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The Forgotten Technology (1999)

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1.26 GiB110297
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This video is an amateur narrated "home" video of Wallace Wallington moving heavy blocks and a building using what he claims are ancient techniques he has rediscovered. How much of his methods may have been used by the ancients is debatable and up to researchers to figure out. However, due to gaps in the historical record we may never know. But with Wallington's methods known there is a place to try to put the pieces of the puzzle together.



Very interesting, thanks for sharing.

I used to live really close to John Hutchinson, and he was using high powered electromagnetic energy to pulse any physical item and was able to, several times, make the object levitate.

I saw people requesting this on reddit under r/HelpMeFind looking for a copy of the DVD. I happen to have purchased this DVD from Wallace when he was alive decades ago. Many think that the video is lost in time. So I'm going to change that. Not sure what's going on with the seed though. Its just sitting there 0 kb/s at .73 seeded. My internet is working fine. I assume you're the one downloading it right now. Did you pause the download?

Nevermind, I paused it and unpaused it and its working again.

That's great, an exclusive! By the way, it would also be great if you mention the DVD you are seeding here on ConCen, on Reddit, to advertise the site. If they know how to use BitTorrent etc, it would be nice to have more users here.

I'd like to get one of those USB/DVD drives sometime. I still have all of my old DVDs and DVD-Rs, as well as CDs...