Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
3.44 GiB | 0 | 0 | 274 |
I don't know much about this one and couldn't find any info on it. Video quality is good for the resolution 352x240. It was produced by Royal Atlantis Film GmbH in Germany around 2005, which is the date of the files on the hdd when I downloaded them.
Legend of Atlantis 1 Dawn of the Gods.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 2 Secret Brotherhood 1.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 2 Secret Brotherhood 2.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 3 Secret Prophecies 1.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 3 Secret Prophecies 2.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 4 Return of the Lightmasters.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 5 Battle of Armageddon 1.mpg
Legend of Atlantis 5 Battle of Armageddon 2.mpg
Can anyone summarise
Personally I think Atlantis was one of the cities I lived in in a past life on a different planet.
so you beLIEve that your from another plane t from a supposed mythical civilization................but the earth being flat is so stupid it makes you a babbling fool in disgust. WOW...............I think you may be a dis info agent or just a very confused repeater of nonsense. "atlantis" as people call it was just a stupid name given to a great society that once was everwhere on this plane. probably more accurate to call them tartarians or phoenecians. ...................peace out
We know the Earth is a globe through observation. If you believe the earth is flat you are not properly observing it and also resisting encouragement to do so.
I know I lived on other planets through hypnotic regression. This isn’t as reliable source as observation but its still useful.
The first source of info on Atlantis was apparently Plato, but we don’t know if he was making it up. He might even be recalling his own past life memories.
zoopenhoff wrote:
ok smart guy. we see to far..............water is always LEVEL...................there has NEVER been1 experiment that proves the spinning earth..........EVER except NASAs lying nazis pedophiles so called moon landings and if you believe anything from those guys your a fool. the cross dresser/pedohile einstein even said it was not possible to prove curvature or rotation from the surface of the your so called "observations" mean about nothing really. there are over 50 million+ flat earthers on the plane and its been growing for 8 years now. the TRUTH does not just go away......i grew up going to the same schools and institutions you did. i used to beLIEve the same things you did, for over 50 years actually. but i now use my own brain and make my own opinions. not just repeat what i was stay on the dark side.............i choose the light.............peace out
atlantis is a miss used name for this civilization. it was in the atlantic ocean between europe and america. they were called phoenecians or tartarians..................peace
dudeface wrote:
right, let me get this straight... the Phonecians were from the mid-Atlantic??
Can you show evidence of that?
You see those Phonecians/Sea people started off in Scythia then made their way around the lower med taking over/building cities like Tyre and Carthage as two examples.
Do you realise how cheesy and sad to write "beLIEve" like that? it makes you look like some QANON chump.
Why not show evidence and no, your word isn't good enough till you prove it to be so.
i am not the guy to explain
i am not the guy to explain this...........HIS story is not as described. anatoly fomenkos book history science or fiction is a must read. there is no way history played out or is laid out as mainstream describes. if people havent figured out yet basically almost every mainstrem view is a outright lie or at thr least mis discribed. i never ever once payed any attention to q fuck. i write it like that because words have meaning. the word belief or believe both have the root reference to the word lie or deciet. "BELIEF IS THE ENEMY OF KNOWING" i try to beleve nothing and know everything i can. phoenecians were far more than described by mainstream nonsense. i am not here to teach or prove anything. statements made are for others to look into and make up their own minds. RE search is hard tedious work. beLIEveing is easy and for the lazy.....................peace
dudeface wrote:
I refer you to my previous post.
I'm grabbing this now BUT it may well be a series made in Germany that was astonishing in hidden esoteric content and i've not seen around since the web and torrents were wearing diapers...??
If I recall it was whacky but GOOD whacky - if you get my drift....
Thx for this - let's see.... I might be wrong.
EDIT - It IS the rare film compilation I had years ago but lost... ;-)
Well done for storing or finding it...
All hail ConCen esoteric and conspiracy nerds...
I had it stored on a hard drive....
I got it from the newsgroups sometime in 2005 according to the file dates. I still have a ton to upload....basically 25+ years worth of downloading from newsgroups starting in the mid to late 90's, then torrent sites once it became popular.
I've filled up a bunch of hard drives over the years....consolidating the data on the smaller ones to larger hard drives as they became available. I probably have 25-30 drives full...many TB's now. I never deleted stuff to make room for new material, just got a new hard drive to fill up ;)
Maybe there’s an easier way?
Have you considered Soulseek, amule, or retro share?
With those you can share a whole collection.
You could also do one big torrent.
I'm not really set up to do that....
but will check on the apps you mentioned. I have a spare linux box I might could use. It's beefy enough to seed with. Right now I'm using a windows PC with 64GB ram and a nice Nvidia card to seed and encode and pretty much everything else. It doesn't even break a sweat doing all of it at the same time but I do need a separate torrent box.
Ahhhhh - UseNet...
Ahhhhh - UseNet...
Flamewars and the occasional hidden digital media gem...
Sounds like you have a vast collection and from what I've seen - a LOT of rare media that *used* to be online via let's say - the old Google video or now shut-down streaming and torrent sites has been vapourised... I'm sure the uber-lords have made a conspiracy media search bot that probably saves THEM a copy to watch at DAVOS but eradicates the files for us plebs...
this needs handling.
alt.binaries has been very good to
I got started with usenet in 1995. At the time, AT&T and AOL were the only ones offering a monthly fee for internet access. Compuserve was still $4.95/hour for access. I jumped on AT&T and built a website on Geocities but a friend of mine at the phone company we worked at was good with usenet and bulletin boards and showed me the ropes on them. We were both telecom and network guys from the military. I was using MS Office's built in newsreader and a 14.4kb modem. I didn't realize how gimpy that was at the time but most of the other folks I knew were using 9.6kb modems so I felt like the BMOC.
A year or so later, I was able to get ISDN with 2 64kb bonded channels and it was off to the races. By 1998-99, Comcast was offering 3mb connection in my area. Now I have a gigabit fiber connection for what I paid for that 3mb Man have the times changed.
Once ConCen got started (used to be in 2005-06, I jumped in and got a lot of stuff from there that I still have now, plus I was seeding back stuff I was getting from usenet and ripping from DVD/CD/VHS. It was a very lively place with a great forum that got heated at times. Man, I miss those days in a way but I'm glad to see this place is still going. There's really never been anything else like this site....even though others have tried.
It's been an enjoyable ride for the most part and I've met a lot of great people and learned a ton. I still wear my tinfoil hat proudly today.
Thanks for sharing your
Thanks for sharing your collection. I remember alt.binaries.ufo.files - I used to archive stuff there many years ago!
You're more than welcome my friend :)
Just happy to finally have time to give back to this site I've gotten so much from. I still have a subscription to Newshosting but don't use it as much as I used to...mostly torrent now on here and IPT.
Newshosting was running a deal a several years back on Valentines day of all holidays for $45/year for unlimited and 30 threads and I've just auto renewed every year since then. Mostly use it to DL games for jailbroken consoles with SABnzbd. Was on Giganews before that and Newscene way back when.
the mp2 audio stream in the mpeg file didn't play without skipping for me. Could be my old and slow macbook.
I re-encoded the audio as m4a but couldn't copy the video due to missing timestamps. I'm watching this using two instances of VLC.
Can anyone come up with a better fix.
It's kinda interesting.
Thanks for the upload - appreciated.
Zoopenhoff - I have a Mac, so will try it and see if I have any problems
Interest got me after reading Shuffle's comments. (Good to see you mate - after a long time)