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703.16 MiB | 4 | 0 | 173 |
ROBERT DUNCAN holds multiple degrees from Harvard University and Dartmouth College in Applied Sciences and Business. He has worked on projects for the Department of Defense, CIA and Justice Department in his career. Dr. Duncan is the author of 'Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed', as well as 'The Matrix Deciphered: Psychic Warfare (available for free here: )
See - it's this area we
See - it's this area we really need continual updates on.... and there's a reason why that most from both the left and right and even cosmic middle miss... or avoid this area unconsciously...
Robert Duncan is writing a
Robert Duncan is writing a new book about EEG Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and evolution etc. He mentions it at the beginning of this podcast. But I just saw an X (or tweet) of his stating that the CIA/FBI has to redact parts of the new book before it can be published, and he had to comply with that. So there will be juicy bits missing, unfortunately...
I was banned from a forum
I was banned from a forum recently that supposedly supported "british values" against invaders etc...
I made the point that invading new-comers - whatever the agenda behind it - are a far lower threat to you and your family than the frequency "street furniture" [as myself and my friend Mark Steele call it in the UK] is about to become when FULLY activated....
You realise that half these new antennas require 24/7 water cooling systems - ever heard of that for a regular cell-phone transmitter??
I have video from 2015 of warning labels and cooling fans saying just this in Northern England.
Global warming etc etc is a joke issue compared to this....
shuffle wrote:
Marke Steele, the very very leftie "comedian"???? with your views he wouldn't be seen within 5 miles of you! he's woke as all fuckery if it's this mark steele
he is a massive lefty, supported that fuckwit relic Commintern Corbyn.....
as for liquid cooling.. it's not actually water it's an electrically inert liquid, it's very very common in a vast array of modern tech kit . more particularly in 5G as uses more power etc than 4g and thus heat.
YES i have seen a many cabinets with liquid cooling. with all the power being digested that heat needs to be taken away.
but now i see this is the fuckbucket you had in mind.
this moron only got upset when he was turned down for contracts that involved 5G use in his bike helmets if i remember correctly. after he didn't land it.. he went off on one about 5G. he claims to be an expert but is he fuck. he is just butt hurt because he didn't get the earner ands decided that he could make an earner with his perpetual begging bowl always at the ready to punt utter shite at anyone who will listen.
even David Icke and Piers fucking Corbyn think he's full of shit. when he was a bouncer the prick carried a gun and brandished it to look hard and shot a girl in the head , she lived but was pretty fucked up. that wanker only got 8 years. he's a fuckin g bellend
Sorry, I am not totally hip to this at the moment - are you suggesting that the new proliferations of cell phone towers over the past decade or more are connected to some sinister agenda in regard to transmitting negative frequencies, and other types of things like microwave radiation or whatever, over the populace (possibly for mind control and depopulation agendas)?
Note that just as most ppl can't comprehend the idea of off-world intelligence forms - similarly they can't get to grips with the idea that there's a frequency war beyond our understanding taking place...
Some elements to life are just too mind-fucking to ppl - even those in the so called "alt" or "OOhh I'm awake" communities.
Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons
Harvard Scientist Exposes CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today | Len Ber & Robert Duncan
Leonid “Len” Ber received his MD degree in the former USSR where he specialized and practiced as an endocrinologist. Now a US citizen, Len is one of the few US civilians to ever be officially diagnosed with Havana syndrome. Robert Duncan is a renaissance educated man from Harvard & M.I.T with a focus on medical sciences, engineering, computer science and more specifically genetic algorithm optimizations of neural networks. He has worked on projects for DARPA, the CIA, the Navy, and Army.
0:00 - Introduction
6:31 - Being diagnosed with Havana Syndrome
15:30 - Neuro-weapons & mind control
29:00 - Voice-To-Skull (V2K)
31:01 - Working for DARPA & CIA
41:10 - Acquired neurosensory dysfunction
53:22 - Manchurian candidates
1:04:38 - The Empathy Machine
1:08:55 - 'Voice of God' Weapons
1:16:00 - Mind viruses
1:22:00 - Microwave energy delivery systems
1:33:36 - Process of breaking down human mind
1:44:54 - Mitigation and treatment for symptoms
1:49:25 - DNA resonant frequencies
1:55:09 - Conspiracy theories
2:03:55 - Navy lazer / hologram technology
2:11:11 - Future of humanity & AI