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The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K O'Neill (2021) [x265]

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TheHighFrontier-TheUntoldStoryOfGerardKONeill.2021.1080p.x265.mkv 1h30m 1920x1040 HEVC AAC


The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K. O'Neill tells the untold story of the life and influence of the late physicist and space colony pioneer Dr. Gerard K. O'Neill. In 1977, O'Neill wrote the book The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space, which sparked an enormous grassroots movement to build Earth-like habitats in space in order to solve Earth's greatest crises. The film is told through "Gerry's Kids'' as they affectionately call themselves; his peers, family, and the younger generation who followed that movement and are now leading the modern day space industry.


Hey hey...

Wait a minute - I was writing essays for the slightly now whacko Dr Michale Salla via our collectively edited Exopolitics Journal efforts - circa 2003 onwards...

You can't find stuff I did not find :-o !?!

I did material on this exact topic but knew little of this author... :-o

Let's see..

Thx site boss...

Ohhh :-(

All peers at 0% at moment...

So that's what is taking so long? They are building GIGANTIC spaceship colonies...

But only the rich get to go, am I right?

This was a TRULY appreciated upload....

I've researched this area for a few decades - I grew up reading Timothy Leary's Exo space books etc...

And I've become friends with Dr Carol Rosin....

But somehow - a lot of this guys' work passed me by...

Great human being he was....

Died broke as most creative thinkers do...

I bought his book when it came out, and loved it. His ideas were seen as an inevitable part of our future, probably in our lifetimes. Then Reagan and the greeps took over…

Well tracker boss - I thought i was the top space expansion type techno nerd out there a few years back - given I was hyping up Dr Timothy Leary's books on this area and losing a fair few friends due to that.... you caught the book at the right age - i for some reason totally missed it....

I DID however know about the L5 Space Colony hippster types mentioned at the end of the film...

TimLeary, Jean Houston and Robert Anton Wilson were all on the psychedelic side of Space expansion..... but it was still taboo... just as this guy got fucked over for not being a greedy, selfish corporate whore.... daring to write a book for us proles... not for Henry Kissenger et al...


Leary was a spook and a clown. My psychenaut training taught me that LSD and psilocybin could expand and/or heal the mind without encumbering it with hedonism and narcissism. In fact IMO the most powerful gifts the psychedelics provide us is how to understand our ego and our place in the world. Leary and his spook buddies were determined to hijack the boomer antiwar antipollution generation and turn them into feckless navel gazers. They succeeded spectacularly.

I have never read any of his books, surprisingly, but my interpretation of Leary was that he was so immersed in the psychedelic experiences he had with LSD that he was convinced with an almost religious fervor to get an entire generation to "turn on, tune in, drop out". But that ultimately back-fired on that entire era and generation of hippies because the government/President Nixon declared a war on drugs and shut down the whole movement (but forced it to go underground). It's only recently that this psychedelic scene has started to become a revival from a grass roots movement and now potentially in the mental health field etc.

It could be Leary knowingly did this, if he had any documented involvement with the CIA. Certainly the CIA were looking into psychedelics around the same time...

Leary was funded by the CIA from the beginning, even before he was famous. The CIA provided him with his supply, funded several of his "retreats", set up lecture tours, and paid media to write stories about him, for decades, right up until his death. Leary himself admitted they funded him, but didn't care because he was such a narcissist and buffoon he didn't understand the meta of what the CIA was doing to young culture. The clown thought he was putting one over on the spooks, or so he claimed. But you have to admit, the guy was a lot dumber than he thought he was.