Please help ConCen out by supporting our IndieGoGo server rent campaign. We're 4 months behind in rent. If we can raise $660 within 60 days, we can pay the rent up until July of 2015!
IndieGoGo allows payments via all the most common ways. Try it out! Please help to keep ConCen alive....
The link is here: Pay our rent until July 2015
next month i'll donate the same amount as i just donated but this time via the indigogo.
You're the best, man
On behalf of the other members, I thank you.
IndieGoGo opens the door !
Just sent US$30, it was what the rest of my paypall account. Now will migrate to Bitcoin ;-)
Very kind of you...
Thank you ttsoares !!
Thanks for the mail donation WilkD911
A generous user has mailed in 100 USD. Big Thanks go out to my man WilkD911!
Remember you can donate via snail mail via the following address: ℅ Jason Prescott
5 Franklin Place
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 3P5
Other options are available on our Donate Page
Huge Thanks!
A huge thanks to all of the recent donators so far! You are making a big difference!
We've almost cleared up the back rent!
Thanks people. Long live ConCen!
25 USD from Anonymous
That was me =]
No chance to get back the old user I had though?
Some awesome member...
just donated 0.70 bitcoins to ConCen ! That was ultra kind.
and thank you !!
I have some 30 or 35 odd
I have some 30 or 35 odd litecoins, any one know how I can convert those to bit coin with out any tax and then Ill forward that money in, else I can send in the lite coins directly if that helps?
thank you much to the people that keep the site going, you have to know its very much appreciated.
This could be helpful...
Shapeshift is a digital currency exchange that you might what to check out... "No emails or passwords. No lengthy sign up process. No accounts. No bid and ask orders. No friction.
ShapeShift's goal is to be the fastest, most private, and most convenient way to swap digital currencies, and the exchange rate will always remain competitive."
Maybe ConCen needs a way to accept litecoin donations. (we'll look into that also.)
20 USD from aerysviper - that was me!
Getting close to the deadline. Hope the community helps reach the goal as ConCen is an essential resource. We don't want you to disappear!
many thanks
many thanks for your generosity and support!