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First Do No Pharm (2024) [720p x265]

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Do_No_Pharm_2024.720p.aac.x265.mkv 1h55m 1280x720 HEVC AAC None

We stand at a critical juncture in the history of medicine, and I'm writing to you with a sense of urgency that cannot be overstated.

For over a decade, I've been sounding the alarm about the pervasive and pernicious influence of "too much medicine" in our lives.

Today, I'm calling on you to join me in a fight that affects us all.

The harsh reality is this: we are drowning in a sea of pharmaceuticals, pushed upon us by an industry that has long since abandoned its moral compass in pursuit of profit.

Big Pharma, more powerful and profitable than ever before, has infiltrated every aspect of our healthcare system.

Our regulatory bodies, meant to protect us, have instead become puppets of the very corporations they should be overseeing.

Let me be clear – this is not a victimless crime.

The cost is measured in human lives, in suffering and the erosion of trust in a system that should heal, not harm.

We've witnessed these companies pay billions in fines as if they were mere parking tickets, their CEOs offering hollow apologies before returning to their boardrooms to plot the next money-making scheme.

The numbers are staggering, almost beyond comprehension.

That's why I'm producing "First Do No Pharm", a documentary that will rip away the veil of secrecy and expose the ugly truth of how our health has been commodified and exploited for decades.

This film isn't just an exposé – it's a call to arms. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to fight back against a system that values profits over patients.

We'll show you how to navigate this treacherous landscape, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the excesses of an industry gone mad.


For me, this is the lesson of a lifetime. I have been on pharmaceuticals since the age of 14, and I've had nothing but trouble with them. I am not sure how to deal with an issue so massive as this, it's like Lord of the Rings type of thing. But I guess, at a grass roots level, it can start to make an impact. None of the major news networks can talk about the issue of Big Pharma, because all of their significant sponsors ARE Big Pharma. So that's a problem. But alternative media and the internet can make a big difference...

Well, the answers are out there. They are not as simple as "take this pill" though, and no-one is going to tell you, you have to figure it out for yourself.

Even if you find a good nutritionist or naturopath or functional medicine doctor, you need to learn for yourself what is going on.

With a good enough diet and the right supplements, you can come off any medication.

Just out of interest - whether for getting off prescribed pills OR for replacing them as a safe alternative... have you tried a few brands of CBD?

I say a few types as my exp is some are more suitable for my brain type than others for some reason - maybe they use different plant types??

Also - I had a severse clonic-tonic seizure incident a year or so back in which the brain zapping DISLOCATED one shoulder and I bit thru my tongue... it's posible this was the result of reducing prescribed tramadol too quickly.

Anyway - CBD daily assists in that aspect and more for me - so have you tried it?

NB: You can ignore this and write privately if you wish.

Right now, I am only on 2 meds - both for sleeping, as I ended up with insomnia and other severe sleeping-related issues after discontinuing a drug called Paxil. I tried to get away from Pharma and psychiatry, but it kind of back-fired and I ended up being forced back to them and with new meds. It's a kind of merry-go-round once you're in their system. But anyways, if I were to try to come off meds again, CBD would probably be a big help. I have not tried it yet, but thanks for mentioning it. Sorry for your drug withdrawal situation as well, I had withdrawals of my own some years ago. That's one of the most serious part of pharmaceuticals that is often overlooked by doctors and the medical establishment as a whole, and how to come off them slowly and safely and successfully.

TheCorsair00 wrote:

Right now, I am only on 2 meds - both for sleeping, as I ended up with insomnia and other severe sleeping-related issues after discontinuing a drug called Paxil. I tried to get away from Pharma and psychiatry, but it kind of back-fired and I ended up being forced back to them and with new meds. It's a kind of merry-go-round once you're in their system. But anyways, if I were to try to come off meds again, CBD would probably be a big help. I have not tried it yet, but thanks for mentioning it. Sorry for your drug withdrawal situation as well, I had withdrawals of my own some years ago. That's one of the most serious part of pharmaceuticals that is often overlooked by doctors and the medical establishment as a whole, and how to come off them slowly and safely and successfully.

with CBD you have to make sure it's "full spectrum", otherwise you are getting what is pretty much useless hemp oil.
doses usually start at around 0.2ml morning and night then titrate up. best method is the sublingual and it's very fast acting. i get it on prescription and it costs around £50 GBP per 10ml and that lasts me 30 days. very calming, helps with the knee and back pain. it's fuckign amazing stuff bud. just make sure you get the real deal or it's pointless ;)

...or how to replace drugs that pretend to do something about your problem (but may wreck your system or get you addicted), by taking an escape route.

CBD is yet another painkiller. Not a cause-killer. So it isn't the way out of Big Pharma. In fact, cannabis would still be illegal if Big Pharma hadn't pushed the notion of "Medical cannabis". Put it simply, it's a merger/expansion of Mafia business.

Monolith wrote:

...or how to replace drugs that pretend to do something about your problem (but may wreck your system or get you addicted), by taking an escape route.
CBD is yet another painkiller. Not a cause-killer. So it isn't the way out of Big Pharma. In fact, cannabis would still be illegal if Big Pharma hadn't pushed the notion of "Medical cannabis". Put it simply, it's a merger/expansion of Mafia business.

it absolutely works for me with chronic pain conditions. the only thing to be do is manage pain.
the fact i can get it instead of having to take fentanyl is fucking great imho. i give no fucks about your opinion on it. i get much better, cleaner and stronger weed than is most probably possible to most at pretty fucking cheap. i get between 28-33%THC strains along with 5mg/ml thc/50mg/ml cbd and it works a treat. could i grown on my own? yes i could and have done in the past however you have to grown more than one strain at a time to avoid strain lock and it's just a pain in the ass when i get get the 28/33% THC flower at 8.5GBP per gram and the sub lingual oil at 50 per bottle.
my knees are absolutely fucked , my lower back is decently fucked as well along with chronic sciatica. the medical cannabis meds help manage the pain well.
you do understand it's not about getting stoned, it's about pain management.
My nephew was having up to 120 fits a day and was constantly in hospital , most often in a vegetative state until his mother and others like her campaigned hard and got medical cannabis legalised.
her son started a treatment involving a low TCH and high CDB sublingual oil. he stopped having fits 6 days after treatment started and he's been fit free since.
in his case it's not about getting stoned , it's about being fit free and having a fair crack at enjoying life.

Oh wow, that's great. I was going to ask about CBD for chronic pain as well because I know a few people who really need some sort of treatment, preferably one that doesn't involve a prescription for really addictive pharmaceutical pain killers. I'd say that cannabis and cbd oil qualify as natural health treatments, and seem to have next to nothing to do with Big Pharma. Unless there are synthetic cbd oils, I don't know that there are, the products cannot be patented and are therefore totally useless to Big Pharma! :0

TheCorsair00 wrote:

Oh wow, that's great. I was going to ask about CBD for chronic pain as well because I know a few people who really need some sort of treatment, preferably one that doesn't involve a prescription for really addictive pharmaceutical pain killers. I'd say that cannabis and cbd oil qualify as natural health treatments, and seem to have next to nothing to do with Big Pharma. Unless there are synthetic cbd oils, I don't know that there are, the products cannot be patented and are therefore totally useless to Big Pharma! :0

just say no to synthetics. full spectrum is what you want. you need not just the CBD but the other cannabinoids and terpenes that are in it.
Big Pharma are involved with medical cannabis BUT there are smaller companies that make the items and to be honest you REALLY want the CBD from a proper weed pharmacy as they make the oil fresh for each order for every customer. it has about a 6 week shelf life.
but with you being in Canada i am sure you'll be able to source proper medical strains/oils.
this website shows what is available in the UK and a fair bit of it comes from Canada!
on Wednesday i get the following x 10 grams x 10 grams x 10 grams
the particular one i get isn't listed. they do custom mixes according to the prescription you get. the oil i get it 5mg/ml THC and 50mg/ml CDB and that's for 50gbp.
I get a discount as i am on the a subject in the T21 trial
they order the curaleaf flower in and make up the oil as needed for each customer same with the other brands of oil except those that are from Malta as they aren't allowed to export flower as they don't consider flower a "medical preparation"(cunts) but do allow people with prescriptions for flower bring theirs in as long as they have a letter from the clinic and a copy of the prescription with them.
i tend to have some flower left over each month but i keep it in a drawer as emergency stock as you never know!
they can patent particular strains/hybrids and particular formulations of those strains etc from what i understand.
been a legal patient for a few years now and have only had shit skanky weed twice and it got returned and refunded in one case and exchanged in the other.

CBD helps alleviate pain but isn't a painkiller as such. it helps as an anti-inflammatory in my knees and back and keeping that constant level there helps. i use the weed/flower for pain. the only time i have to take a pharma pain killer is paracetamol for headaches.

Here's a crucial point - I've no seizure history - plus I've done all sorts of chemical concoctions over the years - nothing from a street or "nature" level had this effect - but TRAMADOL did - guess why?

My theory is it was a money making late MIX of a SYNTHETIC OPIOID and they claim anti-depressive actions also -
ie: that tells me it has random action on the brain.

The Nazi's invented METHADONE but never linked their research to a wider psychoactive result... am I making sense here?

I don't know the full history of Nazi Germany's pharma achievements, but they do actually mention that specific thing in this documentary. How Hitler's scientists were behind the original chemicals which later evolved into modern pesticides etc. And I have heard others, like Dr. Fred Bell, talking about the German pharmaceutical companies as well, and how they basically were the first ones to come up with many of the psychiatric drugs, which have definitely always been a problem, here, there and everywhere...