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The Secret Life of the Cruise (2018)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
TheSecretLifeOfTheCruise.2018.720p.x265.mkv 1h6m 1280x720 HEVC AAC


A floating city on the sea, the MSC Seaside is one of the biggest cruise ships in the world. With privileged access to every part of the ship's operations, this film shows the army of people and systems that keep this vessel functioning.


The proles keep the basics of life ticking...

Until their DNA is so fucked with these ppl vanish.... your nation is left with those that "knew" - a slim layer and if in a western nation - a by then equal number of immigrants - nearly all male - with a religion that tells them to procreate no matter what...

To escape this scenario - my vote is to storm a cruise ship and occupy it once loaded with food and fuel... kick every other paying guest off. Head for Iceland or Antarctica ;-)
