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Assange is free

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Assange is free

after signing a plea deal. he flew out of london today

I'm so glad he didn't die in

I'm so glad he didn't die in jail. I bet his captors aren't so glad...


Oh wow, this is wonderful news! I didn't see that one coming, I wasn't really sure what was happening with his case. I have felt horrible for him, so I am glad he is free now.

I wonder what will happen with the upcoming documentary about him now though. The whole production was more or less about his court situation. I guess they will have to add a different ending to it, as I think most of it was already finished...

so weird.

I flicked round BBC, Al Jaz, and GB News, and only Sky was covering it. You'd think it would be full-on non-stop coverage.

This seemed to come out of nowhere, no-one predicted it.

I don't really get what happened. Good news though, if it's not some crazy AI psy-op.

I heard it briefly mentioned,

I heard it briefly mentioned, second story in on Canadian AM radio news at the top of the hour. They did say that he is flying to America to a court proceeding (I can't remember when, tomorrow or this week sometime), after a plea deal which will most likely allow him to go back to Australia as a free man. So he still has some court stuff left...

This was a really good story about it:

now fully free
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