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This book has taken over 3,000 years to write. The truth can no longer be suppressed! This is the real story of the Serpent Race and their control over humanity. Pierre Sabak takes his reader on an unbelievable journey and unearths the Ultimate Crime: THE MURDER OF REALITY.
‘They said it could not be true… The consequences of this research are terrifying.’
Pierre Sabak
A major series of books, the Serpentigena describes how an Extraterrestrial Race have conquered planet Earth and have ruled over man’s place for thousands of years.
In this fascinating study the author examines how the hidden priesthood encoded the serpent in the Bible and Koran using ‘polymorphic’ words, referred to by Arab scholars as ‘Wujuh al-Qur’an’: ‘The Forgotten Recitation’ or ‘the Forgotten Koran.’
An Amazing Discovery: Pierre Sabak cites from more than twenty dictionaries and compares the same worded puns found in Greek, Latin, Chinese, Persian, Japanese, Hebrew, and Arabic, revealing a uniformity of belief evident in the Classical world.
Sabak analyzes the Serpent’s clever manipulation of collective reality through the study of language and etymology and shows:
Correlations between U.F.Os and Angels based on the study of Ancient Arabic and Aramaic
How an alien race seeded planet earth
Evidence showing that the Caucasian race originated from Mars
Conclusive proof that the White priesthood of Israel is linked to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party
The Hidden Matriarchal priesthood: Information on how men are excluded from the highest forms of initiation permitted only to women, children and castrated Eunuchs
The purity of the angelic bloodline protected by the priestess
The Catholic Church and its collaboration with fallen angels
Child Sacrifice and the worship of Yahweh
The illegitimacy of Abraham’s son Isaac
Incorrect translations of Hieroglyphs and the hidden connection between the Jewish and Egyptian priesthood
Relationships between the Islamic and Egyptian Mystery Schools
This is the book the priesthood does not want you to Read!
The most Academic and Comprehensive book written on The Serpent Race. Detailed information on the angelic lineage include: Serpents, Mal’akh, Host, Seirim, Seraphim, Akh Zari, Illuminati, Angels, Lilith, Samael, Goats, Satyr, Hairy Snakes, Hairy Angels, The Grim Reaper, Smiling Angels, Lucifer, Satan, Atlantis, the Builders, and the Origins of the Tribe of Israel.
In his amazing research, Pierre Sabak reveals in documented detail the Enslavement of Humanity, to quote:
‘The predator stole the mind of man and replaced it with that of the snake, creating a domesticated animal - A stupendous and unbelievable maneuver of frightening simplicity, The Serpent is the greatest tactician known to man and is protected by the Brotherhood.’
Pierre Sabak unlocks the ciphers and the hidden meaning in the Scriptures: The most controversial and explosive account of the origin of man since the Bible! This book describes why: ‘The Official Story is a Story’.
This is not fiction. The truth has always been hidden in plain sight. You owe it to yourself to get informed!
If you think our 'rulers' are working for you, think again. You have felt the consequences… Now consider the facts... You can no longer afford to Ignore THE MURDER OF REALITY!
Very interesting, thanks for
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this here.
If you cannot seed this, try downloading the .torrent file from this torrent upload and re-loading it onto your BitTorrent program, and see if it connects to the original files/seed.
It didn't 'start' seeding, so - I did remove from torrent program and downloaded > Checked > Should be seeding now :)
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
I met this author when we
I met this author when we were both scheduled to waffle at a Northern England event called BEYOND KNOWLEDGE and he kindly have me a recently released copy of his book of same name.
It had a fair bit of David Icke stuff I recall but additional elements also.
Interested to see how things have shifted since that time.
I love etymology, thanks for
I love learning about etymology and the way they've used language, thanks for sharing.
I have some interesting books on the subject if you would like them pm me and I'll upload them.
Good stuff, wasn't aware of
Good stuff, wasn't aware of this book,so thanks a lot, Untamedhawk!