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Long term conspiracy efforts...?

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Long term conspiracy efforts...?

Apols - I have arrived via torrent pages so have no idea what a ConCen original truly "is" but it seems a good area for certain topics along these themes...

Although a core few [since my return to ConCen/tracker] do great jobs keeping things going - I recall the stats for the system having a few hundred peers [direct peers not linked via a second tracker URL etc] within a few hours of a media item being posted... :-o

As I've said previously - in the post 9/11 era and many other themes - the media communicated out to the world was astonishing...

So what is it do we think about this CURRENT era that means even really novel, decent media items seem to these days attract say 10 or 20 downloaders and dedicated seeders - aside from whatever Seedbox bandwidth the likes of Concen admins provide?

Did the conspiracy scene - once amplified by the web - do its job so well that now a LOT of topics are bubbling under the mainstream.... and as we can see now - are "acceptab;e" on previously cautious platforms like Youtube [to a degree] ?

I truly see a shift in this area - I justwondered about any other opinions??

===> Feel free to move this post if i ended up in an idiiotic area of the forum.. ;-)

From what I remember, I think

From what I remember, I think ConCen has upwards of 20,000 active users. I like to monitor my seedbox and see all of the different countries/IPs show up on a seed. The current number of downloaders/uploaders is probably substantially less than back in the day. 9/11 items from that era of 2001-2011 or so had multiples of thousands of downloads, whereas now a really good documentary might only have 100-300 downloads. But for private trackers that is still considered fairly good. I know of private trackers for audiobooks that only get a few downloads.

I guess for me, this is just a hobby - and it's fair to say the regulars are just a kind of informative multimedia junkie... but we want to share! And sharing is caring! So for me, I think sprinkles of grassroots pushes toward scientific paradigm shifts, in the realm of spirituality/consciousness/paranormal is the underlying theme for most of what I download and upload. And nowadays that theme is quite popular, and we even have people like Michio Kaku talking about UFOs and things of that nature, so that's a good sign. That's not necessarily because of what BitTorrent has accomplished, but it shows that the subjects are becoming more mainstream...

OK - so I think we discussed

OK - so I think we discussed this briefly in email a year or so back - but do you kindly run a ConCen content seeding system along with the Nibbling Admin here??

If so - that explains why I get a 2GB file in a few minutes despite:

- My crap UK connection
- There only being 3 seeding IPs by the time i grab the .torrent file :-p


I am not able to seed everything on ConCen, but I do grab a lot of it - and from what I know sometimes there are at least a few to several other seedboxer's grabbing stuff too. Nibs, zoopenhoff etc. Those files can upload up to like 8 or 9mbps, which is very nice. It's even faster transferring from one seedbox to another - like 40mbps!

2.01TB seeding

tbh I'm currently trying to win some upload on a private tracker so I might have to scale back soon

zoopenhoff wrote:
zoopenhoff wrote:

tbh I'm currently trying to win some upload on a private tracker so I might have to scale back soon

Are you suggesting the trend is still towards FULLY private or closed/invite trackers or sites??

If not what are you impling here?


I feel like

Concen is one of the few legitimate places for discussion of conspiracy stuff. The core group seems very level-headed, willing to change their minds and look at information objectively.

Most people are too wise to get sucked into Q or Flat Earth nonsense. Tartaria and Free Energy I find appealing but having been down that rabbithole I found it lacking. I literally met someone who claimed they had a free energy machine powering their home in Bali but wouldn't show me. So, lies. shrug.

Still I am looking for the real information on how the world works. I think some of it is here.

----> " I literally met

----> " I literally met someone who claimed they had a free energy machine powering their home in Bali but wouldn't show me."

Was it Dr Steven Greer but he wanted a $23.23 donation off you before demonstrating it :-o ?!?



Feel free to advertise ConCen on Reddit, X, Facebook et al.! :0

I mean, I don't - but it couldn't hurt...

TheCorsair00 wrote:
TheCorsair00 wrote:

Feel free to advertise ConCen on Reddit, X, Facebook et al.! :0
I mean, I don't - but it couldn't hurt...

What if you're an ANTI-social media grumpy twat like me? :-o :-p

I see your point but is it really about new members or has the web just expanded and changed - ->

So we're now here:

-- On one level the web now allows content to be searched and found on platforms that circa 2005 it just wasn't. Such as youtube etc that are less strict with copyright blah blah due to adding adverts.

-- On the opposite level - it seems closed systems like private sites and trackers are around for hassle free spreading of the less mainstream media types.

Plus the DarkWeb [ooh - scary term] has arrived since early Concen days - is it used for rare or contraversial media dissemination ?? I don'y know - i've just bought mescal and opium derivatives on it ? :-o I'd be interestted to here it actually serves a role such as we're discussing...


Maybe those of us potentially

Maybe those of us potentially into this area have since 2001 - beein re-booted aboard a light-craft and no-longer need the repeating bits and bytes of a corrupt governing terrestrial machine to move forward...?

Just an idea :-p

Think I'd imbibed a catering

Think I'd imbibed a catering case of mini whippETs when i wrote that...

If so, i, had a ticket, but missed the flight...

If you get a line on seats available on the next light-ship leaving this terrestrial dimension get message me how to secure passage for me and mine!
Or when the next one is arriving with the relief troops that need equipping and pointed in right direction.
both would be great opportunities to be made aware of.

Well strange you suggest or

Well strange you suggest or agree with such a scenario - because part of that future view wasn't totally fiction from my brain.

A close person to me actually was falling asleep but just ahead of that - a drop-down "screen simulation" appeared in front of them and suggested a few core points [via a visual medium] that were due to occur given that we're about to be two fundamentally changed species - some of which was based on the last few years PHAXX efforts of the Illumin-naughty...

I jest not. But I'll say no more.

without reading the rest of the comments,

but i will after posting this.

like everything else, any counter-culture, especially ones that challenge the status-quo, will be bought by the status quo, and inverted to favor the status quo. as a general delinquent in the 90s i observed what happened to skateboard culture, a direct map of what happened to conspiracy culture, who knows when... maybe before William Cooper, maybe after Alex Jones. either way, shit has been bought for the most part.

HAVING SAID THAT, this tracker was OG in spreading the real deal unadulterated nonGMO artisanal hand-made critical-thinking, competing perspective, permaculture, holistic, full-spectrum, truth-telling, etc.... etc...

CONCEN, i'm scraping together some funds.... I promise to send some CAD fiats soon. delivered my own baby today if that's any reason I ahvent yet .


Congratulations on your baby and being a mid-wife!

I just donated £10.23 London

I just donated £10.23 London controlled sterling tokens...

But delivering a baby humanoid is as good'r reason as any to delay hitting the financial send buttong ;-)

[as it was your offspring - are you one of these new midwife types but with a hippy title - called a DORA or similar? - If not you're to be congratulated for beiong a VERY supportive partner - I don't even like watching any live birth video or TV footage]

do you mean

Doula? they do different things than midwives. We had a team of midwives and a doula but none of them were here in time to deliver the baby. I wanted to anyways so it all worked out.

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