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Alien 51: UFO Technologies (2023)

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Alien51.2023.720p.h265.mkv 1h23m 1280x720 HEVC AAC


Featuring in-depth interviews with respected scientists, authors, and field experts; Alien 51 separates fact from fiction on UFO's, hyperspaces, interstellar travel, and alternate dimensions.


... I pop out.
All that Mathemagics from Albert is just that: meaningless calculations with not connection with Reality.
Not sure about it ?

Albert Einstein Was A Fraud With Christopher Bjerknes:
here are a few books on popping the Einstein myths...

Einstein's Plagiarism of E = mc2 and the Mass-Energy Equivalence (2022)

The Manufacture and Sale of Saint Einstein: The Propaganda of Supremacy

Another:: Forget everything you've ever been told about Albert Einstein. He was a career plagiarist. Einstein did not discover the equation E = mc2. Einstein instead lifted it from Henri Poincaré together with Poincaré's Theory of Relativity. Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb. In fact, Einstein repeatedly stated that atomic energy and atomic bombs could not be produced. Samuel Tolver Preston invented the atomic bomb and atomic energy in 1875, four years before Albert Einstein was even born. Gustave Le Bon described both atomic energy and atomic bombs long before Einstein had any conception of either use for the atom. Le Bon also expressly stated the Mass-Energy Equivalence years before Einstein and told Einstein to acknowledge Le Bon's priority, which Einstein refused to do.

Albert Einstein – was he a thief, a liar and a plagiarist?
"Einstein plagiarised the work of several notable scientists in his 1905 papers on special relativity and E=mc2, yet the physics community has never bothered to set the record straight."
Abstract -- "Proponents of Einstein have acted in a way that appears to corrupt the historical record. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Time magazine’s “Person of the Century”, wrote a long treatise on special relativity theory (it was actually called “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”, 1905a), without listing any references. Many of the key ideas it presented were known to Lorentz (for example, the Lorentz transformation) and Poincaré before Einstein wrote the famous 1905 paper.
"As was typical of Einstein, he did not discover theories; he merely commandeered them. He took an existing body of knowledge, picked and chose the ideas he liked, then wove them into a tale about his contribution to special relativity. This was done with the full knowledge and consent of many of his peers, such as the editors at Annalen der Physik."

even if he did plagiarise it, do you hold it to be objectively true or not? just because he nabbed it doesn't make it any less factual.
There have been many instances of people having an idea but not having the knowledge or tech to make it function or even build it.
putting your hate aside for Einstein , as you clearly despise the guy, do you hold E=MC² to be objectively true???

There are many critics of Einstein hosted here on concen. My favorite one is the claim his wife was the real brains and Albie just the front man. If it is an interest to you, search them out.

zerocenter wrote:

There are many critics of Einstein hosted here on concen. My favorite one is the claim his wife was the real brains and Albie just the front man. If it is an interest to you, search them out.

that doesn't answer the question though does it bud?

Lazy is as lazy does. If you care to know then investigate....because the best way to prove anything is search it out oneself. Why should others do research for the snarky? (an unfortunate curse of the digital age). Admitting one doesn't know isn't a bad thing, but could be the source of a type of wisdom:
But off the top of my head, I can recall from a deep dived I did over a decade ago into UFO's, "free"/alternative energy, and secret space program science one discovers why most START with why "e=mc2" is incomplete, wrong or misguided. Any half-hearted look into "fringe science" and one will find many reasons why stopping with the "physics" taught in intellectual tombs of "higher education" today is mostly misdirection to retard understanding and hide reality and what could be possible.
One of the beginning talks that had an interesting effect on my understanding started with Bruce Cathie, Ancient Science, Harmonics; discusses a form of science that's been classified 'Top Secret', detailing Nature's planetary interaction with the harmonics and nature of light. A natural form of science that was once used in the ancient world and is shown within the locations and measurements of all megalithic sites and structures. 144, 695

zerocenter wrote:

Lazy is as lazy does. If you care to know then investigate....because the best way to prove anything is search it out oneself. Why should others do research for the snarky? (an unfortunate curse of the digital age). Admitting one doesn't know isn't a bad thing, but could be the source of a type of wisdom:
But off the top of my head, I can recall from a deep dived I did over a decade ago into UFO's, "free"/alternative energy, and secret space program science one discovers why most START with why "e=mc2" is incomplete, wrong or misguided. Any half-hearted look into "fringe science" and one will find many reasons why stopping with the "physics" taught in intellectual tombs of "higher education" today is mostly misdirection to retard understanding and hide reality and what could be possible.
One of the beginning talks that had an interesting effect on my understanding started with Bruce Cathie, Ancient Science, Harmonics; discusses a form of science that's been classified 'Top Secret', detailing Nature's planetary interaction with the harmonics and nature of light. A natural form of science that was once used in the ancient world and is shown within the locations and measurements of all megalithic sites and structures. 144, 695

so you deny the equation/theory and disregard the guy.
that's a lot of words for what could be one sentence

TheCorsair00 wrote:

If Einstein was best friends with a guy I had the humbling ability to meet or hear talk one-on-one - I'll chop off my smallest finger....

You didn't need quality Acid from Sandoz labs [and maybe the ORIGINATOR himself] to come to the conclusion that most things in life:

"have an equal and opposite [re]action..."

--> NoBell Prize please.... ?! :-p

Or maybe some DeMenTed meditation....?


The Swiss dude was sooo naughty in his later years after his chemical research to accelerate the imbibing of- he changed his name from Hoffman to "HUFFFFFMAN" apparently...? :-o

No wonder the POSSIBLE WHIRRLEDs philosopher types ended up running quantum rings around him....?!

Oh no, what was he huffing? That's never a good thing! I didn't know about that...

I am not sure Einstein ever got to do acid, but others that one might not think about being associated with it, like Werner von Braun, were apparently into it.

I had never considered a conspiracy regarding Einstein's work. I will have to think about it now though, because I guess you just never know!

Congratulation, zerocenter!
You are one of the bests! The physics one can learn on universities ist the physics of the 1900. And this is bad and makes me sorrowful. Event the real Planck formula for radiation (1911) is unknown for the students.
Einstein admitted in 1920, that "space without aether is unthinkable".
For me, the most elagant critics of the relativity theory has been formulated by Tesla. That the mass has effect on the space, but the space has no effect to the mass at the same time, this contradicts the physics' principles.

The real physics - plasmaphysics, new material science, scalar waves, etherphysics - is "forbidden" for the public.