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Torrent Stats: Completed

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Torrent Stats: Completed

We're coming up on another milestone: 2 Million Completed. I'm estimating some time in the next 10 days.





AYY gz

AYY gz




Mission Accomplished

Digital hi-fives all around.



Congrats all...

Congrats all...

Esp those there during the tracker testing era like me :-P!

- Love to know if TPB was running before concen tracker.... ??

Pretty sure both were 2004/5 - I'll try and find a TPB launch date.

shuffle wrote:

Congrats all...
Esp those there during the tracker testing era like me :-P!
- Love to know if TPB was running before concen tracker.... ??
Pretty sure both were 2004/5 - I'll try and find a TPB launch date.

TPB was founded on the 15th of September 2003

That was a Fast-Phact-Phind

That was a Fast-Phact-Phind-Tadpole

I wasn't far off then.

What a wild era is was back then

No c*nts whining on social media - 'cos it didn't exist.....

Back then, when most ConCen types were on pr0n sites of their choice [Nibs used to regularly access the infamous - "Big Busty and Gutsy" site if memory serves] - instead I entertained myself for days on end using an email or file added KEYLOGGER - which each day usually supplied a new random targET to explore.

Life was great...

Sense of humours actually existed....

Baked beans were 23pence a tin too.


shuffle wrote:
shuffle wrote:

No c*nts whining on social media - 'cos it didn't exist.....

Social media has existed since the beginning, via email newsletters, usenet, BBS, chat, etc. The whining cunt ratio rises every time the technology captured a new class of user, the last and now universal one being droolers with smart phones.

It's funny reading/watching old conspiracy rants about microchipping the population. Who needs a chip under the skin when we're all carrying one? Who needs to bug our houses when our phones can be remotely used as microphones?

ConCen wrote:
ConCen wrote:

shuffle wrote:
No c*nts whining on social media - 'cos it didn't exist.....

Social media has existed since the beginning, via email newsletters, usenet, BBS, chat, etc. The whining cunt ratio rises every time the technology captured a new class of user, the last and now universal one being droolers with smart phones.

Sure - but you're picking digital flies - you knew what I meant - the Social media that an average millennial type would list as such.


It's funny reading/watching old conspiracy rants about microchipping the population. Who needs a chip under the skin when we're all carrying one? Who needs to bug our houses when our phones can be remotely used as microphones?

See even back then on sites like this and before - vaguely aware types shud have known that whole "chip the size of a rice grain" and the RFID thing were bullshit cover for the true tech that was out there.

Ppl can discount the CONTACTEE LITERATURE but it was telling us decades ahead what was probably being used tech wise by shadow intel groups and corporations. It wasnt close to a 666 demon chip in your butt cheek or inserted by a dodgy dentist!


I think, according to whistleblower testimony from William Pawelec, the rice-sized RFID chips were invented in the early 1980s, and were quickly usurped by a shadowy military group who wanted to know if billions of them could be produced, and the technology was seized (and later found in some alien abductees etc). There have probably been different groups with different technologies, but I think they have all evolved, since technology evolves in an exponential accelerated fashion, going up like those huge curves you see on graphs.

Since the early days of chipping, I think "they" (aliens, NSA, military, A.I., time travelers, whoever) have decided to go more towards decoding brainwave signals, and getting visual and auditory information directly from the brain, and bioelectrical signals from the body itself and probably the DNA - not to go too far off-topic from the OP! haha

9 inch Dick Cheney ET Hybrids!!

Fuck going off topic when the world is going wholesale AWOL!! :-D

On the ET issue re this topic - esp Whitley Striebers stuff - I've never worked out why some 1970s/80s contactees had metal mini "bio chips" [they meshed with the nerves and blood supply of host] taken out by likes of Roger leir - cos I believe that type of tech was INBETWEEN off-planet and advanced/intel human - ??

Does that make [non] sense?

Decades or two later it seems most true ET/EDH groups don't uses ANYTHING close to that clunky crap - so what it some thick or slightly re/tarded [bad, no PC phrase there] ETs chucking in those early implants or.... ooooohhh - :-o - was it HIGHLY advanced Dick-Head-Cheney-Species-hybrid Rockerfeller Humans - or WHO-Mans ? :-p
Sorry - I've had a G&T after my regular early evenong Early Grey colonialist tea.... ;-)=

well fuckadoodledo!

that's deffo OVER 9000!

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