will. 18. Progressive Development of The Activities of The Open Conspiracy Into A World Control and Commonweal: The Hazards of The Attempt. 19. Human Life In The Coming World Community. KEYWORDS/TAGS: Atlantic, birth control, Bolshevism, bourgeois, British raj, capitalism, class war, communism, conspiracy, education, elite, eugenics, geopolitics, government, industry, internationalism, international relations, kultur-kampf, labour, League of Nations, Lenin, liberal, David Lubin, Marxism, miscegenation, monopoly, nationalisation, nationalism, Negro, Nominalist, One World, patriotism, plutocracy, population, privatisation, proletariat, Provinder Island, race, radical, Realist, religion, revolution, science, socialist, Soviet Union, Stalin, true believer, UNO, United Nations, Utopia, war, Warburg, World Government TORRENT CONTENTS: 1) The Book itself (1933 revised edition, originally published 1928): a) plaintext used for making the automaton-narrated mp3 version below; b) pdf, lo-/medium quality. c) pdf, superior quality from 400dpi images, much larger size. 2) 19 x mp3 at 32 kbps, 24Hz, mono; total playing time approximately 4 hours, 21 minutes. "At the utmost seven broad principles may be stated as defining the Open Conspiracy and holding it together. And it is possible even of these, one, the seventh, may be, if not too restrictive, at least unnecessary. To the writer it seems unavoidable because it is so intimately associated with that continual dying out of tradition upon which our hopes for an unencumbered and expanding human future rest. (1) The complete assertion, practical as well as theoretical, of the provisional nature of existing governments and of our acquiescence in them; (2) The resolve to minimize by all available means the conflicts of these governments, their militant use of individuals and property, and their interferences with the establishment of a world economic system; (3) The determination to replace private, local or national ownership of at least credit, transport, and staple production by a responsible world directorate serving the common ends of the race; (4) The practical recognition of the necessity for world biological controls, for example, of population and disease; (5) The support of a minimum standard of individual freedom and welfare in the world; and (6) The supreme duty of subordinating the personal career to the creation of a world directorate capable of these tasks and to the general advancement of human knowledge, capacity, and power; (7) The admission therewith that our immortality is conditional and lies in the race and not in our individual selves." ---*---nfo ends---*---

Plenty of insight into the author's mindset. Not much else about the who or why.


If so, please someone let me know so I can put this information in a prominent spot in the description. Thanks in advance!