UseNet was soooooooooooooo goood for it's F's ability:
F-ast F-iles and F-lamewars with F-ucktards
Also someone I got to know via UseNet sent me a dodgy jiffy bag to England from Tiuahhna once.... if I described what was in it and the condition it got shoved thru the then squat-type-beds[h]it I was living in - you'd fall of your proverbial posh, cushioned gaming-chairs.... innit.
I know a guy who knows a guy. He's a bit of a spiv though - he may require compensation of some kind. Got any goat porn?
"spiv" - a man, typically a flashy dresser, who makes a living by disreputable dealings.
two out of three ain't bad!
I found Panorama's "Scandal at the Post Office" (2020)
I'll upload a pack if someone can find the 2015 one. Maybe.
In the meantime it's here
I'm very gay for goats in general.
Literally when i see a goat I take a selfie with it.
I have several goat selfies.
that's just plain sick!.... now donkey and dwarf porn? that's the classy shit right there!
UseNet was soooooooooooooo goood for it's F's ability:
F-ast F-iles and F-lamewars with F-ucktards
Also someone I got to know via UseNet sent me a dodgy jiffy bag to England from Tiuahhna once.... if I described what was in it and the condition it got shoved thru the then squat-type-beds[h]it I was living in - you'd fall of your proverbial posh, cushioned gaming-chairs.... innit.