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Rose/Icke 10: The Reveal - Twitter/X link.

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Rose/Icke 10: The Reveal - Twitter/X link.
I have been watching this

I have been watching this tonight, and although I was mildly skeptical of the initial "advertisements" at the beginning of the interview, I stuck with it and I find that the information Icke is sharing is very insightful and quite worthwhile - especially his take on the "mainstream alternative media" (Musk/X/Twitter, Jones, Carlson, Brand, Rogan et al.) being more or less stuck in, what he called, a myopic and overly political worldview, that only further accelerates divisiveness and more social issues. It's 3 and a half hours long too, but I am going to go for the whole thing. I also got Icke's new audiobook (do a search for it later if you are interested)...

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