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Award-winning documentarian Jenner Furst seeks answers from Dr. Fauci about the origins of COVID-19, a bio-arms race with China and what could be the largest coverup in modern history. Awaiting Fauci’s reply… Furst falls down a rabbit hole, decoding hundreds of thousands of pages of documents with prominent scientists, intelligence analysts, former government officials and whistleblowers. Risking career and reputation, Furst depoliticizes one of the most controversial stories of our time, in an urgent scientific docu-thriller that is Oppenheimer meets Outbreak.
Website and 8-min preview:
thanks to those who remain anonymous
who brought this to Concen.
Thanks! This looks pretty
Thanks! This looks pretty good.
It's amazing how long ago the pandemic feels - but it was really only a couple years ago... and we never know if something like it could happen again.
There were a few revelations in this.
However even if there hadn't been, it had great nostalgia value too.
Covid was the good old days. Getting dirty looks for not wearing a mask in the supermarket; hilarious.
Meanwhile remember all the Q stuff. This election isn't the same without Trump pulling kids out of tunnels.
I always just say that I was
I always just say that I was too lazy to bother getting my vaccines - just like I am too lazy to ever get any blood work done, or go to the doctor! But in reality, I am and will always be proud that I never got vaccinated.
Today is the big day. This election didn't have Q - but it has Musk! And that could be entertaining, to see how he navigates dealing with Trump and getting us all to Mars!! :D
Otherwise - first female president. There's nothing specifically wrong with that! See how the male/female demographics of it all work themselves out. It's going to be a long day - and there might be re-counts!
When a video like this is
When a video like this is compressed to x265, does anybody know the default audio codec and bitrate that is used? I have 250 dollar headphones, and I am guesstimating like a bit less than a 96kbps mp3 type of quality. Which is basically good enough, really...
The audio and video parts are
The audio and video parts are reencoded seperately. If using ffmpeg, the default is to just copy the audio, not reencode it. When reencoding audio, it's up to the user to decide. I personally reencode to AAC stereo @ I think 128kbps.
Oh, thanks - yes, 128 is a
Oh, thanks - yes, 128 is a good standard, and has been for a long time. All new Audible books are usually 128.
Turns out this particular documentary audio is at 56kbps! Wow! lol