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This report is the result of a joint investigation by 60 Minutes, The Insider, and Der Spiegel:
Tonight we have important developments in our five-year investigation of mysterious brain injuries reported by U.S. national security officials. The injured include White House staff, CIA officers, FBI agents, military officers and their families. Many believe that they were wounded by a secret weapon that fires a high-energy beam of microwaves or ultrasound. This is our fourth story and for the first time, we have evidence of who might be responsible. Most of the injured have fought for America, often in secret. And they're frustrated that the U.S. government publicly doubts that an adversary is targeting Americans.
I tried a bit to look for the
I tried a bit to look for the first 3 episodes of 60 Minutes that deal with this subject, but couldn't find them. This episode is from March 30th 2024. It is some of the first and best mainstream media attention focusing on directed energy weapons, which are undoubtedly used by covert U.S. operations, as well as in Russia, probably China and several other countries.
60 Minutes did the job for you, I missed this at first since it was re-posted so recently I assumed it was the recent episode
"Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country"
I'll have to turn on my VPN to U.S.
Thanks again. BTW - if
Thanks again. BTW - if anybody can grab that YouTube video and post later, that would be nice. I couldn't get it to work on YT-DLP.exe or the other one I use. Although with a VPN, I can watch the video itself off YouTube...
I can but
a little bit of a busy morning
so I've just bunged it onto wormhole and will leave my computer open
holy shit.
First lady is talking about the battery in her phone exploding - I don't remember anyone from the earlier reports as concrete as that.
Yes, and I also heard from the lawyer, or someone else in this particular news program, say that when certain US agents were working on top secret work involving Russia specifically, that their computers would start to malfunction as well. I am not sure how such technologies work, but I assume it is all part of a sophisticated satellite-based directed energy weapons system. If our cute little civilian smart phones and internet can beam signals all over the world instantaneously for our tele-communications and multimedia lifestyles, I can only imagine what classified military technologies can do...