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Explorer Lost in the Arctic (2023)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
ExplorerLostInTheArctic.2023.720p.x265.mkv 48m39s 1280x580 HEVC AAC


Sir John Franklin set off from England in 1845 with two ships and 129 men. Franklin's ships vanished without a trace. Now, a team of explorers attempt to solve the mystery by retracing Franklin's route.


Looks up my street... :-)

The ships collapsed in ice crushes when anchored near polar land masses i thought??

There were lots of traces, for sure. Description is misleading.

ConCen wrote:

There were lots of traces, for sure. Description is misleading.

Indeed - in fact there's a fairly good recent film on the expedition.... cmplete with HollyWeird CGI of crew venturing onto ice to be eaten alve by polar bears :-o

Plus they established a LOT of death was from the early type of tinned food storeage which resulted in LEAD or some other poisoning I recall ??