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The Hidden Enemy: Inside Psychiatry's Covert Agenda (2013)

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Disturbing examination of how the psychiatric industry successfully conspired to infiltrate the military and the devastating effects it has had on service members and their families. Included is archival footage that suggests military members were targeted by psychiatry as the perfect control group on which to conduct mind-altering experiments. Former service members and family members speak out about the corruption and the mass-drugging responsible for the high-rate of suicides among veterans.



Since this has been brought up before, I might as well mention it again, as others will surely bring it up: This video is strongly affiliated with Scientology. And although I don't believe in Scientology, and have actually heard a lot of really bad things about the "organization", I sincerely believe their stance against psychiatry is actually legitimate, and the research is genuine and not slanted in favor of any ideology the Scientologist's represent...

TheCorsair00 wrote:

Since this has been brought up before, I might as well mention it again, as others will surely bring it up: This video is strongly affiliated with Scientology. And although I don't believe in Scientology, and have actually heard a lot of really bad things about the "organization", I sincerely believe their stance against psychiatry is actually legitimate, and the research is genuine and not slanted in favor of any ideology the Scientologist's represent...

It is produced by the church of Scientology though.
CCHR is a Scientology organisation as is Scientology.TV
Scientology is a dangerous game . There are plenty of ex scientologists lowering the veil on what goes on and more are coming out to state their case.
Miscavige is currently dodging being served legal papers for human trafficking and covering up kiddy fiddling along with other sex offences.
And then there's the wee mystery of where is Shelley Miscavige?? No-one outside of the base she is at has seen her and even at that , the last time she was spotted wasa couple of years ago.,-117.2491075,18.33z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80c35717b3aa0ae7:0xf751ad1d9c0a69d5!8m2!3d34.2288201!4d-117.2484695?hl=en-GB
she's apparently at this location. if you look on the top right of the buildings srea there's a larger building. that's the entry to the nuclear bomb proof bunke5rs where copies of the works of hubbard are stoted to save them for the survivors of the coming nuclear apocalyse apparently. this according to Aaron Smith-Levine
A very informative channel with various former scientologists often on as guests. He works with the Aftermath foundation to provide practical and legal help for those who got out and also those wanting out.
With scientology there's always an angle or hook to get you in.

Yeah, I think it's weird that musicians like Beck are Scientologists. But probably low-level ones at that, maybe just enough to be blackmailed!

As for this documentary though, I think it is a worthwhile watch. To me it's the information and interviews with military personnel that have personal stories to tell about their issues with psychiatry and pharmaceutical drugs, in particular, that are important. Shoot the message, not the messenger! I think this video makes it abundantly clear that there should be at least some sort of watchdog looking at the abuses of power and crimes against humanity that psychiatry has perpetuated - even if it is, DUN DUN DUN, Scientology! At least somebody is paying attention to these issues... that's just my take on it. Why they originally became so involved in this avenue of research in the first place, I really don't know. But the documentary productions are pretty high caliber and interesting, at least to me!

I cana lso say that they can shove their drugs for it up their fucking arse!
The mindfullness stuff was fine apart from what i called "the woo woo shit" like container exercises and the "safe space exercise".. but the rest of the mindfullness i found useful. What has helped more though has been looking into a more Stoic mindfullness than the way they teach it. i foind it to be far more helpful.
what was funn y was when i mentioned to one of them was that she had no clue about the Stoics and mindfullness when i brought it up.
i found that shit astonishing. It's where mindfullness originated!

So look, name an organisation that is 100% bad or 100% good.

The catholic church? Full of paedos but also charity hospitals etc.
Governments? Sure, loads of psychopaths bent on world domination, but often people who want to help and see benefits to other humans.

Scientology is the same.

L Ron gathered information from many sources to create Dianetics and Scientology. It draws people in with the genuine, interesting, useful knowledge. This falls in that category.

Sure, later on there's a silly story about aliens. Who cares.

Bear in mind it's a minority of scientologists that harass other people and kidnap their own members etc. Most don't even know that goes on.

I've got useful things from doing "Success Through Communication", 10 hours of auditing, and reading a bunch of L Ron Hubbard books.

If you have a local church, it's an interesting couple of hours to go and get a personality test and observe how they try to suck you in :) Just don't give them your real address or phone number. Give them an old one or something.


So look, name an organisation that is 100% bad or 100% good.

The catholic church? Full of paedos but also charity hospitals etc.
Governments? Sure, loads of psychopaths bent on world domination, but often people who want to help and see benefits to other humans.

Scientology is the same.

I would have to agree with this based on all of the hard work CCHR appears to have done in regards to educating the public about the dangers of psychiatry. I have also seen the reports of problems within Scientology itself, and its not pretty, but CCHR seems to be a branch off from the main cult-ish part of the network anyways.

When it comes to information like this it's always good not to "throw the baby out with the bath water", as they say...

TheCorsair00 wrote:

So look, name an organisation that is 100% bad or 100% good.
The catholic church? Full of paedos but also charity hospitals etc.
Governments? Sure, loads of psychopaths bent on world domination, but often people who want to help and see benefits to other humans.
Scientology is the same.

it doesn't branch off. have a look at stuff from Aaron Smith-Levine, Mike Rinder ands uch. it is an entity fully controlled by Scientology and nothing that comes out of any scientology org is not allowed to "branch out2 or do their own thing. it's all under the very very very tight control of David Miscavige.
Miscavige is quite a cunt
I would have to agree with this based on all of the hard work CCHR appears to have done in regards to educating the public about the dangers of psychiatry. I have also seen the reports of problems within Scientology itself, and its not pretty, but CCHR seems to be a branch off from the main cult-ish part of the network anyways.
When it comes to information like this it's always good not to "throw the baby out with the bath water", as they say...

doing apologetics for that poxy so called church??
No need for whataboutism. This is about scientology.
have a look at this... very appropriate to the thread as well
mentioned the and a woman there for example who was hosing down the homeless while wearing a CCHR T-Shirt and a CCHR members at that!
auditing a simple method of gathering dirt on "Church" members for future use.
BTW.. fuck all organised religions everywhere. they are used by cunts to fuck people over no matter who they are. But as i said, this thread is about scientology

Not saying that doesn't happen.

It's a cult.

I'm just saying some of the info is really good.

I'm actually really interested in NXIVM stuff too, wish we could get some of their training courses :)

that is decent info is just the hook to draw you into their bullshit

It teaches you a lot about how psychology really works.

or the DVD "How to use Dianetics"

zoopenhoff wrote:

It teaches you a lot about how psychology really works.
or the DVD "How to use Dianetics"

had a look at it before just out of interest. Not a fan shall we say.

hubbard was an occultist and a follower of crowleys teachings. basically they cosidered themselves sorcerers practicing the dark arts for personal and spiritual gain. problem is its the dark side so to speeck.... the short path.i have read somewhere he stated that scietology was just a really intense powerful occult ritual spread out over ones life. anyways pretty dark shit. I am 100% sure that scientology is a cult. OTO is the origin of some of hubbrds teachings......peace

Yes, this is true and I am pretty sure it has been proven that Hubbard was a Satanist. But as it stands, I really don't know how any of that ends up connecting to information about psychiatry. I'd say it is mostly irrelevant. I remember Tom Cruise made a comment about some celebrity taking an anti-depressant and said that they were dangerous and the media lambasted him and mentioned the Scientology link. But you can have a strong opinion on something like dangerous medications and still be a Scientologist. That's the classic black versus white argument, when in reality there are countless shades of grey....