Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
778.42 MiB | 2 | 1 | 42 |
File | Duration | Resolution | Video Format | Audio Format |
AnneFrankRemembered.1995.720p.x265.mkv | 2h2m | 1280x716 | HEVC | AAC |
Using previously unreleased archival material in addition to contemporary interviews, this academy award-winning documentary tells the story of the Frank family and presents the first fully-rounded portrait of their brash and free-spirited daughter Anne, perhaps the world's most famous victim of the Holocaust.
Lies lies lies
More fake stuff about a fake story. Like anything israHell delivers: lies and propaganda.
Skuggen wrote:
show me proof, absolute undeniable proof that Anne Frank is a fake story???
you just sound like a bigot.. but let's see that undeniable proof
pax wrote:
It's a bullshit story.
For one - she claimed her family never could flush the toilet until the 23rd of each month for safety...
Can you imagine a six person household flushing that often... deary deary me...
- Plus - why are you Scottishly tolerant for Anne Frank but no other contemporary fucker that expresses views on here Pax??
_ I'm sure another 23 members of her family had "reparations" from germany for [not] being gassed... so let's move on.
Proof of what?? Writing a diary??
Instead why not watch or read "Hellstorm" about the Germans aged 8-80 raped as Germany was occupied. No media or books waffling endlessly on that topic... whereas Anne Frank was made a saint for us 1970s/80's kids I recall..
shuffle wrote:
and there it is. :-)
why am i not even remotely surprised ! LOL
Jewish Novelist who wrote the diary won $50k lawsuit...
Here are a few sources. Where there is this much smoke hard to deny there is a blazing fire raging...
1. This Is Why People Believed Anne Frank Didn’t Write The Diary Herself
2. UNMASKING Anne Frank (can't find this free online)
3. . In 1980, because of a lawsuit in a German court, the German state forensic bureau, the Bundes Kriminal Amt [BKA], forensically examined the original "diary" manuscript. Their analysis determined that "significant" portions of the work were written with a ballpoint pen. Since ballpoint pens were not available before 1951, portions of the work were added well after the war (Anne Frank died in March 1945).
"The BKA also determined that none of the "diary" handwriting matched known examples of Anne's handwriting. Earlier handwriting experts had determined that all of the writing in the "diary" was by the same hand. Therefore, the entire "diary" was a postwar fake.
"The true author of the diary was Jewish novelist Meyer Levin, who demanded and was awarded $50,000 in payment for his work in a court action against Anne's father, Otto Frank.
4. Anne Frank Diary a Hoax:
Anne Frank's diary--a hoax -- TUCKED AWAY ON pages 119 and 122 of the October 6 issue of Der Spiegel, a weekly German news magazine comparable to Time or Newsweek, was a news item of considerable significance: A scientific analysis of the manuscript purported to be the original diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who died in a German concentration camp during the Second World War, has revealed that the manuscript could not have been written before 1951, six years after the end of the war.
5. Unmasking Anne Frank: Her Famous Diary Exposed as a Literary Fraud -- iIkuo Suzuki No single person better represents the face of the Holocaust than Anne Frank. As a 13-year-old Jewish girl living in wartime Amsterdam, she hid out with seven other Jews for over two years. During this time, she kept a diary of her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Eventually the Frank family was discovered and deported; Anne later died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen at the age of 15. But her diary lives on. Today, the Diary of Anne Frank is an icon of Jewish suffering amidst the vast sea of Holocaust literature, and Anne herself has become a high priestess in the pantheon of Holocaust martyrs.
Millions of people know of Anne's story, but very few know of the many problems with it. As it turns out, Anne's tale is rife with absurdities, logical problems, inconsistencies, and incoherent claims. Here, Japanese researcher Ikuo Suzuki deconstructs Anne's famous dairy, exposing the many issues lying just below the surface. In the process, he unmasks the truth: that the notorious diary was likely written by a middle-aged Jewish man who worked in conjunction with Anne's father, Otto, to foist upon the public a deceptive and highly misleading story of a young teenaged girl who perished in a German camp.
Here, for the first time, Suzuki presents a thorough, detailed, and highly readable critique of the global bestseller that is Anne Frank's Diary. Far and away the best critical analysis of the famous diary, this book fills a badly need gap in contemporary revisionist literature.
Our view of Anne Frank-and of all Jews who suffered in the Holocaust-will never be the same.
not a single mention of the A and B version and why there are an A and b version.
I would imagine the one that showed changes was the B version. As the father did makes changes and this is known.
even at that the ball point pen was patented on 30 October 1888 by John J. Loud, so that kinda fucks the 1951 claim.
I'll have a deeper dive into it over the weekend but the claim that the ballpoint pen wasn't invented till 1951 is just plain bullshit.
Far from me to argue with fiction, since I like Sci Fi.
Fiction should be uplifting and thought provoking for inspiring better tomorrows. Guess that's why I like Phillip K. Dick. Anyone see his novel made into the TV series: "Man in the High Tower"? That is a more scary parable to learn from today: Imagine if the Axis won the war and conquered America...
"The Man in the High Castle, Amazon’s adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s 1962 novel, is an intriguing, well-plotted spy drama set in an incompletely subjugated America after the Axis victory in World War II. Germany and Japan share control of the continent, with continued mutual mistrust"
funny how
you are avoiding the fact that the ballpoint pen was available to buy from 1888. why not try to address that???
I read the man in the high castle years ago.
It's quite the warning story of fascist nazi wankery. Luckily the nazis lost and that's fucking great as nazis , the absolute cunts! :-)