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-[INTERESTING]- Rense - Sep11th 2015 - Rebekah Roth 9/11 - Whodunit?

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This is pretty flipping interesting radio interview that will detail stuff you never knew before about 911.
Truly fascinating,

Hour 3 - Rebekah Roth 9/11 - Whodunit?



Thanks for sharing. I would love to see more of Rense's stuff on torrent

Here's more

This Will Shock You To Your Core: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad

Heres the link to the FULL 75+ minute SGT Report interview

Former flight attendant turned researcher, truth teller and author Rebekah Roth joins me on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 to discuss her new book 'Methodical Deception', the follow up to her very popular first book 'Methodical Illusion'. Both books are available at

In this interview Rebekah drops some bombshells that prove not only that 9/11 was a false flag event long in the planning, but that the operation leads directly back to companies and intelligence assets deeply rooted in and connected to the state of Israel. In fact, some of the information shared in this remarkable interview is so critical for every American to understand that if you don't want to listen to the full interview, at least make sure you fast forward to the 31:20 mark. Because as Rebekah says, "This is the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about." The pictures you will see and the information you will hear may well shock you to your core. Share it with your friends and family. Every single American citizen should know the truth about what happened on 9/11 and the months leading up to it - and who the REAL culprits were.

For REAL News & Information 24/7:
The Liberty Mill

Music: "Drone in D"
( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0"

The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you.

datars wrote:

This Will Shock You To Your Core: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad


In fact, some of the information shared in this remarkable interview is so critical for every American to understand that if you don't want to listen to the full interview, at least make sure you fast forward to the 31:20 mark. Because as Rebekah says, "This is the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about." The pictures you will see and the information you will hear may well shock you to your core. Share it with your friends and family. Every single American citizen should know the truth about what happened on 9/11 and the months leading up to it - and who the REAL culprits were.

It looks like in this case she just recycled (dis-)info that has been debunked a long time ago – the following coming from an "anti-Zionist" BTW:


Like Christopher Bollyn (in 2000, and 2006!!), Jonathan Elinoff of Core of Corruption claims to have received "death threats" for exposing
information. And he says his phones are tapped and his emails are monitored. The Mossad might pay him; they certainly wouldn't want to kill him.

Videos produced by Elinoff's outlet Core of Corruption claim to have new information linking the Mossad to the controlled demolitions at the World Trade Center (WTC). These hoaxes regularly surface in 9/11 truth, like Richard Grove's "WTC gold heist" and the Hufschmid-Bollyn "Global Hawk at the Pentagon". Elinoff's deception is based on falsely linking the Israeli-Mossad fake "art students", who weren't at the WTC, with real artists who were there. Another trick consists of attempting to confuse Gelatin's dangerous, covert, probably illegal stunt, which lasted for minutes, with their legitimate, lawful residency for months under the World Views program. (Gelatin, a group of four Austrian artists, changed their name to Gelitin in 2005.) Like all disinformation agents and flypaper operations, Elinoff mixes truth with lies.

Elinoff made a video which includes reports of the Israeli vans found with explosives on 9/11, in an attempt to sell itself as authentic. Elinoff talks about the New York Times article on the reputed Gelatin stunt. The article dated Saturday, August 18, 2001, by Shaila K. Dewan, is entitled "Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities".

It mentions Gelatin's book "The B-Thing", which runs to 62 pages in the hardcover editions. The stunt supposedly involved temporarily removing one of the WTC windows to create a "balcony", for 19 minutes, early on a Sunday morning in March 2000. A description of the book states June rather than March 2000.

That claims Gelatin smuggled the balcony materials in under their pullovers, the balcony could only support one person at a time, the putty around the windows was scratched off and the windows (only 18 inches wide) were pulled away with suction pads. It would have been March rather than June 2000, since the stunt is variously described as having taken place at dawn and at 6am, which coincide in March. And because Gelatin's "World Views" residency in WTC 1 was winter 1999-2000 rather than summer 2000, as shown here in the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's (LMCC) list of artists.

As the New York Times article correctly states, Gelatin shared free studio space on the 91st floor of the North Tower with fourteen other artists. They were Taleen Berberian, Bruce Bosnan, Patty Chang, Geoffrey Detrani, Martina Gecelli, Kelly Hashimoto, Emily Jacir, Susan Kelly, Diane Ludin, Tamara Mewis, Slink Moss, Prema Murthy, Marcos Rosales, and Kimberly Tomes.

This is not the first time someone has tried to cite Gelatin's residency at the WTC as 'evidence' for controlled demolition, in an attempt to damage the case for controlled demolition. Sherman H. Skolnick did so as early as October 2003.

Note that Skolnick, at the above link, is also trying to peddle the "no planes at the WTC" thesis, which is a bit of a clue as to his veracity. He writes about "hologram projection", and claims, "Yet, aviation and engineering experts seriously doubt that a huge airplane, wings and tail, could penetrate the buildings hitting heavy reinforced pillars and such." Yeah, right. Mossad "experts".

So the "Gelatin are suspicious" disinformation was being circulated six years before Jonathan Elinoff tried to muddy the waters with his additional twist. Elinoff claims that Hanan Serfaty is listed in the World Views program. Trouble is, he isn't. Serfaty was an Israeli Mossad fake "art student" who lived in Hollywood, Florida, as shown in the authoritative document known as the "DEA report".

But he was not on the World Views program.

The LMCC website has plenty to say about the World Views program.

But of the various names used by Serfaty, no Hanan(e) Serfaty / Sarfati / Sai appears on the site.

Gelatin is about the nearest name to Serfaty on the World Views program, and it was probably Gelatin that inspired Jonathan Elinoff to think of "Serfaty" as a means of concocting his recent hoax.

It's funny to see that, in promoting their lie about Serfaty, the Core of Corruption promoters also claim:

Hanan Serfaty was arrested by DEA agents in connection to the Israeli spy ring. What makes him stand out, is that he was listed as being an art student who was apart (sic) of the World Views program, which was in the World Trade Center on floors 90 and 91 in the Lower Manhatten (sic) Cultural Council. Although he is not listed by Gelitin as a member of “The B-Thing,” the listing of the identities of the other 14 students who were on floor 91 at the time was never released to the public, neither was the total list of those involved in the stunt which numbers at a minimum of 6.

The deceivers would have to pretend the identities were kept secret, hoping to confuse and preventing their claims from being immediately holed below the waterline. As shown above, the identities of the other 14 are public knowledge. Not only that, but as demonstrates, that information was already in the public domain in September 2007, if not much earlier.

(See Winter 1999-2000.)

These art students were about seven floors below Floor 98, the floor where the WTC 1 collapse initiated in the impact area. A clue as to how the thermite or other accelerant was installed lies in the fact that the impact area is correlated with the upgraded floors.

And how were these (non-Jewish, genuine) art students supposed to have demolished WTC 2 and WTC 7, and smuggled all their explosives past security? The "art student" demolition theory is crazier than the "Arabs did it" claims.


the above audio interview and 99.9% of the topics covered have ZERO to do with the post made by Quintessenz.

Would be great to stay on topic about the actual materials brought up.

If elaborations about students is required I understand urban MOving SystemS incorporated had a nice bunch of students which later went back home and onto TV and openly admitted they were there to document the event.

so... please take on topic of the show materials or constructive information. There isn't a great amount brownie points get won on any chalk board.

If you wish to post a huge reply back with quotes etc, and not actually help the fact this is a huge problem for logical people to deal with from A through to Z and in short say, no this is wrong and that is wrong, ok fine, but the point is the whole story is wrong and zero of it makes any sense at best.

You maybe correct about the points you are making but to close the envelope with nothing more into the pot to progress is going to get fokes asking why you are posting ?

The audio show, the lady's books and the points in the show should be in the replies.

This girl rebeecka did mention hesitation about a plane being able to make its way into the building.

It should also be noted however on the topic of the plane, the plane(s) had.
-few or no windows.
-no markings or emblems
-understood several clear illustrations show differing shapes to original plane or items on the lower body of the plane(s).

There is a lot more to talk about than to come in and rubbish one video, you can correct it but then you should have many tons of other worry some information and details to worry about.

The fact you don't mention those means there is a worry about you and your intentions ?

buddha01 wrote:

Would be great to stay on topic about the actual materials brought up.

I have every right to reply on topics being brought up in this thread. It is certainly on topic.

Secondly for judging the reliability of a conspiracy researcher it is imperative to point out flaws in his or her overall research. People on ConCen have done this for ages here in the comments, even going so far as to instantly claim that this and that researcher is a "disinfo agent", "conintelpro", etc. etc.

In my point of view Rebekah Roth's "Gelatin-art-students-are-Israeli-agents" theory which is presented on her website as well – she even has the caption "What kind of ART project could these Israeli's be up to?" under a photo taken from the Gelatin art book most probably showing these very Austrian art students – is an awful example of shoddy research purely driven by ideology, not the unconditional want to know the real truth. Even just thinking that Israeli agents would be so dumb to publish a book depicting them in the WTC "preparing" their deed is in itself incredibly dumb IMHO. BTW Rense published the same BS on his website as well.

buddha01 wrote:

The fact you don't mention those means there is a worry about you and your intentions ?

No. It just means that I don't have enough time to research - and debunk if necessary – each an everything that is going on here. I'm now pretty sure there would be more such things to be found. Apart from that my intentions are the very same which should be the intentions of everyone here: to be critical of every information being presented to me, no matter from which side it comes from. With some people I get the impression they are willing to take anything at face value as long as it confirms their belief systems.

And I just find the "Zionists control us all" meme quite ridiculous by now. Considering for example that Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard had to spend decades in a US prison and that it is getting more and more obvious with every day how anti-Israel the current Obama administration really is. Why is he not blowing the lid off this "explosive" material indicting Israel?

Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel

Obama - The Anti-Israel President

Obama’s 67 degrees of separation from Israel

A Complete Timeline of Obama's Anti-IsraelI Hatred

In Israel’s hour of need

Israel: Beware of Obama

Your post is outrageous.

An analogie is I have put a mountain of issues to look and talk about... and then not only are you not looking at the mountain I have put in front of you, you are going off tangent, turning around, picking up a number of oblong pebbles and complaining they are not round.

I am looking at your post and which part of any details of the show have you referenced and gone through.

In closing you have made several absolutely bullshit America does not back Israel Propaganda remarks.

To say that America does not support Israel all the way to the bank since several decades ago is absolutely laughable.

People here are not normal people that you can post this kind of BS and it is going to slide.

You have added absolutely nothing to the thread.

Also I which actually correct myself, the only aspect regarding this show and the materials discussed which is of any importance about corrections is Rebeckas disbelief that a plane could enter into and smash through into the buildings, I disagree with her on this point and think she is an idiot for saying a plane could not do that, it was seen not only on several dozen video tapes but withnessed by hundreds if not thousands of people so I am at a loss to why she finds this aspect of the day any kind of question at all.

Quintessenz, I very rarely rude to any one but life is short and when I make posts and make points please take those up else this is not a conversation is a match to see who can over talk the other person.

The main topic is 911 and the events that unfolded which do not make sense on any level at any point in any aspect either single form in part a collective grouping of actions and more importantly the whole event taken as a whole.

I will be frank your a pro Israelly supporter which is fine that is your right and in turn this topic is not about jews, nor is it anti semetic, but in turn why did several dancing Israelly students "go there to record the event".

Please do not post any more, posts are not required from you here now, please understand the points (which are valid) and if you can maturely post in reply to those points providing some insight you are most welcome.

We don't need to read BS like America is Anti Israel which is just about the most stupid thing any one can say in the whole universe.

To the rest of the community, do people actually think they can post this kind of stuff and it will do any thing like cloud the topic facts or reality of the situations?