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Audrey Hale School Shooting Video (2023.03.27)

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File Duration Resolution Video Format Audio Format
Audrey Hale School Shooting Video.mp4 2m16s 1280x720 AVC AAC

Downloaded from Youtube in anticipation that it will be taken down. Uploaded here for preservation purposes.


This is what you would expect to happen, if you don't treat mental illness, and instead inject a disgruntled young woman full of testosterone.

Yes, you are right - that's exactly what it sounds like in this situation. Crazy...

What I am still unsure of is whether this was a man who became a woman via estrogen etc or vice verca. I have heard conflicting reports. But I wouldn't be surprised there was something like Paxil (SSRIs) in the mix as well, because they have been proven to be in almost all of the school shooters and have agitation and psychosis as side effects, particularly when going through withdrawals.

That's because transgender nomenclature is nonsensical and no-one understands it.

Audrey was a female, who wanted to be a male. She injected testosterone, dressed in men's clothes, and called herself Aiden, as if any of those things made a difference.

So she's a "trans man", or more sensibly, a "trans-identified female" - that is a woman who thinks she's a man.

Funny how many news outlets called her a "trans woman" though.

Interestingly, most haven't bothered and are just calling her a woman and Audrey, rather than a man or a "trans man" or Aiden.

Look at where the laces correspond with the white part of the pattern.

Shit cameras, that's all.


The conspiracy here is
* mental health crisis - esp. pharma drugs that cause psychotic tendencies
* guns being sold to mentally ill people lol
* govt too cheap to simply supply one well-trained and armed security guard to each school

zoopenhoff wrote:

Look at where the laces correspond with the white part of the pattern.
Shit cameras, that's all.
The conspiracy here is
* mental health crisis - esp. pharma drugs that cause psychotic tendencies
* guns being sold to mentally ill people lol
* govt too cheap to simply supply one well-trained and armed security guard to each school

very well spotted on the shoes

every one of these god damn shotings are hoaxes. sandy hook, gay nightclub shooting, boston bombing, vegas country concert shooting, all are proven lies. they are either drills or paid actors. and along with the lie of 9/11 that people still believe was a real 22 years later. why would anybody beLIEve thius is a real event. all the footage is SO FAKE. NO BLOOD. NO BULLETS HOLES............. nonsense. stop buying into these false flag events...........peace

I visited Sandy Hook before the shooting, I have friends there.

I mean, perhaps they are in on it, but they helped look after the relatives of victims.

Yes, it might be a false flag or otherwise organised, but real children died.

The Vegas concert is very fishy though.