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Mind Control Targeted Individuals AI Brain-Implant Technologies [pack]
Proof of the MOGS (MIND CONTROL) Program: V2K, Direct Energy Weapons, MKUltra, and Government
The PROOF of MIND CONTROL series playlist explores different forms of mind control including
subliminal messages through microwaves, V2K (Voice to Skull), and RFID microchipping. Scientist who
have created and worked on mind control (for the government) such as Dr. Jose Delgado and Dr. Robert
Duncan are introduced and (Dr. Duncan) even admit(s) the pejorative nature (such as torture) of the
psychotronic technology t(he)y help(ed) develop.
What I try to show in the series from excerpts from expert testimony is that this is the ultimate
form of mind control. What happens is that the government targets individuals (TIs). They can put
voices in TI's heads (through microwaves/V2K) and directed energy weapons (which also cause physical
pain without injury) effectively creating mental illness or the appearance of mental illness. The
antagonism becomes so great it has been termed "no-touch torture." Then, when victims (really
non-consenting experiment subjects) go to the police for help, due to no public awareness and police
protocol, the police involuntarily commit the victim(s) trying to seek relief from their
(governmental) persecution.
Considering Cornel John Alexander's comments to Dr. John Hall it seems as though this is directly
being used as a tactic for silencing directed energy weapon experimentation on civilians. Dr. Robert
Duncan who helped develop the microwave technology to transfer voices into the heads of TIs
literally says "the government is doing this..." confirms these (voice of god) weapons are being
used domestically and bluntly states victims of this technology "are being tortured."
(It is worth mentioning that Dr. Duncan states victims are not being pursued by the president or
elected officials. This can be verified by President Clinton below. These pursuers that set up these
systems in the government are probably part of the intelligence community a.k.a. CIA, NSA, FBI
and/or Homeland Security.)
What seems to be occurring is that victims are attacked, driven into police custody and then taken
to a mental health institution (due to protocol) and given a "damning diagnosis" so people will
think the TI is "crazy" so the (government) perpetrators can act with impunity against the
victim/experimentation subject. The medical community is also involved and complacent to these
operations (leaving TIs no relief from these tortuous offences).
This may seem unbelievable but it actually follows a historical precedence. It started with Nazi
Germany, we inducted and hired Nazi researchers and scientist in America through Project Paperclip
(which is why I start the series with a clip about Project Paperclip). Less then a decade later the
CIA funded the (terrible) MKULTRA experiments that lasted twenty years. Now the same people are
running the upper echelons of the mental health practice and help write and influence the DSM.
"Scientists at the end of the (of World) War (II) were hanged for what scientists today are doing
and getting away with!" - Dr. Barrie Trower
The system is so broken and the offences are so profound "children complaining of government
surveillance" have been taken to mental institutions and had "electroconvulsive therapy" while
'those at the top' know full and well what is happening. The silencing of 'experiment subjects' (at
any cost) and the "treatment" they receive for something that (they know) isn't a mental health
condition is early similar to MKULTRA and speaks volumes about (the disgusting practices of) the
mental health care profession!
The experimentation is so obvious there are many documented incidences of (RFID) microchipping of
victims. (This proves that the medical community / health care profession is implicated and
involved). These microchips are linked to satellites which allow you to be tracked anywhere on the
planet! The egregious offences are so profound that President Bill Clinton actually recognized and
apologised for the governments citizen, human experimentation. However, it's obvious these programs
still continue and President Clinton's retort to this was only by executive order which would have
expired by the end of his term in office.
Although the experimentation still continues there is strict and ridged international law that
applies. (It is clear this is an international problem that Europe is facing as well.) Expert
testimony is considered, such as that of Dr. John Hall. They all admit this is ultimately about
total control. Dr. Trower knows about Nazi Germany and Project paperclip and thinks there will be a
genocide. Julian McKinney, another authority and ex-military intelligence operative, thinks that
there will be another Holocaust!
Now let's see to what degree the transhuman A.I. has integrated Earth's population into its command
and control structure. It's about the robotization of humanity. The sheer number of people with chip
implants is mind boggling. There's a real chance that you have been chipped too, maybe with your
last vaccination, during your recent surgery, or by your dentist. The AI singularity is happening
right now, and not by 2045, and people get integrated into the global matrix with or without their
consent. The AI is strictly operating by stealth.
And psychiatry is a critical component of this conspiracy, having the function of labelling anyone
as crazy who's talking about it, so that no one will take him seriously, and his vital message won't
spread around. Of course most psychiatrists just don't know anything about it, leaving them
incapable of making a realistic assessment of the situation. The CIA has been working hard to keep
this topic out of the psychiatric manuals, so that targeted individuals won't have any support
group, nor any legal assistance. If you're labeled crazy, then you cannot even get access to a court
This topic may be rather scary for you, and it takes some courage to even investigate it, but the
longer we wait, the worse it will get, and sooner or later you will have to face it, whether you
like it or not. Ignorance won't protect you, quite the opposite. Facing the threat is the first step
towards overcoming the problem.
Many people who have been chipped aren't even aware of it. So the fact that you don't have any
health issues doesn't mean much. Now let's not get paranoid about this, but let's not stick our head
in the sand either. And no, being innocent won't protect you, and the fact that you don't have
anything to hide won't immunise you either.
mind control
chip implants for humans
implant brain
transhuman implant brain
Barrie Trower
Barrie Trower - The Dangers of Microwave Technology (360p).mp4
Ex MI-5 Agent Dr Barrie Trower - Dangerous Radiation Everywhere (480p).mp4
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura Brain Invaders S03E07.mp4
The Secret KGB Psychic Files (2001).mp4
Brain Implant RF Scanning of Mr. Magnus Olsson (480p).mp4
Dr Miguel Nicolelis Explains Brain to Brain Interface Study Published in Scientific Reports
Earth Rising 1 - Mind Control Begich, 2005 (360).mp4
Earth Rising 2 - Technologies in the 21st Century (360).mp4
Electronic Terrorism in America (480p).mp4
EU Panel - Human robotization, Nano implant technologies & The Transhumanist Agenda (360p).mp4
German Mind Control Targeted Individual Berlin.mp4
Gustav Wollgarth against Mind Control.mp4
HAARP - Angels Still Don't Play This Harp (480p).mp4
Jesse Beltran - Red Sheep (480p).mp4
Magnus Olsson - Nano-Brain-Implant Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (480p).mp4
MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower; dangerous radiation.mp4
Mind Control - America's Secret War (360).mp4
Mind Control Robert Naeslund Intro Engl.mp4
Mind Control Targeted Individual South Korea.mp4
Mind Control TI Andrea Laroche Brussels eng part 1.mp4
Mind Control TI Andrea Laroche Brussels eng part 2.mp4
Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden.mp4
Mind Control TI Peter Grafström Gothenburg.mp4
Mind Controlled Margitta is not sick but TI.mp4
Mind Controlled TI Lars Drudgaard Danmark.mp4
Mind Wars - Brain Research and National Defense (360).mp4
Mind Wars - Conversations from Penn State (480p).mp4
Positive TI Measurements in Berlin Germany.mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Testing Microchip Implant Victims, Jesse Beltran (360p).mp4
Reclaim the Brain with Peter Aggebrandt Stockholm.mp4
Reclaim Your Brain with Mind Controlled Sean Stinn.mp4
RFID-chip and beyond - Implanted without consent. (480p).mp4
Robert Naeslund - The Human Brain Project (480p).mp4
Science Channel Admits Microwaves Used in Mind Control (480p).mp4
Silent Rape Domestic Terrorism (Children) (480p).mp4
Symposium Sonoma State University - RFID Reality (480p).mp4
Targeted Individual - Serge Vitry ( RFID Preliminary Scan Video (HD) (480p).mp4
targeted individuals Implants detection (480p).mp4
The Informer Report 12-20-2012 James Walbert. Organized Gang Stalking and Technological Harassment
The Silent Rape Domestic Terrorism in America (480p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control
Proof of Mind Control - American Human Gueine Pigs, Dr Barrie Trower (354p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Avoid Psychiatrists, They Are Complicit in these Operations (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Bill Clinton Admits and Apologizes for Citizen Human Experimentation
Proof of Mind Control - Can't Go to the Police, 51 -50, and the DSM, Dr Terry Robertson (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Causing Insanity, Dr Barrie Trower (352p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Civil Rights Law & Informed Consent at Presidential Bioethics Commission
Proof of Mind Control - Classified Government Technology and Organization (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Deprograming the Brain with Binaural Beats, etc (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Diagnosing Mental Illness (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Directed Energy Weapon Attacks Description, Dr John Hall (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Domestic Terrorism; Microchip Implants = Rape, Jesse Beltran icaactorg
Proof of Mind Control - Dr John Hall Interview - TIs Are Driven to Suicide (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Dr John Hall Testimony on Human Experimentation Legislation icaactorg
Proof of Mind Control - Dr José Delgado {Brain} Microchip Implant (1960) (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Dr Jose Delgado, Thomas Marshall (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Dr Robert Duncan Worked on V2K Technology, Admits Torture (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Electro-Convulsive Therapy on Kids Complaining of Government Stalking
Proof of Mind Control - Electromagnetic Technology will Control Everybody (350p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - False Memory Foundation & MKUltra Psychiatrists (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Genocide will be the Result, Dr Barrie Trower icaactorg freedomfchscom
Proof of Mind Control - Government Lies and uses the Mental Health to silence TIs, Dr John Hall
Proof of Mind Control - Hearing Voices = (V2K) Voice to Skull Mind Control, Dr Barrie Trower
Proof of Mind Control - Holocaust, Once Targets are Disposed of and Control is Established
Proof of Mind Control - How it Works - Dr John Hall talks Heterodyning Brain Wavelengths (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - How it Works - V2K, Voice to Skull (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - How to Put Voices into Someone's Head, Dr John Hall (464p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Human Experimentation from Project PaperClip, Dr Barrie Trower (352p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Human Microwave Experimentation Illegal Under Nuernberg Treaty icaactorg
Proof of Mind Control - Joe Biden tells Justice John Roberts he will rule on Microchips icaactorg
Proof of Mind Control - Microwave Attacks and Tactics, Thomas Marshall (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Military Experiment Nobody Knows About (464p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Military Ray Gun - Electromagnetic Radiation Weapon (480p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - MKULTRA Depatterning and Psychic Driving (480p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - MKULTRA Human Experimentation - Pregnant Women and Infanticide icaactorg
Proof of Mind Control - MKULTRA Out of the Lab (348p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - MKULTRA Scientists Running Mental Health Organizations (348p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Most aren't Chipped, Chipping is for Tracking, Uneccessary for Mind Control
Proof of Mind Control - No One Want to Expose the Program for Fear of Prison (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Not Mental Illness, it's Directed Energy Weapons (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Organized Microwave V2K Electronic Harassment On Citizens (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Program Exposure (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Psychic Driving and Depatterning, Thomas Marshall (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Public Outcry for Exposure and Termination (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - RFID Chips Dr Barrie Trower icaactorg (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Subliminal Control and Voice of God Weapon(s), Dr John Hall (348p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Subliminal Messages in Microwaves (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Targeted Individual (TI) Testimony at Presidential Bioethics Commission
Proof of Mind Control - Targeting a Microwave Weapon to Cause Psychiatric Illness, Dr Barrie Trower
Proof of Mind Control - Targeting the Brain at a Distance, Dr Terry Robertson (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Testing Microchip Implant Victims, Jesse Beltran icaactorg (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - The Brain Has No FireWall, Pentagon Paper, Audiospotlightcom (350p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - The Government is Lying about Microwaves, Dr Barrie Trower (354p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - The History of Project PaperClip & MK-Ultra (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - The MOGS Program is an Extension of Project MKUltra (480p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - The Powers that be & Public Exposure (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - There are No Laws Against Human Experimentation (360).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Tracking Game and Torture to Commit Suicide, Thomas Marshall (360p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control - Types of RFID chips, Dr Barrie Trower (352p).mp4
Proof of Mind Control Series Introduction #React To That #TYTLive #BBC #ABC #NBC #CBS #PBS #CNN #FOX
Torrent downloaded from
Torrent downloaded from - Demonoid.txt
tags: mind control, implants, chip, TI, targeted individual, artificial intelligence, brain, implant
Great archive, DOC! Thanks.
Great archive, DOC! Thanks. Another idea for you would be to have a ryba777 YouTube channel and make playlists of these videos, so those who prefer streaming to downloading can get it that way as well.
You seem quite... knowledgeable about this subject material. *cough*