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Tommy Robinson Documentary Collection (2013-2024)

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Watching Jordan Peterson interview Tommy Robinson, I learned that his sister was drugged and raped by a grooming gang age 14. I felt this made him a much more sympathetic character.

I searched rumble, youtube and other sources for the best quality copies of his documentaries and related material in which he makes an appearance. If you can find a better copy of any please link it below or wormhole it to me.

I've included the JP interview in case it gets blackholed.

What I mostly notice is the derangement syndrome that is now sadly quite common where people who disagree with Tommy are unable to properly articulate any argument against anything he says. Instead they copy/paste bizarre rants full of irrelevant information that rarely tackles the subject at hand.


he bangs on about "Asian/muslim grooming gangs" and rightly so aboiuy ANY system of abuse.
YET he NEVER EVER mentions or recognises the kiddy fuckers in his own ranks and there are PLENTY convicted of the suckest abuse you can imagine with children as young as "infants"
here's one.. one of tommy's mates caught with video of kiddies having sex with animals and distributing them!
is that wholesome? erm.. no i think we can all agree that's hideous
you can also check here
and here
here's a long list of the twisted fucks#
"Shaun Jones, Liverpool ‘Scouse Nationalists’ jailed for grooming and raping a 12 year old girl.

Robert Ewing A BNP member convicted of the murder of Paige Chivers as well as other sexual crimes against children.

Gareth Dewhurst Convicted of disposing of the body of Paige Chivers

Kane Hutchison AKA Mason Maxwell EDL supporter from Gateshead jailed for sexual assaults on teenage boys.
Jailed again in March 2022 for breaching his conditions
Jailed again in June 2024 after pleading guilty to one count of taking an indecent video of a child, three counts of taking indecent images of a child, two counts of making an indecent image of a child, and three counts of distributing an indecent image of a child. Also put on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

John Broomfield, EDL and British Freedom supporter admitted 20 counts of making indecent images of children.

Merfyn Jones. North Wales Alliance/Combined Ex-Forces. Jailed for rape, attempted rape, indecent assault.

Michael McQueenie EDL supporter from Blackburn who was jailed for the rape and sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl with learning difficulties.

Mark “Archie” Sleman. EDL member who was convicted of kidnapping and sexually abusing 10-year-old girl.

Michael Coates. Pleaded guilty to a total of eight charges of indecent assault and two of attempted rape of a teenage girl.

Brett Moses. Given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, after earlier pleading guilty to sexual grooming.

Matthew Woodward. Pleaded guilty to 16 offences of indecent images of children.

Alan Thomas Ellis. 18-month community order for sending indecent texts to a teenage girl.

Stephen Payne. Groomed a 13-year-old girl.

Richard Price. Founder member of the EDL placed on the sex offenders register for downloading indecent images of children.

Nigel Hesmondalgh. A BNP memberjailed for possessing child porn.

Ian Siree. Pleaded guilty to possessing 138 illegal images child sex abuse

Darren Francis. Jailed in 1999 for multiple sex offences and degrading physical abuse of his then partner.

Michael Cowen. NF member who was jailed for having a library of tens of thousands of indecent images of youngsters stored on his computers. Found guilty of a similar crime in Feb 2021 and is awaiting sentencing.

Gavin Leist. BNP candidate jailed for possessing and distributed child pornography of boys under the age of 13.

Roderick Rowley. BNP Candidate jailed for 15 months after sending obscene images involving children.

Ian Hindle. BNP member who was jailed for sexual activity with 14-year-old girls.

Andrew Wells. BNP member who was jailed for sexual activity with 14-year-old girls.

Martyn Gilleard. Pleaded guilty to 10 counts of child pornography offences.

Andrew Rogers DFLA member who pleaded guilty to sexual communication with a child.

Unnamed teenager Sexually touched a child whilst desensitising himself for a future terror campaign.

Jordan Goodwin AKA Jordan Hagan Indefinite hospital order in 2011 after committing a serious sexual offence at the age of 12.

Dale Hewitt Jailed for a decade for sexually abusing and drugging underage girls.

Ryan Fleming Notable member of National Action jailed for 3 years for having underage sex with a 14 year old. This was his 2nd sexual conviction. Jailed again in Feb 2021 for breaching his sexual harm prevention order,

Paul Whiteside An EDL organiser who admitted a charge of child abduction.

Trevor Vinson A Britain First supporter who filmed himself sexually assaulting a 3 year old. Jailed for 21 years.

Bradley Alford Jailed for possession of indecent photos of children, attempting to meet a child, inciting a child to send sexual images and inciting a child to engage in sexual intercourse.

Christopher Gamlin Jailed for 21 months for attempting to meet a child after grooming and attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.

Leigh McMillan Well known EDL member who was jailed for 17 years for grooming and child sexual abuse.

Jasper Gough Admitted sexually assaulting a woman and was jailed for 3 years.

James Andrew Swindlehurst. Member of the South Yorkshire Casuals who was jailed for 20 years for being found guilty of 13 non-recent counts of rape and indecent assault of a child.

Mark Ryley. Jailed for 13 years after being found guilty of six counts of indecent assault, seven of sexual activity with a child, one of assault by penetration and two of attempted rape.

Arthur “Misty” Thackeray The former chairman of UKIP in Scotland pled guilty to nine charges of intentionally sending, or directing “sexual verbal communication”

Peter Gillett Well known member of the EDL and “friend of The Krays” found guilty of multiple rapes against a teenager, along with indecent assault, and an assault that caused her actual bodily harm. He was also convicted child cruelty and gross indecency towards a boy aged between eight and 15, and indecent assault against a girl aged between 13 and 15. Jailed for 18 years.

Wayne Kirby EDL supporting convicted rapist.

Gerard Kendrick Far-right supporter raped two young boys and sexually abused four other children. Jailed for 18 years.

Jack Renshaw Well known former BNP member and National Action activist jailed for grooming two teenage boys. He also received 20 years for the plot to murder a Labour MP.

Kyle Davies Member of System Resistance Network who was jailed for planning a mass murder. Indecent images were found amongst his belongings. Jailed for 16 years.

Carl Tofts EDL supporter from Luton who was jailed after downloading thousands of images of children being abused.

Elliot Jones A member of the “Paedophile Squad” and EDL supporter convicted of blackmail of trying to incite a child into sexual activity.

Michael Kinnear Exploited a seven-year-old girl and involved her in pornography worldwide.

Paul O’Brien A Blood and Honour and NF supporting rapist. He admitted offences of rape, sexual assault and assault by penetration. Jailed for 9 years

Kristopher Allan Scottish Defence League supporter with a conviction for having sexual contact with a 13-year-old girl.

Terry Maughan. Drugged and raped a 17 year old girl. Jailed for 7 years.

Ryan Johnson Jailed for three years and 10 months behind bars for four counts of sexual activity with a child.

Bruce Cordwell Jailed for grooming a vulnerable 15 year old girl.

Alan Boulter Pled guilty to attempting to meet a 13 year old child following sexual grooming. Jailed for 20 months.

Michael Roles Jailed for 18 years for the rape of a girl under the age of 13, the attempted rape of a girl under the age of 13, indecent assault and twelve other similar offences against children.

Dean Chambers Found guilty of two counts of sexual assault against vulnerable adults. Jailed for 5 years.

Daniel Grant EDL supporter with a history of unnamed sexual offences given an indefinite sentence for other violent crimes.

Kevin Jenkins EDL supporter convicted of sexually assaulting a 14 year old school girl.

Ryan Schofield. Guilty of various sexual assault charges against women.

Daniel Lainchbury, Jailed for 4 and half yesrs for sexual assault of two random women in Leicester.

Peter Moore. A neo-Nazi serial killer who received a whole life term in 1996 for four brutal murders and a sting of other attacks.

Jacek Tchorzewski. A far-right terrorist also jailed for downloading videos, photos and animations depicting child rape, incest and “sexual interference with a corpse”.

Harry Vaughan. Posted on a far-right website named Fascist Forge which lead to a terrorism investigation. During the investigation child porn was found and he pleaded guilty to the charges. In 2023 he was found guilty of admitted three charges of possessing extreme pornographic videos, three counts of failing to comply with a Serious Crime Prevention Order and three breaches of his notification order.
He was jailed for 38 months.

.Unnamed 17 year old Found guilty of five counts of sexually touching a girl under the age of 13. Also guilty of terrorism offences.

Ben Hannam Serving police officer who was found guilty of membership of National Action, possession of terrorist documents and he also admitted possessing an indecent image of a child. Jailed for 4 years and 4 months.

John Merritt Jailed for 8 years for historic rapes of two young boys

Billy Charlton. Found guilty of sharing illegal image of child performing a sex act with animal. Jailed for 21 months

Conrad Howarth. Jailed for four-and-a-half years for terrorism related offences and extreme pornography.

Thomas Leech, from Preston, admitted possessing indecent images of children and far-right terrorism. Jailed for two years.

Luke Hunter from Newcastle. Jailed for 50 months for indecent images of children and terrorism related crimes.

John Cole. Was said during his trial to have an interest in the National Front. Found guilty of the abuse and murder of a child.

Mason Yates, from Widnes. Jailed for 30 months for extreme pornography and terrorism related offences.

Scott Mason jailed for 3 years for extreme pornography and possessing information useful to a terrorist.

Michael Coyle. Former member of the BNP and NF. Jailed for seven years for rape and attempted rape.

Simon Sheppard. Jailed for 42 months for eight offences involving attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and inciting the sexual exploitation of children.

Luca Benincasa. Jailed for 9 and half years for for terror offences and possessing indecent images of children.

Daniel Harris. Had convictions for common assault, criminal damage, possession of indecent images of children and racially aggravated damage of a memorial in Manchester before being convicted of publishing terrorist material. Jailed for 11-and-a-half years.

Steven Donovan. Jailed for 27 months for catalogue of offences which included stirring up racial hatred, dissemination of terrorist material, possession of a knife, possession of extreme pornography and possession of racially inflammatory material.

Mark Wolf. Jailed in Ireland for 10 years after being caught with firearms components, a guide for the 3D printing of weapons and images of child abuse.

Unamed 15-year-old boy. Pleaded guilty in the youth court to three charges of battery. He also admitted possessing a bomb-making manual and dissemination of a terrorist publication on the basis of recklessness. The boy, from Isleworth, south-west London, further admitted having extreme pornography involving animals.

Simon Forster, ex member and organiser of National Action was found with terrorism documents, Nazi memorabilia and indecent images of children and was has been jailed for four years.

Joe Metcalfe. Sentenced to 10 years in jail for various terrorism offences and of multiple rape, and coercive / controlling behaviour against a teenage girl.

Jaden Milne A Patriotic Alternative member and activist who pleaded guilty to four charges of sexual assault. The Judge sentenced him to a 12 month restriction of liberty order – during which time he will be subject to an 8pm to 7am electronic curfew – plus 150 hours unpaid work. She also placed him on social work supervision for three years.

Vincent Charlton pleaded guilty in 2023 to disseminating terrorist publications, four counts of possessing documents useful to a terrorist, and making and possessing indecent images of children. He was jailed for 28 months.

Andrew Leak. Claimed he viewed indecent images of children before attacking an immigration processing centre in Dover.

Ian Davison AKA Ian Deleney Convicted terrorist who made a chemical weapon has appeared back in court for failing to comply with a notification order, drugs offences and possessing “disturbing” child abuse images. Sentenced to 44 months in jail.

Ryan Jackson. Jailed for 30 months for terrorism and child abuse images. Jackson had amassed over 900 indecent images of children, and over 200 extreme pornographic images involving animals." source
and not a single fucking word from tommy with many being people he personally knew.
there's also another little inconvenient truth that kinda makes his narrative untrue, the stats show that ther3e are more white folks committing sex offences against kids than others as the UK is 83% white. simple maths is all that is required.
if he went for it and named and shamed these twisted fucks then i'd give him a pass on that BUT he leaves that and never ever says a word about it because it doesn't fit his "muslims/immigramnts bad" narrative.
he also lost a case where he was found guilty of libel against a young boy making all sorts of accusations he's trying to dodge paying the two million he owes for that while gambling over 100,000 GBP in the run up to losing the trial.
he himself has been convicted of all sorts and used the name Tommy Robinson to hide his criminality such as.....
His criminal record includes violence, financial and immigration frauds, drug possession, public order offences and contempt of court.


In 2005, Robinson was convicted of assaulting an off-duty police officer after he intervened to protect Robinson’s girlfriend from him.

He was jailed for 12 months.

In 2011, he was given a 12-week jail sentence – suspended for 12 months – for headbutting a man in Blackburn.


In 2012, Robinson was charged with using false travel documents after entering the US illegally by using a passport with the name Andrew McMaster.

A judge told him at the time: ‘What you did went absolutely to the heart of the immigration controls that the US are entitled to have. It’s not in any sense trivial.’

Robinson was jailed for 10 months and released on electronic tag on February 22, 2013.


In 2012, Robinson was charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit fraud by misrepresentation in relation to a mortgage application.

He pleaded guilty to two charges and was sentenced to 18 months in jail.


In 2017, Robinson received a suspended sentence for putting a trial at Canterbury Crown Court at risk of collapse – after he broadcast statements from inside the court building.

In 2018, he was jailed for a similar offence at Leeds Crown Court. However, he was released after successfully challenging the court’s sentencing procedure.

In 2019, the attorney general decided that it was in the public interest to bring further proceedings against Robinson.

On July 11, he was given a nine-month jail sentence.

interestingly the name on the passport used to get into Canada was not Stephen Yaxlely-Lennon and stated his place of birth was the Republic if Ireland and not luton as he has stated many times before. now with his mother being Irish then he is entitled to an Irish passport BUT in what name??? not his own.. i'll link to the article that discusses that when i find it again.
it's not derangement syndrome.. he's a multiple offender on many fronts with connections to PLENTY of child sex offenders but never says a word about it because "immigrants people bad"
he's absolutely fucking hated in Scotland and was chased out when he tried to build links with the tiny, tiny tiny amount of extreme right wingers here in Scotland. there are about 90 members of what was the Scottish version of the EDL... SDL and those had all the same members as the rest of the extreme right nazi wanks revolving around a horrible little cunt called Melanie Adams, real name Patricia Linton whose exploited are petty, rediculous and she has a face like a bulldog licking piss of a stinging nettle.
on his finances.. well it's big fucking globalist wanks that are funding him, massive corporatist cunts
and this from thge Daily Mail which famously backed hitler before WW2!
During the 1930s, the Daily Mail supported the rise of fascism, running many headlines and editorials in support of fascist regimes, especially those in Germany and Italy. Lord Rothermere, the owner of the Daily Mail at the time, was friends with Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), and deliberately guided the newspaper to support them. The support extended to fascism in the UK, with advocacy of British fascism declared in one of the newspaper’s most famous articles, ‘Hurrah for the Blackshirts!’. The advocacy of fascism did stop, but there are conflicting theories as to why: on the surface, it stopped as a reaction to violence committed by the British Union of Fascists (BUF) rally in 1934; but Oswald Mosley (1896-1980, leader of the BUF) suggested it was threats of reduced advertising from the Jewish business community—a significant threat to the newspaper’s profits—that was the real reason for the change in stance.

Price, G. Ward. “The Fruits of Fascism.” Daily Mail, 16 July 1926

R. Moore, T. C., C. B. E., M. P. “The Blackshirts Have What The Conservatives Need.” Daily Mail, 25 Apr. 1934

Viscount Rothermere. “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” Daily Mail, 15 Jan. 1934

Viscount Rothermere. “Give the Blackshirts a Helping Hand.” Daily Mail, 22 Jan. 1934

anyway there are a fair few arguments to be made against "Tommy" for many and varying reasons from his own criminality to the twisted sexual freaks he is associated with yet never reports on....

What is this

omicron wrote:

What is this

the very thing you said you had never heard.
feel free to read it and then you can understand what a horrible little cunt "tommy" is and why he gets called "Tommy ten names Robinson"

Do you believe that the establishment should prosecute child sex offences, including grooming gangs and paedophile rings, regardless of the races, religions, or ethnicity of the offenders and victims involved?

omicron wrote:

Do you believe that the establishment should prosecute child sex offences, including grooming gangs and paedophile rings, regardless of the races, religions, or ethnicity of the offenders and victims involved?

that's exactly what i said, get ALL sex offenders no matter who or what they are.
"Tommy" doesn't see it that way at all.
tommy has connections to MANY as listed and has not condemned them EVER.
you however seem to be avoiding the point.... you asked for a logical argument and i gave several.
it so happens that most sex offenders of whatever kind in the UK are...drum roll... white and he says nothing...NOTHING ABOUT THEM AT ALL especially the ones he's connected to.
this country is 83% white and most of the sex offenders are white. he tries to make out it's a;l; asians/muslims.. which is very far removed from the truth

You're missing the point.

The authorities avoided prosecuting the asian grooming gangs.

Are they avoiding prosecuting the EDL paedos? Doubt it. I seriously doubt Tommy is standing up for them either.

omicron wrote:

You're missing the point.
The authorities avoided prosecuting the Asian grooming gangs.
Are they avoiding prosecuting the EDL paedos? Doubt it. I seriously doubt Tommy is standing up for them either.

sigh.. they got prosecuted didn't they?.. no excuses for the time it took BUT they did get prosecuted.
just because you think it, doesn't make it so.

the narrative you are seeking to promote just isn't factual and doesn't tell a full story at all.
factually there are more non Asian/Muslim kiddy fiddlers than Asian/Muslim because you know.. NUMBERS like 83% white British populace.

the very gangs you refer to were very famously jailed for quite some time. the issues that led to overly long delays in it being properly investigated are no longer issues. it was fucked up , no doubt but to say they don't prosecute is just plain bullshit, not true, false and bollocks.

Where's Tommy's condemnation of those on that list? never a fucking word, not ever and there was plenty in the EDL that knew about them covering up for the convictions as it would fuck up their narrative.. that's their own fucking words for fuck sake!

if you seriously think that you have somehow made some kind of genius move in this thread you are very very very very sorely mistaken.
Tommy is only bothered about child sex offenders if they are of immigrant stock. this is a FACT that is borne out in all those cases listed above and the cover up was even publicly admitted to by associates of tommy ten names.

This is easily findable fact. he's just a bellend football hooligan with football hooligan convictions who went onto bigger crimes and now sucks money out of simps to fund his very lavish lifestyle by pushing his narrative and playing the victim and at all times with his begging bowl out even though he is very very very generously funded by American corporatist globalists which makes even bigger mugs out of those simps.

this collection is for you.

omicron wrote:

this collection is for you.

and no response to the point in hand.
I am from the UK. We know all about that scamming wanker. he is universally hated in Scotland. the only mugs he can find here are Melanie's mini nazi wanker army(90 people!!!)
why not respond by actually addressing, instead of avoiding, the points made?????
BTW.. those "docs" are pretty much made by and on behalf of tommy himself. not exactly independent, verified nor objective.
while they do belong here, using those documentaries as any form of counter to what i stated is laughable. repeat laughable.
Tommy loves to play the hero, victim and all the while with the begging bowl out even though he's been very generously financed by American corporatist globalists... respond to that instead of avoiding actual debate at all costs eh?

how many of